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100 famous phrases of Benito Juárez

Benito Pablo Juárez García, better known as Benito Juarez (1806 - 1872), was a famous Mexican politician and lawyer of indigenous origin who was president of Mexico on various occasions.

His sense of honor and respect among people give us an idea about the conciliatory personality of the former president, as well as his particular way of seeing his morality, honesty and separation of powers show us Benito Juárez as a person worthy of study by anyone who wants to know more about the social and cultural roots of Mexico.

  • Recommended article: "Benito Juárez: biography of this Mexican politician"

Phrases and reflections of Benito Juárez

For all this and Wherever you are from, you should read the following selection of 90 famous phrases by Benito Juárez, an illustrious servant of the Mexican people.

1. You cannot govern based on impulses of a capricious will, but subject to the laws. One cannot improvise fortunes, nor indulge in idleness and dissipation, but instead devote oneself assiduously to work, getting ready to live, in the honest average that provides the retribution that the law gives them. points.
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Benito Juárez was a person who fervently believed that public office should serve the citizenry.

2. Under the federal system, public officials cannot dispose of income without responsibility.

This great man was a firm defender of his officials and he knew that they had to act responsibly towards the people.

3. The emission of ideas by the press must be as free as the faculty of thought is free in man.

His ideas about free thought and freedom of the press are still valid today.

4. I have the persuasion that the ruler's respectability comes from the law and from a correct proceeding and not from costumes or military apparatus proper only to the kings of the theater.

He was always a firm defender of the law and democracy, he knew that these were the pillars that should foster a prosperous future.

5. I have always tried to do everything in my power to defend and sustain our institutions. I have shown in my public life that I serve my country loyally and that I love freedom. My sole purpose has been to propose to you what I think is best for your most dear interests, which are to strengthen peace in the future and consolidate our institutions.

He was a staunch defender of the rights of all Mexicans and he was always clear about his goals for those who gave him power.

6. Free, and for me sacred, is the right to think... Education is essential for social happiness; It is the principle on which freedom and the aggrandizement of the people rest.

He knew very well that without a basic education, Mexico would never be the country he was destined to be.

7. Men are nothing, principles are everything.

The principles are what make people an individual with their own character, if you lack principles you will never become relevant.

8. Democracy is the destiny of humanity; freedom his indestructible arm.

All peoples deserve to live in a society where people are represented, by those that everyone chooses within a House of Representatives. Gender and social equality must prevail.

9. Between individuals, as between nations, respect for the rights of others is peace.

Respecting each other is the principle of any civilized society, mutual respect is paramount.

10. The government has the sacred duty of addressing the Nation, and making the voice of its most expensive rights and interests heard within it.

The representatives must be in constant communication with those they represent, Benito Juárez knew this way of proceeding very well.

11. The first ruler of a society should not have any flag other than the law; common happiness should be their north, and equal men before their presence, as they are before the law; he only has to distinguish merit and virtue in order to reward them; to vice and crime to procure their punishment.

Benito speaks to us in this quote about the qualities that the president of any nation must have, the values ​​that he must have and how he must act.

12. The principle of non-intervention is one of the first obligations of governments, it is the respect due to the freedom of peoples and the rights of nations.

Benito Juárez was a firm defender of non-intervention in the affairs of other peoples, he firmly believed that each people must choose their destiny.

13. No compromising with the addicted men and with those who have become accustomed to doing their will like Moors without a master.

Benito was a firm defender that each man owed himself to his principles and that a life of debauchery was not at all worth living by a sensible man.

14. My duty is to enforce the law not only with measures from the spring of authority, but also by example to attack those who, with unfounded scruples, refrained from using the benefits granted by the law.

Benito did not hesitate to use all means at his disposal to achieve his political and social goals, as he had a duty to the Mexican people. One of the most remembered Benito Juárez phrases.

15. As a son of the people, he could never forget that my only goal must always be his greatest prosperity.

He was without a doubt a man dedicated to watching over the interests of Mexico and the rights of all its inhabitants.

16. Perseverance and study make great men, and great men are the future of the Nation.

He knew very well that a trained man was more capable of asserting himself within society, he was a firm defender of education for the little ones.

17. Free, and for me sacred, is the right to think... Education is essential for social happiness; It is the principle on which freedom and the aggrandizement of the people rest.

Free thought is one of the greatest legacies of Benito Juárez, he was always his firm defender, for which we can be very grateful.

18. Civil governments should not have religion, because being their duty to protect the freedom that the governed have to practice whatever religion they like to adopt, they would not faithfully fulfill that duty if they were sectarians of some.

A secular state is the most equitable way to defend the religious interests of its inhabitants. Benito Juárez was a defender of the separation between State and Religion.

19. It does not dishonor a man to be wrong. What he dishonors is perseverance in error.

We must learn from our mistakes so as not to make them again, the real mistake is the one we never learn from.

20. In politics, the straight line is the shortest.

A secular state is the most equitable way to defend the religious interests of its inhabitants. Benito Juárez was a defender of the separation between State and Religion.

21. Two things will fulfill my desires: the first, the spectacle of your happiness; and the second, to deserve from you, to bequeath it to my children, the title of good citizen.

He always saw himself as being tested by his kindred, he wanted to show them how far he could go.

22. There are circumstances in life in which it is necessary to risk everything if you want to continue living physically and morally.

We must take risks to achieve what we always want, if we don't we will never reach our goals.

23. Why is Mexico, my country, so strange that it is formed, half and half, from an inexhaustible source of tenderness and a deep well of bestiality?

The Mexico of the time of Benito Juárez was a country in the making, where law and order were conspicuous by its absence, he collaborated to make Mexico a better country than it was until then.

24. Let us trust that all Mexicans, educated by the prolonged and painful experience of the war communities, will cooperate in the welfare and the prosperity of the nation that can only be achieved with inviolable respect for the laws, and with obedience to the authorities elected by the people.

Benito firmly believed that Mexicans knew how to value the power of peace and democracy, on that he based all his actions.

25. My duty is not to attend to those who only represent the wishes of a small number of people, but to the national will.

He always took into consideration the future of the entire Mexican people, watching over the interests of each and every one of its inhabitants.

26. Mexicans: We have achieved the greatest good that we could wish for, seeing the independence of our country consummated for the second time. Let's all cooperate to be able to pass it on to our children on the path to prosperity, always loving and supporting our independence and our freedom.

A very emotional speech by Benito Juárez addressed to all the Mexican people worthy of keeping in our memory.

27. The people who want to be free will be. Hidalgo taught that the power of kings is too weak when they rule against the will of the people.

A defender of the freedom of all people who was always very clear about his duty to his fellow citizens, an example of a person with principles.

28. Instruction is the first basis for the prosperity of a people, as well as the surest means of making abuses of power impossible.

Education was always something that Benito Juárez wanted to promote within the Mexican people, since it is the foundation of equal rights.

29. He who does not expect to win, is already defeated.

Our attitude in the face of adversity will determine how successful we are in overcoming them.

30. Against the Homeland we will never be right.

The common good prevails over the individual good, we must act in a way that favors all of us within society.

31. It is impossible, morally speaking, for the reaction to succeed.

When we make a relevant decision for an entire country, it must be carefully considered and thought through.

32. The rulers of civil society should not attend, as such, any ecclesiastical ceremonies, although as men they can go to the temples to practice the acts of devotion that their religion dictate.

The division between the State and religion must be something tangible for society, they will have nothing to do with each other.

33. There is energy to fulfill the law; this will suffice for the nation to be saved and happy.

The laws are what makes us equal to each other, a State without law can never prosper.

34. It would be bad to allow ourselves to be disarmed by a superior force, but it would be terrible to disarm our children by depriving them of a good right, who are braver, more patriotic and long-suffering than us, will assert it and know how to vindicate it some day.

The State must be capable of making any sacrifice for the good of its people and the future of the youth.

35. We must continue the fight with what we can until we can.

We must never give up on the realization of our ideals, we must take them to the ultimate consequences.

36. I do not recognize a purer source of power than public opinion.

Benito Juárez was a defender of the free press and ideological free thought, both ways of thinking are fully accepted in any current constitution. One of the best phrases of Benito Juárez.

37. The triumph of the homeland, which has been the object of his noble aspirations, will always be his greatest title of glory and the best reward of his heroic efforts.

Benito was always a statesman, with great love for his homeland, he always demonstrated his absolute dedication to the Mexican people.

38. Everything that Mexico does not do for itself to be free, should not wait, nor should it wait, for other individuals or other nations to do for it.

A great date, don't expect others to do what you should do for yourself.

39. Perfection is the only gift that nature has denied to the human being but even recognizing it we try to perfect ourselves.

All men are born imperfect, but reaching the best version that we can become depends only on our effort.

40. There will be perfect independence between the business of the State and purely ecclesiastical business. The government will limit itself to protecting with its authority the public worship of the Catholic religion, as well as that of any other.

In this quote, Benito tells us about the separation between State and Church that he always fervently defended.

41. The good sons of Mexico have achieved it, fighting alone, without help from anyone, without resources or the necessary elements for war. They have spilled his blood with sublime patriotism, dragging all the sacrifices before consenting to the loss of the Republic and freedom.

A very moving speech from this great man, an example of integrity and honesty.

42. I did not hesitate to help in any way I could those working for the enforcement of the law that has always been my sword and shield.

He enforced the law whenever possible to ensure the future of his compatriots.

43. Love for God and neighbor, not the hypocritical simulations of practices without truth or feelings (they will return peace to the Republic).

Benito always advocated for equal rights among all citizens, without a doubt he was a revolutionary in his time.

44. Men who cannot bear the soft yoke of the law cannot be content with that order of things either, And from here comes this constant effort to destroy the federative system, substituting it with absolute power.

Benito Juárez always had to fight against other factions, especially conservatives, who were trying to take over the nation's government.

45. Without joys that inspire love for our homeland, we will be prey to the foreigner who wants to subdue us, extinguishing our race, which will be supplanted by another race.

The citizens of any country deserve a decent quality of life and basic universal resources.

46. Never abuse power by humiliating your peers, because power ends and the memory endures.

We must treat all people with the same respect, humility and education.

47. The authority is not my patrimony, but a deposit that the nation has entrusted to me very specially to sustain its independence and its honor.

Benito knew very well that his power emanated from the people and how they had raised him as their president.

48. The protection of animals is an essential part of the morality and culture of civilized peoples.

Benito is shown in this quote as a strong defender of animal rights, they also deserve to be treated with dignity.

49. Soldiers who have ever served under the flags of tyranny, remember that your motto is honor and loyalty, and that the weapons that the nation has placed in your hands should only be wielded to uphold liberty and its rights.

A very motivating speech by Benito Juárez towards the men of his own army, urging them to act with the utmost professionalism.

50. Will we let the Nation be stripped of its democratic institutions to submit it to the despotic domination of one man? No, gentlemen.

Benito made it clear with this quote that he was willing to fight for the good and the future of Mexico.

51. I feel compelled by all my gratitude, recognizing that, to be elected again, I could not have had more merit than the loyalty of my intentions.

In this appointment he thanked the people who re-elected him as president of this great nation.

52. God and society have placed us in these (political) positions to make the people happy and to avoid the evil that may befall them.

He knew that all political activity is due to and for the future of the people, he was always a man of integrity.

53. It is one of the fundamental principles consigned in the Constitution, that all public power stems from the people and is instituted for their benefit.

The benefit of the people was always the maxim of former President Benito Juárez.

54. A firm and constant will to do good will overcome the most serious difficulties.

Dedication and perseverance will achieve anything we set out to do.

55. Will we allow the evils whose consequences we still deplore to be repeated?

With this appointment, Benito made it clear that he would fight to change everything that he did not like about his own society.

56. During the years that I have held the government, in prosperous situations, as well as in adverse ones, It has been the only object of all my actions, to take care of the interests of the people and seek the good of my homeland.

Benito was always a firm defender of his fellow citizens, he fought for his rights through thick and thin.

57. Everything can be done for the good of national defense, except alienating the territory.

Benito Juárez was willing to do anything for Mexico to be the best version of itself, but always with principles of equality and dignity among people.

58. Nothing with force, everything with the right and reason; The practice of this principle will be achieved simply by respecting the rights of others.

Benito explained that a society without respect for others would never be a civilized society, he was absolutely right.

59. Nations have to fight their way out or succumb, when attempts are made to put them outside of the common law and wrest from them the right to exist on their own and govern themselves of their own free will.

Benito Juárez was a defender of his homeland, which he had to defend on countless occasions in a variety of ways.

60. Whoever does not have faith in the justice of his cause, it is better for him to go over to the enemy.

Benito Juárez's motivational speeches were always of great significance to those who witnessed them.

61. It is not just the force of arms that we need. We need a more effective one: the moral force that we must strengthen, providing the people with positive improvements, enjoyment and comfort.

He always fought to achieve a better quality of life for the people of Mexico. One of the best phrases of Benito Juárez and that marked an entire nation.

62. May the enemy defeat us and rob us, if such is our destiny; but we should not legalize an attack by voluntarily giving him what he demands from us by force.

He was a staunch defender of everything he considered fair and a staunch detractor of any kind of injustice.

63. Despots hate light and truth.

The power of truth illuminates any shadow that lies can cast, the truth always comes to light.

64. He who obscures the truth always twists the principles, to hide his faults in the darkness.

Our principles must be based on the truth and be consistent with our actions.

65. Independence and freedom, two great assets without which all others are sad and shameful.

Without a doubt, the independence of nations and the freedom of their citizens are the pillars on which any type of society is based.

66. I have not persecuted anyone because of his public opinions, not a tear has been shed for my cause. Peace is the first need of the people. But do not confuse indulgence with weakness.

Benito Juárez always defended free thought, but he would not let anyone's rights be violated, he was firm in his convictions.

67. Adversity, citizen deputies, discourages no one but despicable peoples.

Benito knew very well that Mexico as a nation had to overcome any adversity that was presented to it.

68. There is no help except in defense, but I can assure you that... the Imperial Government will not be able to subdue the Mexicans, and their armies will not have a single day of peace...

His faith in the future of Mexico and in his victory was always something that accompanied Benito Juárez even in the most difficult moments.

69. In use of the broad powers with which I have been vested, I have found it appropriate to declare that: 1. Priests of any sect who, abusing their ministry, excite hatred or disrespect for our laws, our government or your rights, will be punished with three years in prison or deportation. 2. Due to the current crisis, all the chapters of the cathedral are suppressed, except the one in Guadalajara due to its patriotic behavior. 3. Priests of all cults are prohibited from wearing their vestments or any other distinctive garments outside of churches... All offenders will be punished with fines from ten to one hundred pesos or imprisonment from fifteen to sixty days.

The separation between church and state was always something that Benito Juárez was very clear that it had to be total.

70. There is one thing beyond the reach of wickedness. The inevitable failure of history, she will judge us.

History is always the one that is in charge of putting conflicts between peoples in their rightful place.

71. The government of the republic will comply with its duty to defend its independence, repel foreign aggression and accept the struggle to which it has been provoked, counting on the unanimous spirit of Mexicans and on the fact that sooner or later the cause of rights and justice they will succeed.

A very inspiring speech that describes very well the spirit that Mexico had at that time to face the conflict that was presented to them.

72. Ours (people) have been ennobled by great deeds and we are far from being stripped of the immense obstacles, material and moral, which the country will oppose...

Benito was always a firm defender of his homeland, and he always did it tooth and nail in the face of the obstacles that came his way.

73. By accepting power, by exercising it, I have obeyed a precept and subjected myself to the demands of a duty. Far, far from ambitioning it, I have taken advantage of and even sought the opportunity for citizens to freely express their will.

Benito never had any pretensions to enrich himself at the expense of his people, he fought for Mexico to reach the place it deserved in the world.

74. Republican at heart and by principles, the power that I exercise will only be used to procure your happiness (that of the people) and to repress vice and crime, and in no way to display a foolish pride, common food of souls little.

Benito also fought crime that Mexico suffered at that time, he helped improve the quality of life for all Mexicans.

75. The ruler is not the man who enjoys and prepares for himself a future of happiness and good fortune; he is, yes, the first to suffer and work and the first victim that the oppressors of the people have designated for sacrifice.

As president, he always imposed a large amount of work on himself, because he knew that he was the one who should represent the interests of his people the most.

76. With the Constitution we will triumph because we defend the interests of society and because, as I have said again in this place, God protects the holy cause of freedom.

The Constitution is what makes all the individuals that make up a nation equal and grants them inalienable rights.

77. As the only reward for my labors during the struggle, I always longed for Providence to grant me the satisfaction of witnessing the triumph of the Mexican people and the complete restoration of order constitutional.

Without Benito Juárez, Mexico would never have become the nation it is today, a benchmark of impeccable integrity.

78. The government has sought in the budgets, the savings compatible with good public service and recognizes the need to dictate energetic measures.

The government made decisions that influenced all aspects of life in Mexico.

79. If I were merely a private individual, or if the power I wield were the work of some shameful riot, as was the case many times before the entire nation supported its legitimate government, then I would not hesitate to sacrifice my position.

Benito Juárez would never have hesitated to abandon his position if Mexico had benefited from it.

80. As my parents did not leave me any patrimony and my uncle lived from his personal work, after I had the use of reason I dedicated myself, as far as my tender age allowed me, to work in the fields.

At his early age, Benito also did farm work to earn a living.

81. On December 17, 1818, at the age of 12, I ran away from home and walked to the city of Oaxaca, where I arrived at night of the same day.

At the age of 12, Benito ran away from his house to start his life alone, he was never afraid of improving.

82. In the first days I dedicated myself to working in the care of the grana, earning two reales a day for my subsistence.

When he worked in the fields he earned very little money with which he could only survive in a very precarious way.

83. I spoke the Spanish language without rules and with all the vices with which the common people spoke it.

In his youth, the lack of training made Benito speak in a somewhat coarse way, as he describes in this sentence.

84. The Liberal and Retrograde parties took their particular denominations calling the first “vinegar” and the second “oil”.

In his early days in politics, Juárez was able to witness situations as curious as the one he describes.

85. A few of us were left supporting that house with our daily attendance at the lectures.

In his adolescence he lived in a house with other boys, while he studied in the city of Oaxaca.

86. Many of my companions deserted, terrified by the powerful enemy that was chasing us.

Juárez found himself involved in situations where he was persecuted for expressing his ideas, which he later fought to eradicate.

87. The payment of obvenciones was regulated according to the greedy will of the priests.

He had bad experiences throughout his life with the church, which is why he always advocated the separation of church and state.

88. The government lacked sufficient funds to make the defense and it was necessary that Congress provide the means to acquire them.

In his political career, he had to carry out a thousand maneuvers for Mexico to achieve its objectives, without which Mexico today would not be the same.

89. He did to me what the fabled wolf did to the lamb when he told him it was clouding his water.

Benito was the victim of smear attacks towards his person, but he always knew how to overcome them successfully.

90. Just as there were many who appeared in the liberal party as the staunchest defenders of the principles of the revolution, but that after he committed the most shameful defections, joining the ranks of retrogrades and traitors to Homeland.

Juárez saw on many occasions how people can move from one side to another with great ease, but he was always clear with his ideals and fought for them until the end.

91. Be constant in the study and you will make the homeland a better place.

His life was devoted to that end.

92. Hidalgo taught that the power of kings is too weak when they rule against the will of the people.

Miguel Hidalgo was the Father of the Mexican Nation.

93. The country is always right.

Juárez always had a patriotic vision of his mission.

94. The emission of ideas is free.

Freedom of expression and of the press are essential in any democracy.

95. My sole purpose is to generate prosperity.

During his tenure this was his main objective.

96. Damn those who defend the people with words and betray them with their deeds.

A phrase loaded with patriotic meaning, which has gone down in history.

97. Democracy is our destiny.

Benito Juárez fought all his life for what he considered the supreme value: democracy.

98. Principles are everything.

Without principles we will not be able to achieve any of our goals.

99. Disgrace is persevering in our error.

Juárez always advocated the virtuosity of people.

100. We respect the rights of others.

The basis of all democracy is respect for the rights of others.

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