Education, study and knowledge

Greater than, less than or equal

The greater than, less than or equal symbols are widely used in Math of any level. But above all, in Primary education they are used a lot to order numbers.

In this video I will explain how to differentiate these signs and use them.

The equal sign it has no difficulty since it indicates that two numbers are exactly the same. So if we come across the number 2 twice we can say that 2 = 2.

The greater than signs and of smaller than many children confuse them. So that this does not happen there is a very simple trick. All you have to do is look at the symbol. The symbol of greater than (>) indicates that the largest number has to be on its left since the opening (the largest side of the symbol) is on the left. Instead, the minor number would be placed on the right since the vertex (the minor side of the symbol) is on the right. So, if we want to say that 9 is greater than 7, we would indicate it this way: 9> 7. The symbol of smaller than it is exactly the same as greater than but in reverse. In the video you can understand this explanation much better.

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Also, if you want to practice these symbols I have left you some printable exercises on the web with their solutions so they can be easily corrected.

If you have any doubts or questions about this topic, you can also ask me through the section that we have dedicated to this on our website.

If you want to read more articles similar to Greater than, less than or equal, we recommend that you enter our category of Arithmetic.

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