Two-digit addition problems carrying
We continue with the videos of problems with addition. In the previous video I was teaching solve addition problems two figures without wearing. Now we are going to complicate it more with the two-digit addition problems leading. All addition problems are solved in the same way and will be more or less difficult depending on the difficulty of the addition.
In this video I explain through examples how to solve two-digit addition problems carrying. Remember that to do these problems it is very important to follow a series of steps. First of all and the most important is to read the statement carefully and understand what the problem asks of us. Then I recommend following three more steps: write the data that gives us the problem, do the operation corresponding (in this case the sum) and write the problem solution. It is also very useful to help yourself with simple drawings to better understand the problem but this, although optional, is only a recommendation.
After watching the video, the children will be able to do the
printable exercises that I have left on the web where you will find problems similar to those that I have explained in the video. In addition, they will be able to correct them since they will be able to check them with the solutions which are also on the web. If you have any questions about something I am explaining, do not hesitate to ask me through the space dedicated to this.