Education, study and knowledge

Harder Carrying Subtraction Problems

We continue with the educational videos of how solve subtraction problems. In the previous videos I taught you how to solve subtraction problems without carrying and subtracting with easier ones. The you subtract carrying They can be more complicated and that is why I wanted to make a special video with subtractions of this type.

In this video I will show you solve subtraction problems leading more difficult. They will be more difficult either because it will be necessary to do more than one subtraction to solve it or because the subtractions will be a bit more complicated. As always we will follow a series of steps to solve the problems: read the problem statement well, know what data gives us the problem and what it asks of us, think about the operation What will have to be done to solve the problem and write the solution of this.

In addition, I have left you some printable exercises with their solutions with which you can practice with subtraction problems similar to those explained in the video and correct them yourself. I hope they help you!

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