Education, study and knowledge

Adding problems of three or more digits

In the previous videos I have explained how solve addition problems very simple with sums of one or two figures carrying or not carrying. Little by little the problems with addition get more complicated so it is important to keep practicing solving problems.

In this video I will explain through examples how to solve addition problems of three or more figures. The procedure to solve them is always the same: read the statement well of the problem, look at the data what they give us, decide what operation is the right one for the problem and get it right and write the problem solution. All these steps will be easier for children if they use simple drawings to better understand the problems.

Also, after seeing my explanation in the video you can print the exercises with their solutions that I have posted on the web. So your children can continue practicing with the addition problems of three or more figures to be all experts.

If you have any questions about the problems, do not hesitate to ask me through our website in the section dedicated to this on this page.

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