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3 types of DIPHTHONGS

Types of diphthongs and examples

Surely you have heard about diphthongs in your language class and it is possible that this is the reason why you are consulting this article. diphthongs They are a very common concept in the Spanish language and are easy to identify, once you have understood them correctly and know all the types that exist.

In this lesson of a PROFESSOR we want to explain to you what are the types of diphthongs and examples so that you can recognize them in the texts and classify them in the category to which they belong.

a diphthong is a combination of two vowels in a row in the same syllable, which is found within a word. These diphthongs can be formed by:

  • two closed vowels or also known as weak. These are the "i" and the "u". For example: win.
  • One closed and one open vowel or vice versa. The open or strong vowels are "a", "e" and "o". For example: quota or queen.

It is important to know that two open vowels in no case may form a diphthong, Rather, these must be separated into two different syllables, forming another phenomenon known as hiatus. The hiatus is the separation of two contiguous vowels within a word.

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The use of the letter "h" in the middle of two vowels will not prevent the occurrence of a diphthong. It will also be possible to form a diphthong with the letter "y", since it has a vowel sound very similar to "i".

Once you know what a diphthong is, let's go to the topic that interests you: the types of diphthongs that exist.

exist three types of diphthongs which are classified according to the order in which the vowels occur within the syllable of a word:

  • growing diphthong: The growing diphthong is one that is formed by a closed vowel followed by an open vowel. For example: post.
  • decreasing diphthong: The decreasing diphthong is the one that is formed from an open vowel, followed by a closed vowel. For example: landscape or vanilla.
  • Homogeneous diphthong: The homogeneous diphthong is one that is formed with two closed vowels in a row in the same syllable. For example: widow or care.
Types of diphthongs and examples - What are the types of diphthongs

let's get you some examples of words containing diphthongs, so you can see this phenomenon put into practice. We have separated them according to the type they correspond to in their classification, so you can focus on learning each one of them.

Examples of growing diphthongs

These are some examples of growing diphthongs:

  • open (to –bier – to)
  • irguió (go – guided)
  • acquired (ad – qui – laughed)
  • irrupó (i – ruptured)
  • warned (ad – vir – tió)
  • clean (clean – pious)
  • water water)
  • assassination (mag – ni – ci – dio)
  • Germany (A – le – ma – nia)
  • matricide (ma – tri – ci – dio)
  • ambitious (am – bi – cio – so)
  • millennium (my – le – child)
  • environment (environment)
  • mission (mission)
  • amnesia (am – ne – sia)
  • moved (mo – saw)
  • previous (an - te - prior)
  • tooth (tooth – the)
  • ancient (an-ti-guo)
  • bat (mur – cie – la – go)

Examples of decreasing diphthongs

These are some Examples of words that contain decreasing diphthongs:

  • angry (ai-ra-do)
  • air (air-air)
  • aerate (air-re-ar)
  • airy (ai-ro-sa)
  • isolated (iso-la-do)
  • insulating (ais-lan-te)
  • warden (al-cai-de)
  • subside (a-mai-nar)
  • audience (audience)
  • audit (au-di-to-rí-a)
  • shave (a-fei-tar)
  • sill (al-fei-zar)
  • Ceuta (Ceuta)
  • debt (debt)
  • debtor (debtor)
  • eucalyptus (eu-ca-lip-to)
  • euphoria (eu-pho-ria)
  • European (eu-ro-pe-o)
  • boycott (boi-co-te-ar)
  • beret (boi-na)
  • celluloid (ce-lu-loi-de)
  • heroic (he-roi-co)
  • I hear (I hear)
  • American American)

Examples of homogeneous diphthongs

we leave you with some examples of homogeneous diphthongs:

  • City (city)
  • Podium (po-dium)
  • Diuretic (diu-ré-ti-co)
  • Daytime (daytime-no)
  • Polyurethane (po-liu-re-ta-no)
  • Miura (miu-ra)
  • Widower (widower)
  • Triumph (triumph)
  • Very very)
  • vulture (vulture)
  • Attribute (to-tri-buir)
  • Contribute (con-tri-buir)
  • care (care)
  • Circuit (circuit)
  • Neglect (neglect-care-give)
  • to interfere (in-mis-cuir)
  • Bedouin (be-dui-no)
  • Include (in-clude)
  • Exclude (ex-clude)

Examples of sentences with diphthong

Now we are going to give you some examples of sentences containing diphthong. We have marked the word that contains the diphthong in bold, but are you able to identify which type they belong to?:

  • The man uses umbrella and beretalways that it's raining.
  • There is a lot snow on the streets.
  • He journalist it is directed toward the conflict zone.
  • Marcos will finds in a meeting for refinance his debt with the bank.
  • Went to the theater to see an excellent play.
  • The recidivism he is an aggravating circumstance, according to what the judge that attends the cause.

Now you know the types of diphthongs that exist and you have seen some examples of each of them. If you are interested in continuing to delve deeper into all the phenomena of the Spanish language, we recommend that you Consult our grammar and linguistics section, where we will give you the most useful and easy-to-understand explanations. grasp.

Types of diphthongs and examples - Examples of the types of diphthongs

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