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What is the linguistic REGISTRY and examples

What is the linguistic register and examples

Language It is a very complex medium that humans use to communicate with each other. But, there are different ways to transmit a message, depending on what the sender wants to get to the receiver and these are known as linguistic registers.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to explain what is the linguistic register and we are going to give you some examples so that you understand all the forms that we have available in the Spanish Language, to transmit a message with absolute clarity.

The linguistic registers are the different language levels that we use to transmit a specific message to a receiver. Depending on the social class to which the speaker belongs or the cultural level that he has, these resources can vary greatly.

Furthermore, depending on who the message is addressed to (students, family, clubs, circles of friends, professionals, etc.) the use of language will adapt.

A person usually uses various levels in her normal life.


For example: Doctors do not speak in the same way when they are communicating among themselves in a colloquial way, as when they have to give information to patients in a much more formal way.

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What is the linguistic register and examples - What is the linguistic register?

In this section we are going to introduce you to the types of linguistic registers so you can analyze each of them and see the similarities and differences between them.

cult record

He cult record either formal record is the one in which it is used perfect grammar and vocabulary in a specific language. To use it, the speaker must have a high knowledge of the language and master all the resources that it offers. We can find this type of record in writing, more specifically in literary or scientific texts. This is a good way to express complex thoughts or convey knowledge.

standard record

He standard record is the common language used normally on a day-to-day basis and is regulated in each language. This concept of "standard" only applies to vocabulary and grammar, but has nothing to do with each person's accent. That is to say, the Spanish of Seville is as standard as that of Salamanca, as long as the lexicon and syntax correspond to the norm.

colloquial register

He colloquial register or also known as informal recordis the one we use in our daily life to communicate with our friends or family. It is the most widely used variety in the language and is generally characterized by being spontaneous, relaxed, oral and expressive. He always tries to respect the norm, although sometimes he commits some socially accepted impropriety.

vulgar record

He vulgar record it is characterized by break language rules and use vulgarisms. Usually, it corresponds to the deficient linguistic formation of the speaker and it is usually more difficult for the listener to understand, unless they belong to the same circle.


jargon is a special language used by a distinct social group. Only people belonging to the same group will understand this type of vocabulary. Sometimes different professions use certain jargon that is difficult for people in other trades to understand.

What is the linguistic register and examples - Types of linguistic registers

we leave you with some Examples of the different linguistic registers that exist.

Example of cult record

This is a Example of a text written in cult register:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to address you to let you know that our company is going through one of the most fruitful moments since it was founded, back in 1940, by the family O'Donnell."

Standard Record Example

These are some standard record examples:

  • The house is very pretty, I love the color of the walls.
  • Disyllabic words are those that can be divided into two syllables.
  • This year will be one of the best for the economy.
  • There was a robbery in the back street.

Example of colloquial register

These are some of the expressions we use incolloquial language:

  • What if we go to the movies instead of the theater?
  • Haven't you seen TV?
  • It was luxurious.
  • Change that face, will you?
  • Great!
  • I mean.
  • How old is he!
  • He's stupider than a donkey.

Example of vulgar registration

we leave you with some examples of vulgarisms and its corrections:

  • To the best (to the best)
  • I grabbed and left (then I left)
  • how are you (how are you)
  • You ran (you ran)
  • Go to the house of (go to the house of)

slang example

These are some of the words that are only used in a certain jargon:

  • Button ("police" or "informant" in popular jargon)
  • Marriage (this is what they call a chorizo ​​and a blood sausage on the grills)
  • Hanged (for "misplaced" or "distracted" in adolescent and youth jargon)
  • NN (unidentified individual, from English "No Name", in police jargon)

We hope this lesson has been able to help you understand what is linguistic register through explanations and examples. Do not hesitate to consult our grammar and linguistics section to continue delving into this topic.

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