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Elements of multiplication

In this new opportunity, from a PROFESSOR we bring you an extremely important topic in the branch of mathematics: elements of multiplication that characterize it as a mathematical operation.

As a review, we can start by saying that multiplication is the mathematical or arithmetic operation which consists of finding the result of adding a number as many times as another indicates. We can also understand multiplication as a way of abbreviating addition and simplifying many operations where multiplication is involved directly or indirectly.

Precisely what we will see in this present lesson are the core items that make up this mathematical operation called multiplication, and as is customary in a PROFESSOR, we will give you some examples so that the explanation is as enriching as possible. Go for it.

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  1. Summary of the elements of multiplication
  2. The multiplying
  3. The multiplier, another part of multiplication
  4. The product
  5. The multiplication sign
  6. How to do a multiplication?
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Summary of the elements of multiplication.

In this video we explain what the elements of multiplication. Multiplication is made up of different parts or elements:

  • FACTORS OR COEFFICIENTS: are the numbers that are multiplied. There are two, the multiplying, which is the number being multiplied and the multiplier, which is the number by which the multiplicand is being multiplied.
  • PRODUCT: is the result of multiplication
  • SIGN: called "by" and represented by the letter "x" or by a period ".".

This arithmetic operation is made up of several elements such as: the multiplicand, the multiplier, the product and the sign. In the next sections we will explain each of these elements and their specific characteristics and functions within multiplication.

Likewise, we can mention that each mathematical operation, including multiplication, can have endless variants and be very different from each other, naturally. However, in the case of multiplication, some basic elements that are common to all operations, which help us to identify and visualize multiplication in a more general and complete way.

From a PROFESSOR we bring you these basic elements of multiplication, which can be summarized in the following.

The multiplying.

Basically, this item is about the number that we are going to multiply (as many times as the multiplier indicates). Typically, in multiplication this number is placed at the top of the operation, above the multiplier, the sign and, of course, the result or product of the multiplication.

Elements of Multiplication - The Multiplying

The multiplier, another part of multiplication.

This element represents the number that multiplies the multiplier, as Professor Cristina says. In addition to this, both the multiplicand and the multiplier are called factors or coefficients.

Although they are separate elements within the operation, both are factors or coefficients in the multiplication, as we have mentioned before. This item is visually between the multiplicand and the product. It is also to the right of the multiplication sign.

The product.

This element of multiplication is simply the result of the operation; that is, the result of multiply the multiplier times the multiplicand. This element is in the lowest part of the operation, as indicated by Professor Cristina in the video for this lesson.

This is the element that we cannot notice from the beginning but that when it appears it means that the operation has reached its end point since it is the conclusion of the operation. When a multiplication of more than one digit, then the result or product will be released after adding a sum of all intermediate products.

The sign of multiplication.

The multiplication sign is usually associated with a cross (x), when the operation is carried out vertically. However, as can be seen in the video, there are also some texts that use the period (.) As a sign to refer to multiplication.

Likewise, in more advanced courses we can see how multiplication is understood by means of a parenthesis. For example: 12 x 6; would be the same as writing: 12 (6).

On the other hand, and by way of conclusion, from a PROFESSOR we give you some tips to carry out and order a multiplication.

How to do a multiplication?

To perform a multiplication, the first thing you must do is order the numbers: the multiplier must be at the top and the multiplier at the bottom. Once you have the numbers located, you must place the sign "by" (x) to the left of the multiplier and draw a line at the bottom (below which the result of the multiplication).

These tips, as you can see, are for the classic multiplication vertically. If what you are going to do is a multiplication horizontally, it is even simpler; since you must place the multiplicand next to the multiplier, always separated by the sign that is located in the middle of both elements (whether an x ​​or a point is used), and then place the result to the right of the operation and the sign of equality (=).

With this summary and these little tips, we hope they have helped you to advance in this exciting world of mathematics, and as always since unPROFESOR we encourage you to practice with exercises and examples, and any questions that arise you can always consult our portal to progress in your studies. Go ahead and cheer up.

If you want to read more articles similar to Elements of multiplication, we recommend that you enter our category of Basic operations.

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