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Urban art: discover the diversity of street art

A feita nas ruas art, also known as urban art or street art, is expressed through various artistic languages.

Perhaps the most well-known seja or graffiti, but there are also performances, art in stickers, lambe-lambes, street performances and other varied interventions.

Found in streets, squares, walls and other public places, this type of manifestation interact directly with people, I go to find them not daily.

Therefore, many times she is related to social, political and questioning issues, tracing messages that make us reflect on the world around us.


Or graffiti, or graffiti, is manifested in the streets by means of painting. Generally, they are colorful walls with diverse designs, made on walls, properties and other surfaces in public places.

sua origin dates two years 70, USA, not context of movement hip hop, being the Bronx New York neighborhood its biggest redoubt.

Because it is an art made in shared places, with a large circulation of people and without supervision, the paintings have a

instagram story viewer
ephemeral character, or say, they are passengers, because they are exposed to the action of the weather and of other people.

It is important to highlight even though this expression arises as form of protest, plotting rebellion and answering messages, or that currently is not always verified in urban art, but it is still very present.

In Brazil, we have many graffiti artists who stand out, among them the brothers Otávio Pandolfo and Gustavo Pandolfo, known as The twins.

Graffiti two Twins representing a yellow boy on the ground
Work of "Os Gêmeos", in Vale do Anhangabaú, in São Paulo (2009). Photo: fernando souza

People generally refer to graffiti as the designs made by hand with spray ink, but there is also another form of painting very common in the urban context: stencil.

In this type of art, a cut mold is used to create drawings that can be reproduced several times.

Two famous contemporary artists who use this technique are banksy, a British man of unknown identity who makes questioning works in several cities around the world.

Banksy stencil shows woman falling with shopping cart
Banksy stencils. Photo: United Kingdom

urban performance

The performance uses as support or body of the artist not intended to perform a action that affects and swallows reflections to the viewer.

In the context of urban art, it presents some particularities, such as the fact of being executed fromsurprise, provided that the public is prepared or has gone to the place where it occurs.

Likewise, an urban performance normally it happens unexpectedly, going to meet people on the streets, squares or other places of community.

To better understand how these dynamics can sensitize the trainees, see the work of the group of artists do Collective diversion with the CEGOS performance, held on Avenida Paulista, in São Paulo, in 2015.

CEGOS Urban Performance (Paulista Avenue, 2015)


You lambes, ou lambe-lambes, são letters cast on surfaces in cities, such as tapums, walls, light boxes or other public places.

Cartazes de lambe em parede na rua.
Cartazes lambe em muro. Photo: atopetek

It is normally in rectangular format. Paper pieces, they were originally fixed with a glue based on farinha and water.

In the beginning, these cartazes were used as a propaganda vehicle (ainda são), later, artists appropriated the technique to disseminate their works in the form of letters tracing messages various.

Sticker art (art in stickers)

This type of artistic manifestation to work is made in small format. They are adhesives produced many times by hand, cast on plates and other urban supports.

Art in stickers in urban plaque (sticker art)
Art in stickers in urban plaque (sticker art). Photo: public domain

They customarily draw reflections of a social, political and cultural nature, which can be disseminated by many people, since, because we are discreet, collage happens more easily.

living statues

In places with intense movement of people, such as large urban centers, is common to the presence of artists making presentations of living statues.

living statue painted gold sitting in illusionist position
Photo: shutterstock

This is a specific performance where the person fantasizes and has a painted body to pass through a statue. In this way, these artists remain immobile for a long time, making subtle gestures to attract the attention of the public, which contributed with a spontaneous payment.

The techniques used by those who practice this art are varied. Everything is valid to give the illusion of immobility and, many times, that it is fluctuating.

Urban installations and interventions

Art installation is a work of art that uses or space as an essential element in his conception. When we speak in urban installations, we must consider that these works will be on the streets, occupying public spaces, interacting with the city and with the people.

As well as the other aspects of street art, the installations or interventions often cause important provocations to think about the city and the relationship that we develop with it.

An example is the work of an Italian artist Fra. whiteshock, who has intervened in various cities, always drawing a questioner. I don't work below, we have the representation of a person in a street situation that was "engulfed" or smeared by a specific person.

urban intervention shows boneco how it is estivesse esmagado by property
Fra urban intervention. whiteshock. Photo: Biancoshock

site specific

The specific site (or specific site) is another modality of urban intervention, created for a specific place, as its own name says. Also, yes works planned for a pre-determined place, which is normally related as environment and or context.

Because we will be in urban places, we can be easily accessed, contributing to the democratization of art.

Escadaria Selarón, not Rio de Janeiro. Escada all colorful feita hair artist Selaron
Escadaria Selarón, in Rio de Janeiro, is a specific site of Chilean Jorge Selarón. Photo: marshallhenrie

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  • Banksy's most fantastic and controversial works
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