15 Gender Bias In Yang Liu's Pictograms
in his latest book Man meets Woman (“Man meets woman” would be the Spanish translation), the Chinese artist Yang Liu reflects on and makes a scathing criticism of certain gender stereotypes, through a series of amusing pictograms in which he manifest the tendency of our culture to adopt double standards to measure different attitudes or behaviors according to the gender of the person who makes.
In this series of pictograms, fantastically realized, you can observe how culture modulates the thought of the society to impose certain standards according to some aspects or personal characteristics of each one.
Gender prejudices, still in force
Why is the girl who has a lot of sex a libertine, and yet a boy who flirts a lot is considered a seductive? Do men speak little and directly and women are more complicated and indirect in their communication? These and 13 other gender prejudices spectacularly treated by the Chinese plastic artist.
Let's hope these images revive the sexual cliché debate that, in the 21st century, our societies still suffer from. One more step towards a society more aware of sexism,
micromachismos and, ultimately, the different forms of discrimination and inequality.1. The best weapon according to each genre
2. The great seducer and the libertine vixen
3. What does each gender look for in a relationship?
4. Competition
5. the necessary luggage
6. Magazines for women and magazines for men
7. Self-perception of body image
8. What each gender thinks when the other does not speak
9. Is it true that men communicate much more directly than women?
10. Perverted or sexy?
11. The story of sexual experiences
12. Focus or Multitasking
13. Modern and independent man vs Housewife
14. Perverted vs Daring
15. Ideal partner according to age
What is your opinion of the work of this Chinese artist?
Do you think that the sexual and gender stereotypes described in her designs remain in your society? We await your opinion.