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Top 4 Features of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the very popular psychological intervention models known for being effective and versatile, applicable to a wide range of problems to be treated. of the predominant methodologies in current psychological intervention due to its effective results.

Here we will know the hallmarks of cognitive behavioral therapy, with a summary of the way in which it works from it to help people.

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What do we understand by cognitive-behavioral model in psychotherapy?

Cognitive behavioral therapy includes a number of useful techniques and strategies to help those with psychological needs or problems (not necessarily psychopathological), based on the method scientist. These forms of intervention aim achieve a profound change in the cognitive and behavioral processes of the person, making it have more resources to deal with certain situations.

This type of therapy is applied in a great variety of psychological disorders and problems in the way of relating to other people. Historically,

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originated in the 1950s and 1960s as a response to the behaviorist view of emotions and human behavior, understanding that the latter was too reductionist and limited; however, in a certain way it is heir to the forms of therapy proposed by behaviorists.

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Characteristics of cognitive-behavioral therapy

Let's see what are the main characteristics of the cognitive-behavioral model.

1. Focus on the present

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is based on a bio-psycho-social conception of the individual; that is, it assumes that the way people think, feel and behave is the product of a dynamic process and always changing in which the biological predispositions of the body participate as well as the social context in which one lives. Therefore, it does not so much look for the causes of problems in the remote past (for example, childhood years) as in the present, starting from an analysis of what happens in the day to day of the person in that phase of his life.

2. It takes into account what is known as cognitive schemata

One of the main functions of cognitive behavioral therapy is to achieve a change for the better sustained over time, from the modification of the so-called "cognitive schemes". These are a system of recurring thoughts, beliefs and feelings that constitute the "circuit" of mental elements from which the person interprets what happens to him, and even his own identity as individual. That is, it is a kind of ideological filter through which we draw conclusions about what happens in the world and in oneself.

Sometimes, the psychological problem appears, among other things, because the cognitive scheme that we have developed is dysfunctional, that is, it leads us to fall into a series of errors over and over again. For this reason, in cognitive-behavioral therapy these kinds of problems are detected and work is done to modify cognitive schemes, offering other alternative ways of interpreting things.

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3. Take into account the power of habits

cognitive behavioral therapy It's something like a training program., in the sense that it is not intended to achieve sudden and revolutionary changes in a single session, but that the improvement will appearing gradually, through several sessions carried out periodically / in most cases, one session weekly).

This implies doing practical exercises that go beyond the theoretical, since achieving the goals of therapy is not based simply on thinking, but on carrying out a series of actions. mental exercises that, at the same time, are linked to physical exercises: you have to interact with the environment in certain ways, participate in certain situations, etc

In this way, it is easier for the person to transform their habits in order to self-train and consolidate the change for the better in their day to day, without the need for the professional to be present.

4. Works through both avenues of intervention at the same time

Since from the cognitive-behavioral model he understands that the human mind is not something isolated in the head of each person, but is linked to day-to-day actions, the way in which he proposes to approach problems is act in two ways: that of ideas and beliefs, on the one hand, and that of interaction with the world and with others.

This principle is embodied in the main techniques that are included in the cognitive-behavioral paradigm, which are explained below.

1. Exposure Techniques

The Exposure Techniques are the most used in cases of phobias, anxiety disorders or similar disorders, and consist of expose and confront the person to their source of fear and anxiety.

As anxiety is reduced, the person learns to manage her emotions, while reconfiguring her cognitive and thought processes, thus overcoming her fears.

2 Systematic Desensitization

Systematic Desensitization is another of the classic techniques in the cognitive-behavioral approach and also consists of exposing the person to its stimulus that generates anxiety or fear, but having previously incorporated and trained a series of adaptive response mechanisms that act in the opposite direction, inducing a state of relaxation.

In the same way, and thanks to the application of positive behaviors in the face of the stimulus, anxiety goes away. progressively reducing and ends up disappearing, which causes a change at a cognitive and emotional level in the patient.

3. Up Arrow Technique

This is one of the techniques present in most interventions with cognitive-behavioral therapy and consists of modify the patient's thought schemes, identifying their maladaptive patterns and the influence they have on their daily life.

The mechanism used in this technique is based on asking a series of questions about thoughts, emotions or beliefs that the person has at the present time, and in analyzing the usefulness and influence of each one of them in his reason for consultation.

This technique is aimed at cognitive restructuring, that is, that the person manages to eliminate negative or maladaptive thoughts that constitute the origin of her discomfort.

4. Modeling Technique

The Modeling Technique consists of that the patient observe the behavior, activity or interaction that he wants to learn in another person and take his model as an example of action.

This technique can be applied live, it can be staged or performed using virtual reality techniques.

5. Stress Inoculation

Stress Inoculation consists of help the patient understand how stress can affect them and in subsequently providing them with a series of cognitive and behavioral tools and strategies to deal with stressful situations and get used to what causes fear.

The objective of this technique is for the person to train each of the tools offered by the therapist and learn to overcome stressful situations without blocking.

Are you interested in attending psychological therapy?

If you are thinking of starting a psychotherapy process, contact us.

In Advance Psychologists we have more than two decades of experience serving people with all kinds of problems; We currently offer professional support to adults, children and adolescents, as well as family and couples therapy services, and neuropsychological and psychiatric assistance.

Bibliographic references:

  • Field, T.A.; Beeson, E.T.; Jones, L.K. (2015). The New ABCs: A Practitioner's Guide to Neuroscience-Informed Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 37(3): pp. 206 - 220.
  • Gratzer, D. & Khalid-Khan, F. (2016). Internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of psychiatric illness. CMAJ, 188(4): pp. 263 - 272.
  • Olivares, J. & Y Mendez, F. X (2008). Behavior Modification Techniques. Madrid: New Library.
  • Seligman, L.D. & Ollendick, T.H. (2011). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders in youth. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 20(2): p. 217 - 38.

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