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Tatiana Barbaran: "It is false that marijuana is not harmful because it is natural"

Drug addiction is more than a medical complication: this kind of drug dependence Addictive substances have a psychological dimension that should not be overlooked when it comes to face it.

So, We have interviewed the psychologist Tatiana Barbaran, who has been working for years in the care of people with drug addiction problems from the therapeutic strategies that work.

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Interview with Tatiana Barbaran: drug addiction in adolescents and adults

Tatiana Barbaran is a psychologist specializing in the care of adults and adolescents, and director of the "Psico aliados" psychology center, located in Trujillo. In this interview she talks to us about the psychological problems associated with drug addiction.

What myths and misconceptions about drugs and addictions seem most prevalent in today's society?

One of them and the most listened to is associated with alcohol. As this is a legal drug in most countries, and easily accessible, it is beginning to normalize. Phrases such as: "having a drink with friends is not bad" are heard, "alcohol won't hurt me like marijuana or cocaine"... However, some studies have shown that the abuse of this substance can generate addiction, because when consuming it releases hormones known as endorphins, which produce in our body a sensation of wellness.

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Also, some believe that it is easy to stop ingesting some type of chemical. "It is about will and firmness in our decision." This is not always correct, especially when these people made a habit of eating a substance, that is, they abuse consumption, and for this, professional treatment is needed to counteract the symptomatology. In some cases, the multidisciplinary work of a psychiatrist and psychologist is even necessary.

Another of the myths that today have been heard frequently, has to do with marijuana or THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). Due to its natural origin, it is believed that its effects are not very harmful to the health of the consumer. However, its commercialization has increased, therefore, work is done on the plant, manipulating its growth, and its natural components turn out to be altered. It is false that marijuana is not harmful because it is natural.

Finally, one of the myths that were also created over time refers to the implemented resource to “forget the moment”, explained in: “If I consume this or that substance it is only to forget the bad time that happens". In other words, drugs are seen as a resource to deal with everyday problems. While these chemicals inhibit some of our cognitive processes and stimulate happiness hormones, their The effects are for short periods, and will leave emotional or physical havoc that leads again to the search for substance.

Is age an important factor in understanding addictions and how they affect people?

Psychoactive substances do not really discriminate by age, social, economic or religious condition, although it is The age of onset of consumption in the life of many people who became dependent on a drug is very remarkable. substance.

Many of these cases had their onset at an early age such as puberty or adolescence, and were maintained over time. It is clearly an important factor, since the trigger for it comes from the family and the resources it provides to deal with problematic situations; Based on this, important points such as emotional support emerge, because the family is the main nucleus for the improvement of the consumer.

It is therefore understood that the support and involvement of the family during treatment is essential to achieve good results. In the case of adolescents, there is a greater probability of progress in treatment when the parents are interested in the problem; however, there are adults who do not always have the support of family or loved ones, and are seen as people who "decided to take that path." As a result, treatment abandonment or relapse is obtained.

What types of drugs do you think young people are most exposed to?

He explained that the easiest drugs to reach are those that are legal in our country and that can be obtained in nearest shops, such as alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, and what was very recurrent a few years ago: the use of terokal. In one of the latest studies carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO), Peru ranks third in America among the countries with the most trade in alcohol; The consumption of the substance has been normalized, in such a way that the use of this substance is implanted in our lives as a recreation, celebration or leisure activity.

In addition, today there are micro-marketers that distribute THC, cocaine OR PBC (Basic Cocaine Paste), in minors quantities and at a lower price, which turns out to be easily accessible for young people who start experimenting with consumption, and even also for adults.

What psychotherapy strategies and techniques do you find most helpful when working with addiction patients?

The approach that has obtained the best results so far is the cognitive-behavioral one, due to the validity that could be verified at a practical level; Many of the techniques that are approached from this approach are related to psychoeducation of the client, recognizing those behaviors that interrupt treatment or contribute in a way negative to it, extract resources that will be used in development, such as the creation of new strategies that help to avoid or face situations that are threatening or risky.

All this is always worked with a support figure, be it a family member or friend with the appropriate profile that allows the development of the consultant in an environment that is more beneficial for their health. And they work throughout the scheduled sessions.

And what kind of support should be given to the families of addicted people so that they contribute to the good progress of the therapy?

As I have mentioned, the participation of relatives or people from the consultant's close environment is crucial to carry out the treatment. It works not only with the person in question, but also the family takes counseling and some therapy sessions, this because they are emotional support.

Family members are in charge of providing support in the face of all the problems in order to help their family member, and consequently, in some cases codependent behaviors have been observed. In other words, in all the activities they carry out, they show excessive concern about what may be happening to the client. This affects development in different areas, whether at work, with friends, partner or again with other family members.

Group therapies are also created with the consumer's family members, since in this context the family member gets to know a story similar to his / her seen from another point of view; the group offers information based on experience, and acceptance and empathy are felt, as all participants go through a very similar problem. It also helps to unload all those emotions that you have regarding what happened.

In what ways do you think psychotherapeutic care for people with addictions has improved in recent years?

According to the different changes and investigations that occurred in recent years, it has been seen that, as a result of the consumption of any toxic substance, a series of psychological problems develops in the human being or psychopathological. That is why professionals are constantly training and informing us of new studies.

Likewise, new approach measures are taken into account in order to provide the necessary support both for people who suffer from addictions as well as for their relatives, since it is necessary to cover all the consumer's needs, which will also vary according to the situation. In other words, although the approach that has provided the best results so far is the cognitive-behavioral approach, the techniques provided or the approach that is given should be better adapted to the individual so that he can meet all the needs required.

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