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At the end, or what is art?

Art is a way of being human to express itself. Despite being made more varied meios, languages ​​and techniques, artists generally share or wish to convey feelings and emotions.

A question on the art concept is complex and divides many opinions. This variety of responses also looks like the topic is very interesting. At the end, for you, or what is art?

Definition of Art

First of all, we must clarify that There is no single definition of what is art. It is difficult to have an absolute meaning for an activity that brings together such a vast and diversified production.

More ainda assim é possível dizer que it is related to the need for human communication e, in its majority, expressing emotions and questions, both existential, social, or purely aesthetic.

Also, artistic manifestations can be carried out through a series of different platforms, Like painting, sculpture, engraving, dance, architecture, literature, music, cinema, photography, performance, etc.

Arte de rua também é arte?
Art of rua também é art

About a Palavra Arte

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A word art derives from the Latin word "ars" What do you want to say? skill, technique.

Second or dictionary of Latin thermos, "ars" means:

Way of being or of proceeding, quality.
Skill (acquired hair study or pela practice), technical knowledge.
Talent, art, skill.
Artifício, cunning.
Ofício, profissão.
Work, work, treaty.

In terms of word itself, second or dictionary, the word "art" is defined as:

to the ability of the human being to raise or to love, as a product of the individual action, of the genre and of the sensitivity of the artist, making use of his faculty of inspiration; externalization of two sentiments of an exceptional genius, capable of dominating matter and thought, regardless of a utilitarian purpose.

Collective importance of art

We can say that artists, to a large extent, intend to provoke society, debate, question situations, many times it is little discussed and stimulate collective and individual consciousness.

Art is intimately linked to the historical time in which it was produced, being considered by some as a I reflect or register do seu tempo. The words of the English art critic Ruskin:

As great nações escrevem his autobiography in three volumes: o book of his ações, o book of his words and o book of his art (...) Nenhum after three books can be understood as long as you have the other two, more than three, or the only one you can trust. latest.

More final, or what is a work of art?

Or what face of an object or a work of art? Would it be the original intention of the artist? Is there any figure or institution with authority to affirm that a certain piece of art (a curator, a museum, a gallery owner)?

From the end of the 19th century, some artists began to question the subject. Passaram then to ask himself in a more systematic way, quais we were Limits of art and that it was possible for its supposed authority to define an artistic object.

This is the case of urinol (a Fonte, 1917), a controversial work attributed to Marcel Duchamp (rather than speculating that it was the idea of ​​the Polish-German artist Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven).

Fonte, Duchamp
Fonte (1917), attributed to Duchamp

An object was removed from its everyday context (a urinol) and moved into a gallery, making it happen to be read as a work of art.

Or what happened here was the statute of the fish: the output of a banheiro where it has a function, a daily use, and it happens to be observed in another way when it is available in the room of an artistic space.

Or a transgressor gesture intended to question the limits of art: at the end, or what defines an artistic object? Or what is a legitimate work? Is it legitimate?

The artist's escort provokes (and even provokes) certain resistance in a public plot. These questions continue to be open and a series of thinkers and philosophers have yet to discuss them.

To understand more about or subject, read: Works of art to understand Marcel Duchamp and Dadaism.

First artistic manifestations

Human beings, from the most remote times, will feel the need to communicate. Still not Palaeolithic, in the first phase of prehistory, objects were produced with a utilitarian function, as well as designs and other manifestations.

These artefacts and manifestations serve both for create a spiritual bondl how much for strengthen or coletividade feeling between them. Assim, art is one of the most ancient expressões da humanidade.

The first artistic manifestations that were reported were news of Prehistoric Art and dating from before 30 thousand BC. C.

Rock art is an example of prehistoric art and consists of drawings and small paintings on the walls of caves. For us, it was possible to see homens and animals interagindo, which is always in a position of action.

Rock art.
Rock art

Types of art

Originally costumava-is considered seven Types of art. O francês Charles Batteux (1713-1780) not seu livro As fine arts (1747) categories as artistic manifestations from two following labels:

  • Painting
  • Sculpture
  • Architecture
  • Music
  • Poetry
  • Eloquência
  • Dança

Por sua vez, for the Italian intellectual Ricciotto Canudo (1879-1923), author of Manifesto das Sete Artes, you seven types of art were:

  • Music
  • Dance / Choreography
  • Painting
  • Sculpture
  • Theater
  • Literature
  • Cinema

As new breeding seasons, other modalities are being added to the original list. São elas:

  • Photography
  • Quadrinhos
  • Games
  • Digital art (2D and 3D)

Importance of art

Trying to attribute a function to art can be a perigious strategy. In contrast to other productions where there is a goal, art does not need to exist a practical utility.

In any case, this is an activity that, among other things, should serve as taste, ou seja, uma emotional cleanliness, being possible to expunge what anguish or artist and, in a greater sense, a society. It would be a form of purification, of letting the traumas be released through an emotional discharge caused by the work of art.

Some people, on the other hand, prove that a function gives art and beautifies life. This criterion is quite doubtful, because it is so beautiful that a lot depends on the personality of that interprets and, mainly, what is considered beautiful in a certain time, culture and society.

There is also a belief that art works to promote individual reflection, stimulating consciousnessgives us human condition.

O fato is that art can encourage social and collective reflection, fazendo florescer uma nova visão on matters that have been silenced, also constituting an important agent of transformation Social.

Conheça also

  • Contemporary art: what is it, when it arose, main works and movements
  • Examples to understand what is visual arts
  • Or what are the visual arts and quais as suas linguagens?
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