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Helena, by Machado de Assis: summary, personagens, sobre a publicação

Published in 1876, the romance Helena was written as a major fictionist in Brazilian literature, Machado de Assis (1839-1908) and belongs to the first phase of the author's career, considered romantic.

Divided into 28 chapters, or urban romance, which faced harsh criticism of the XIX century society, it was originally published in a folhetim format, not a daily newspaper O Globo, between August and November 1876.

I summarize

A story told by Machado de Assis was called a cenário or traditional bairro do Andaraí, located in Rio de Janeiro.

Narrated in third person by an oniscient narrator, or Machadian romance set during the nineteenth century, it narrates surprises and misfortunes um forbidden love.

Chapter I begins as the death of Conselheiro Vale, a rich, widowed, fifty-four-year-old, who dies naturally.

O Conselheiro Vale morreu às 7 hours on the night of April 25, 1859. He morreu of fulminant apoplexy, little depois de cochilar a sesta, - second costumava dizer, - and when he was preparing to go play the usual voltarete game

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Or senhor who abandons history at the first page of the book for instant death of a single filho, Dr. Estácio, and a single woman, of about fifty and a few years, girl D. Úrsula, who was heading home from or falecimento da cunhada.

It treats of a very popular subject in the region, or Conselheiro occupies a high place in the society and wine of a traditional family. This evening meeting a public composed of more diverse social classes, for about two people to have dinner in the last year of his death.

Dr. Camargo, doctor and long-time friend, found a will and opened a manhã following year of death, in the company of two other two testates, Estacio and Father Melchior.

Foi or doctor or first to read or testament and to verify: "Do you know what will be in here? Maybe a lacuna or a great excess ". I know what to say to the deceased family, or friend reflects on or matter and no day after promises to return with more conclusions. Provoke or suspense was found to be a medical hair to prepare the spirits for the unexpected news.

On the next day, Dr. Camargo returns, opens or a will with all the required legal formalities, and communicates that the document contains an unexpected piece: to Helena.

For everyone's surprise, or Conselheiro Vale acknowledges no testament to the existence of a natural filha, called Helena, of seven years, who had been with Mr. Ângela da Soledade.

A young man would be in an internment in Botafogo and, second to his death instructions, he should go live with the family being a legitimate herdeira gives his fortune, as well as Estacio. O Conselheiro still asked that menina be treated with care and affection, as I know of her marriage.

Estacio and Úrsula jamais have been ouvido falar em Helena. At the first reaction of Úrsula, I was able to completely rejoice her niece, oiling just to hand over the part of the house, but never to receive it at home. To aunt, even before meeting the young man, he has considered an intruder, a man who does not have to love two relatives.

Estacio, for his time, suddenly made a decision to do pai ("Receberei essa irmã, as she was raised with me. Minha mãe faria com certainty to same coisa "). After the death of the young woman, she was known for her generosity and capacity for forgiveness, so that she suffered from similar characteristics to the genitor.

Or it demonstrates at the same disposition to the friend of the country, during the opening of the testament, that "this young woman must acquire this family home and family affections."

In spite of her, I have not known mãe da nova irmã, D. Ângela da Soledade, Estácio não cared about the future: "How much of a social layer does it belong to? Helena, he did not care very much, I am sure that they will know how to raise filha até à class that she is increase". It is worth noting that the era described by Machado de Assis or berço was an essential element to perceive or place as a subject in society.

Helena was physically described as a slim, lean and elegant girl, despite having modest attitudes. As the feições da moça are highly idealized narrator hair, check below or detail the description of two traces of Helena:

A face of her, from a brownish-pêssego, tinha a mesma imperceptível penugem gives fruit of that tirava a cor; naquela occasion tingiam-na uns long cor-de-rosa, at the beginning more items, natural effect of abalo. Thus, the pure and severe lines of her face seemed to be tracing religious art. Be the hair of it, chaste like you olhos, instead of dispositions in duas grossas tranças he fell back on the shoulders, and Be yourselves olhos alçassem as pupils ao céu, disséreis um daqueles anjos adolescents who trace to Israel as mensagens do Senhor. She would not demand a higher art correction and harmony of feições, and the society of bem could be satisfied with polity of ways and gravitas of appearance. Something only seems less appreciative to the irmão: we were olhos of her, or before or olhar of her, whose expression of curiosity sonsa e suspeitosa reserve was the only senão that she was achou, and was not small.

But when she was young, she was barely hairy about her physical attributes, her personality was also able to snatch two affections that we were around:

Helena tinha you own predicates to capture the trust and affection of the family. She was docile, kind, intelligent. We were not, contudo, nem ainda a beauty, your talents for effective excellence. Or that to become superior and the probability of triumph was given, it was the art of accommodating the circumstances the moment and the whole caste of spirits, precious art, that face you have homed and esteem as mulheres.

Despite the initial resistance of the aunt, Helena is warm by the house and the family. Finally, when Úrsula becomes adolescent, she finally gives in to the kindness and availability of the new sister and goes on to protect, as was or desired the initial exposto hair irmão, or Conselheiro.

Em meio to this turbulence of events, Estacio noiva com Eugênia, a filha Dr. Camargo, uniting, unfortunately, the two families two great friends. However, it is true that the raptor happens more and more time with irmã, Helena, and she becomes disenchanted with respective fiancée, who does not show the same physical and psychological attributes of her parentage. uncovered.

Mendonça, for the time being, a long-time friend of Estácio, year of meeting a nova irmã do rapaz, Helena, enchants himself madly. Or a little boy pede a mão da moça em casamento, but, enciumado, Estacio não allows the relationship to unfold.

It is true that, in few years, Estácio began to create feelings for Helena. A growing anguish because the affection seems to go beyond a simple admiration provided by the amizade and or the young man is afraid of failing his own irmã. Or author, in this way, sets a love that is socially prohibited.

Finally, Estácio discovers that Helena, na verdade, was filha de criação do Conselheiro Vale, por isso os dois no eram, na verdade, irmãos de sangue. O Conselheiro criou a menina since I was little with D. Angela, or affection and sense of obrigação teriam that emerged just after conviviality, one time that Vale was not a biological pai da garota.

As a homem of bons values, Estácio resolves to obey the will of the country, even knowing that Helena was not his biological filha.

With the bombastic news, finally, the romantic love between Estácio and Helena could be realized.

Not so, or in the end it does not promise to be happy for the young man or woman. Helena suddenly adored and died, leaving Estacio in despair.

Or romance is locked as a final traffic, showing or desperate lament of the raptor:

- I lost everything, father-master! Gemeu Estácio.

Author Warning

Assinada by M. de A., at the author's notice, inaugurates at the height, Helena's nova edição. Not a short text, composed of just two paragraphs, Machado clarifies the alterations made from one edition to another.

It is worth underlining that the author does not face any alteration in terms of content, despite underlining that or livro was composto em um passedado longínquo, becoming, author, a composer of another kind of construction site. It is nice that the public reader is able to assist or reassure the breeder about his transformation of his work.

It is about a generous gift of Machado, who has chosen not to alter history, and I am reconfirmed that "each work It belongs to his time "and that a jovial writing present in Helena should be preserved as it had been conceived na height.

This new edition of Helena has several language amendments and others, which do not alter the release date. It is the same as the date that I composed and printed, other than what time it gave me, also corresponding to the chapter of the history of my spirit, naquele year of 1876.

Do not blame me for hair that I have achardes romanesco. Two that actually, this one was particularly pregnant to me. Agora same, how long ago I went to other and different pages, ouço um remote echo to or reread these, echo of mocidade and fé engênua. It is clear that, in any case, lhes tirar a feição passada; each work belongs to or seu tempo.

Personagens principais

Conselheiro Vale

Viúvo, pai de Estácio and irmão de Úrsula, or Conselheiro Vale dies of natural death years fifty and four years and deixa um controversial testament até então unknown disposed of part of his herança for a filha bastarda, Helena. A decision to die had immediate impacts and radicais not filho, Estácio, and na irmã, Úrsula.


She is the protagonist of the story. Supposedly filha do Conselheiro Vale com D. Ângela da Soledade. A menina of seven years was studying in a school in Botafogo when her life changed completely: thank you to the last will. Hair Conselheiro, Helena tinha direito to receive not only part of herança, as she also should be warm for the family of pai.


Legitimate filho of Conselheiro Vale, Dr. Estacio has twenty and seven years and was trained in mathematics. Despite two efforts of the country, he never entered for politics but for diplomacy. Assim that he received news of Helena's existence, he immediately acknowledged the idea that he would be irmã.

D. Angela da Soledade

Mãe de Helena, she has been related as Conselheiro Vale for years.


Irmã do Conselheiro Vale, Úrsula was fifty and a few years old and lived as an irmão and as a nephew since she died each year. Her role was to get home. When he receives news of an unexpected niece, he vehemently glares at menina.

Dr. Camargo

Great friend of Conselheiro Vale, even though the friend (fifty and four years old) was of total trust Family, how he maintains relações Estreitas e Antigas, and found the will of the deceased that left clear as suas intentions. He was described as unfriendly at first glance, physically as cold and hard as feições.


She lived not Rio Comprido as her husband, or Dr. Camargo, and with her only family, Eugênia.


Unique Filha of Dr. Camargo with D.Tomásia. She was considered a flor dos olhos do casal. She fica noiva from Estacio.


A friend of Estácio, he asked Helena's hand in marriage, but he did not have a request for accommodation.

Father Melchior

Old friend of the family Vale and two testairos designated by the Conselheiro.

About a publicação

Helena was a romance initially published in the format of a non-day paper O Globo between the months of August and November 1876. Not the same year, not yet, or text was compiled and published in the form of a book.

Helena foi or third romance published by Machado de Assis. The first was Ressurreição, in 1872, and the second A mãe e a luva, in 1874.

First edition of romance.
First edition of romance.

Leia na whole

Or romance Helena It is available for free download in PDF format.

Adaptação for mangá

In July 2014, the Machadian romance Helena was adapted for history in a quadrinho by Studio Seasons. The artists are responsible for the adaptation for Montserrat, Sylvia Feer, Simone Beatriz and Maruchan. The editor in charge of the project was a NewPOP and a publication with 256 pages.


Conheça also

  • The most famous works of Machado de Assis
  • Conto Missa do Galo, by Machado de Assis
  • Machado de Assis: life, work and characteristics
  • Livro Senhora, by José de Alencar
  • Livro Lucíola, by José de Alencar
  • Livro Quincas Borba, by Machado de Assis
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