Freud e a psychanalise, as principais ideias
O pai da psicanálise, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), one of the leading Western thinkers, revolutionized or studied mind and still a very short time to teach us.
Accrediting nessa maximum we gather here the main conceitos developed by Austrian psychiatrist.
O início da carreira de Freud: the first experiments with cocaine
Freud debuted the first steps studying brain anatomy, various articles chegaram to be published by researcher on the subject. For hours and hours doing non-laboratory dissections, trying to understand or complex operation.
Freud's primordial experiments with cocaine took place in 1883. At the same time as the objective or treatment of depression, it gives a sudden change of mood and visava, in a general way, obtaining an increase in energy.
When he produced his first jobs, the doctor confirmed that he was involved in a revolutionary substance and failed to foresee that it was a vitiating product.
When he was still a resident of the General Hospital of Vienna, in July 1884, Freud published an essay in the magazine Therapie chamado
Über Coca on or use of cocaine and serious effects. Confira a short stretch:There are ample indications that, on the basis of coca, Indians can support exceptional tasks and carry out heavy work, if they need adequate food at all times. Valdez y Palacios affirms that, with the use of coca, the Indians are able to travel to Pé for hundreds of hours and run more depressing than digging, they will show no fadiga.
Or doctor who will prescribe a substance for the same with some regularity - because it sofria with crises depressão - and also indicated for close people.
As he developed the investigations, Freud chegou to be accused later at times, as well as the Erlenmeyer researcher of divulging and propagating or using a vitiating substance (which would become a third place for humanity, only losing to alcohol and to morphine).
In order to defend himself as a psychoanalyst he escreveu um artigo em 1887 chamado Observations on or cocainism and cocainophobiaIt was assumed that the substance caused chemical dependence.
Freud's first patients and his innovative technique
After years of dissemination and research in the laboratory, Freud was trained in medicine and went on to work as a neurologist.
His specialty was from people who suffered from hysteria, a little misunderstanding among the doctors themselves. Dedicated, he wanted to understand gênese da doença and find a cure for his patients.
Uma doença: to hysteria
At first, Freud suspected that people with hysteria all suffocated at some point in the life of some sexual trauma and associated neurose with this component.
As a result of mental education, second to the first studies of the psychoanalyst, it would probably be a suffocated sexual abuse during childhood, many times it is committed in one's own country.
After some time, Freud abandoned this reductive theory and began to question whether other origins would be for a mental teaching.
From error to error, it will be discovered all true.
A cure: hypnosis and electrotherapy?
At the time, hysterical people were treated only with hypnosis and electrotherapy. More logo or psychoanalyst perceive that electrotherapy does not work and for isso passou to look for new approaches to the problem.
Freud continued making inquiries as brain-over-all dissection, but he was abandoned to electrotherapy, persisted with the practice of hypnotic transection in our patients. Despite the technique, I have shown results, or the effect was not lasting - the patients failed when they were in transit, but when they returned or the effect was passava. In search of a cure, or a doctor to seek alternative treatments.
Freud developed an innovative technique for his own time: he suggested that, during the consultations, his patients falasse, preferably dated olhos, deited em um divã, e deixassem or thought to flow, through uma free association of ideias.
Assim emerged an innovative psychoanalysis.
Burning temples to see and ouvidos to ouvir, he is convinced that you mortals cannot hide anything. That one that does not fala like the lips, fala like put two fingers: we carry each other by all the pores.
O nascimento da psicanálise
Freud confirmed that the patient's speech was a very powerful source of information about his pathology. Or doctor requested that his patients commit to Falar all or that you see the mind.
Or a psychoanalyst intended, like an archaeologist who works from two remains of a buried city, to excavate or that was hidden. Ideia was use or passado to interpret or present.
Freud's premature conclusion was that you hysterics would be angry because they repressed some question.
A solution for or wrong would then be aware, dislocated or was not unconscious for or conscious. Return to conscious repressed questão - that was the cure that Freud credited at the time.
Thus great things can be revealed through small hints.
Freud reduced the importance of real experiences and passed to give prominence to the internal process that the people that we have lived through. For the analyst, he should pay extreme attention to the report of two patients and not to fix what event itself, but not how or how the person absorbed such a situation.
Ideia was stimulate or flow of thought two doentes and understand what form or discourse was organized with repetitions, lacunas e, for times, disconnected images.
We are not just what we think we are. We are more: we are also that we raise and here that we skew; We are the words that we exchange, the deceits that we commit, the impulses to which we give 'sem want'.
The essential work of the psychoanalyst should therefore be to observe the background of the language used.
O functioning of the psychic apparatus
The poets and philosophers who preceded me will discover or unconscious: or that I discovered was a scientific method of study.
Ha doctor, Freud bought a bag to study in Paris for a few months. He ended up being guided by Charchot, a tireless researcher who passed through life trying to find out or who was behind his conscience.
As a teacher and counselor, Freud learned that there was a level of consciousness and, in contrast to what it was customary to think, Our mind was not properly transparent.
Instigated by Charcot, or psychiatrist procurou understand the fund or mechanism of psychic functioning He systematizes it to be able to alleviate or alleviate two patients who suffer from neuroticism.
In conclusion, Freud chegou was scary for his own time: at the end We were not the senhores das nosas vontades because a huge plot of our decisions are guided by unconscious hair. A Freudian tese, broadly considered at the beginning, placed a check on the notion of arbitrary freedom and of inteira rationality.
Freud's first objective was initially to unravel hysteria, to find at the root of doença and consequently Finding a priest, logo or psychoanalyst discovered that he needed to go more fund and know of Fato or Nosso Aparelho psychic.
Freud divided or psychic apparatus into three layers: either conscious, or pre-conscious and or unconscious. O psychoanalyst focused on his attention and his work especially for that last instinct, which was where he accredited that his questions would be stressed.
To access either unconsciously and consequently or what was stressed, psychoanalysts should observe linguagem two patients (deviations, lapses, as repetitions, repressed impulses, bodily language) and also investigate the two doentes, who will reveal themselves as precious sources of information.
At least two dreams
Freud mistrusts that you sonhos continham secret messages. As far as your contemporary physicians we rule out dreams as a source of reliable information and not relegavam any importância, or psychiatrist, an innovative move for him or her, will decide to discuss or subject:
A psychological investigation shows that either I am the first member of a class of abnormal psychic phenomena, giving which other members, such as hysterical phobias, as well as Obsessed and delirious, they are faded, for practical reasons, to constitute a topic of interest to doctors (...) I wanted to have failed to explain to Origin of dream images can hardly hope to understand phobias, obsessions or deliriums, or fazer with how a therapeutic influence is felt about them.
Or psychoanalyst wanted answers for questions-chave: or what or brain produced when it is asleep? And for what reason does the body spend energy producing your dreams? What is the meaning of the messages transmitted when we sleep?
For Freud you dream of being able to be a ferramenta to perceive the concerns of two individuals: as manias, you traumas, as phobias. He was interested in finding out about it or that it was not possible to access when it was agreed.
They dream of you, Freud accredited, we could conter as chaves do segredo da mind. It would be appropriate for analysts to interpret this information, especially by perceiving it or making it known during a free association of ideas.
Um two most important works do pai da psicanálise foi o livro To interpretation two sonhos, published in 1899 and currently available in pdf.
Finally, what was Freud?
Sigmund Schlomo Freud was born in Freiberg in the year 1856. It was filho de um casal judeu que teve sete filhos, Sigmund era o mais velho.
O Freud's country was a small merchant and, when he was less than four years old, his family moved to Vienna.
Studious and well-versed, with 17 years Sigmund entered the Faculty of Medicine of Vienna and began to work in a non-laboratory directed by Professor Doutor Brucke. In 1881 he virou neurologist.
Three years later, he worked as doctor Josef Breuer in cases of hysteria by using hypnosis. Foi during this period that to psycheanize the first serious steps.
In 1885 Sigmund went to study in Paris as a French neurologist Charcot where he developed his overcoat or his interest in unconscious hair.
Throughout his life he continued to search for possible cures for his psychiatric patients, and he especially revealed about cases of hysteria.
Avant-garde, the development - initially sozinho - to psycheanism.
Freud was married to Martha Bernays. Together they have six filhos: Anna, Ernst, Jean, Mathilde, Oliver and Sophie.
Freud died in London on September 23, 1939.
You want to know more about the French psychoanalyst assisting or documenting Or young Dr. Freud:
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