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Stonehenge: or prehistoric monument of stones

Stonehenge It is a great stone monument, located in England.

There are about 3000 a. C. This work began to be built and, second scholars, took a volta of two thousand years to be completed.

A construction is considered one of the most monumental and fantastic of the pre-historical period, being two postcards from Grã-Bretanha and taken as world heritage.

Wave fica e o que é Stonehenge?

There are huge rocks arranged in a circular manner that, even with many years of research, caused ainda questions and questions to the curiosity of historians and archaeologists, in addition to the public geral.

A construction is located in the county of Wiltshire, 137 kilometers from London, capital of England. It is made up of circles of stones with a height of 5 meters, the heaviest weighing 50 tons and the smallest weighing about 5 tons.

Stonehenge monument

Foram as people of the Neolithic period that built the structure. Isso means that they are not dominant in writing and are metais, but they have developed instruments created from polished stones.

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This was a great work that took a long time to finish. I know that it was carried out in different periods, extending about two millennia between its beginning and its end.

Another important point is that the construction has also been abandoned for a long time.

Assim, the first phase of the work dates from 3100 BC. C, when a pit was built in a circular format, with a diameter of 98 meters. Also, 56 openings dug in a circle.

In a second moment, 2100 BC. C, a 3-kilometer "avenue" was opened. Já na final phase, em 2000 a. C, the rocks were finally erect, so much so that we form pillars, as many smaller stones that form a tunnel.

They were also raised at the time of two circles with 30 cavities each, which perhaps are ready to collect more rocks, in the meantime it is not happening.

As you ask for Stonehenge: how to fix it?

Through studies, it was found that these rocks were removed from distant stones at 400 kilometers from the local area. I did not bring them alone, they were transported by trains carried by many homens. Já no caminho that passed through the sea and rivers, foram moored in rudimentary canoes.

Going to the local area, they were deep buracos na terra feitos, and as an aid to Alavancas as stones were not only encaixada, being fixed with other small rocks.

Eram feitas ainda platforms of wood, at the end of erguer plus a rocha at the top of the stones arranged in pairs, chamadas de trilithons.

You mysteries of Stonehenge: why was it built?

Or the main enigma behind the great feito, é sem dúvida, as motivations that lead human beings to build it.

Although the purpose of the monument is not clear, due to the lack of written records and the large temporal space that separates us, there are some hypotheses.

There have been studies that suggest that Stonehenge I was raised as an intuition of being a species of observatory of two celestial stars, isso because sometimes you will be foram dispostas alinham-se like the sun and the moon, depending on the moment of the year.

Or sun entering circular architecture of Stonehenge

Outra tese that the place constituted a religious center, a priest, perhaps a place for a meeting of Druids (Celtic intellectuals).

Also, there are uncovered mortal remains of people that are likely to be part of the elite of civilization, or that suggest a cemetery.

Historians' interference in Stonehenge

The archaeological site was uncovered by volta do seculo XIII.

I do not know XX the studies around the place are intensified and interferences formed in order to try to "reconstitute" the original construction. Assim, you ask that we were fallen back upright.

Contudo, these interventions may be modified to dinner - same as scholars guaranteeing that no. O fato raised questions about the preservation of historical heritages.

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