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Elis Regina: biography and main works of the singer

Elis Regina (1945-1982) foi uma singer of enormous success No brazil. Recognized by many as the greatest interpreter of the country, the trouxe vitalidade, emoção e expressividade for the musical cenário in the 60's and 70's.

Dona of an intense personality, the singer had a life quite disturbed and failing prematurely, 36 years old, due to an overdose.

Elis has important partners in music and was responsible for revealing great composers.

Singer Elis Regina

Biography of Elis Regina

First years

Elis Regina de Carvalho Costa saw the world on March 17, 1945, born in Porto Alegre, not Rio Grande do Sul. Her country was Romeu Costa and Ercy Carvalho.

Elis discovered music very much in her life, beginning her career eleven years old, in 1956. Foi nessa time that she entered for a program da Radio Farroupilha, in Porto Alegre. To attraction she was chamava O clube do guri, It was commanded by Ari Rego and turned for the children's audience.

Musical career

Later, in 1960, a singer entered na Gaúcha Radio e, no next year, it was your first album released. Entitled

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Live to Brotolândia, or LP was feito when he was six years old.

Second, there are two responsible for the release of Elis forram Wilson Rodrigues Poso, a Continental recording officer, and Walter Silva, music producer and journalist.

Ainda in Rio Grande do Sul, Elis released other albums, I added that in 1964 she was never doing many shows in Rio de Janeiro in São Paulo. Nesse ano, she was invited to integrate or program Gala Noite. Lá, she knows Ciro Monteiro, who would present or display and depois would become her first musical partner on TV.

In 1964, Elis fixed a residence in the city of São Paulo and began to appear no Beco das Carafes where she meets Luís Carlos Mieli, musical producer, and Ronaldo Bôscoli, important figures in his costume. In 1967, Elis married Bôscoli.

In 1965, the singer participates and expires 1st Brazilian Popular Music Festival, made by TV Excelsior, where she sings Dragging, music by Edu Lobo and Vinícius de Moraes, who affectionately called "Pimentinha".

Ainda nesse ano, she compõe Sad love that will die, the only music of her authorship of her, made in partnership with Walter Silva and recorded in 1966 by Toquinho, only instrumentally.

She appeared beside the singer Jair Rodrigues or quadro O Fino da Bossa, na TV Record, between 1965 and 1967, where she released or album O dois na Bossa, becoming-reminded of bandages.

The following years were dedicated to her technical and vocal evolution, it was also when Elis became known internationally.

In 1974, she released in partnership with Tom Jobim or famous album Elis and Tom. In 1976 it was time to record Fake Brilhante, fruit of the homonymous show, born in a partnership with Myriam Muniz and César Camargo Mariano, as she was married between 1973 and 1981. Many other albums were launched as a singer during her career.

Elis Regina was an important person not combat at the Brazilian military rank, positioning-se conta o regime que assolou o country from 1964 to 1985. She was not imprisoned or exiled because of her enormous gratitude.

She declared in various interviews from her point of view and opted to interpret many songs that were critical to date.

Death of Elis Regina

Elis Regina morreu on January 19, 1982 after ingesting alcohol, cocaine and tranquilizers. Burned in disagreement, he went to hospital, he was in love with her at the time, Samuel Mc Dowell.

O velório ocorreu no Teatro Bandeirantes, where she appears or no show Fake Brilhante. Or grave in Cemitério do Morumbi, in São Paulo. At precocious death, the singer was a great shock to the country.

You filhos by Elis Regina

Elis Regina has three filhos. Or more velho, fruit of marriage with Ronaldo Bôscoli, or businessman and musical producer João Marcelo Bôscoli, born in 1970.

Her relationship with César Camargo Mariano born Pedro Camargo Mariano, in 1975 and Maria Rita Camargo Mariano, in 1977. Dois also follow the musical career.

Elis Regina Music

Some of you give music that fizeram great successso in the voice of Elis Regina, foram:

Like our country (1976)

Like our country é perhaps o major successso na carreira de Elis, was recorded by ela in 1976, integrating the album Fake Brilhante. Or songwriter or musician Belchior, that I also recorded in 1976 I did not record Hallucination.

This music draws a great sentimental charge on the context of the epoch, not the rise of the military character, not Brazil. A letter also charged with a confrontation between gerações, perhaps by isso seja tão atual ainda hoje.

Elis Regina - "Como Nossos Pais" (Elis Ao Vivo / 1995)

To know more deeply about this music, read: Like nossos pais, by Belchior

O bêbado e a tightrope walker (1978)

This is a composition by João Bosco and Aldir Blanc, dated in 1978. Elis a gravou em 1979 no disco Essa mulher, and the music was the major successor to the album. As a forte I appeal against the dictatorship, I was seen as a very strong freedom and Anistia.

O bêbado e a tightrope walker

Águas de março (1974)

Águas de março is a song by Tom Jobim from 1972 that was recorded by Elis Regina on the album Elis and Tom, 1974. Entrust the singer in presentation for the Ensaio Program, da TV Cultura.

Elis Regina - "Águas de Março" - MPB Special

Film about Elis Regina

In 2016 it was released or film He is, which portrays singing life. Directed by Hugo Prata, a produção traz atriz Andreia Horta interpreting Elis Regina.

A history narrates the life of the singer from or from the beginning of the career tied to her tragic death.


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