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Top 10 events of MPB commented

In a generic or thermic way, MPB refers to music produced in Brazil since the times when the territory was colônia, a result especially of a mixture of cultures. In a more strict way, it is customary for the acronym MPB to make a reference to the musical movement produced after the 1964 coup.

Some two great names from MPB são: Tom Jobim, Chico Buarque, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Elis Regina, Raul Seixas, Belchior and Elza Soares.

Relembre now some two major events of our popular Brazilian music!

1. Águas de marçoby Tom Jobim

Elis Regina - "Águas de Março" - MPB Special

A song composed by Tom Jobim ficou eternalized in the voice of Elis Regina and ganhou or world turning uma das dez musics most played no planet i don't know XX.

A composition was also chosen by more than two critics in 2001 as well as by the same old Brazilian music.

A letter, brought up by Tom, was not his place in Pedro do Rio, the crucial moment of his career emerged. composer that vinha felt frustrated by not being able to place more nenhum trabalho depois da Bossa Nova.

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Mergulhado not alcohol in depressão, the uncharacteristic cycle of tempo was inspired to create a letter with which we all managed to relate.

A song was depois translated into English and Spanish The waters of march.

2. Walking Metamorphby Raul Seixas

Ambulant Metamorph

O major classic by Raul Seixas, Walking Metamorph It was composted in 1973 and, because it is so powerful, I see myself going through gerações. A composition was included in the first album only by a chamado artist. Krig-Ha, Bandolo!.

A letter fala about freedom e a We always need to reinvent ourselves, praising Mudança and the importance of repeating our opinions.

Raul assumes here that we should not stick to a true engessada and, sim, we will always reconsider what we think.

Gosta by Raul Seixas? Then explore or artigo As genius musics by Raul Seixas.

3. Drãoby Gilberto Gil


Quem disse que só de amor vivem as canções? A prova da falsidade dessa affirção é Drão, some more beautiful compositions of the MPB than Gilberto Gil created in homage to his divorce.

A testemunha or carinho letter felt by Sandra Gadelha, more than three serious filhos of her (Pedro, Preta and Maria), and the affection that remained between the two depois da separação.

Autobiographical, a song does not register rancor or sentiments ruins, Gil escolhe celebrate the love lived between you two years over so many years and the legacy that this relationship deixou.

Com uma solar e generous perspective, or eu-lyrical acknowledges that your feelings change as you pass the tempo, but this change does not mean that the affect ends and it becomes transformed.

Take the opportunity to unveil more details of Music Drão, by Gilberto Gil.

4. Like our countryby Belchior

Like Nossos Pais

Raised in 1976 by Belchior, by letter Like our country It became known as a large public through the voice of Elis Regina.

Despite being a deeply dated song - a portrait of a time - the fala I know about the days of browsing for trying to universal sentiments.

Belchior em seus verses fazia reference to ditadura e as consequences two years of chumbo not day-to-day you give people. He criticizes or fato two Brazilians - especially two young men - will be stagnant, conformed, reféns do half.

In spite of pointing or fingering for that position, or eu-lyrical they are hopeful for melhores days.

How about knowing more about a Music Like Nossos Pais, by Belchior?

5. Happiness happinessby Caetano Veloso

Caetano Veloso - Alegria, Alegria

Who doesn't know about chorus verses "Walking against o vento, sem lenço e sem docu?"

To music, which took place in the fourth place in the 1967 Record Festival, was a framework of tropicalismo and lembrava os ouvintes da necessidade - especially two young people - by Terem freedom, aspiration difficult to be possible with the harsh repression that affects the country.

By letter and a record of Brazil dates from the time and marks a geração.

Explore more of the history Music Alegria, Alegria, by Caetano Veloso.

6. Mystery of the planet, two Novos Baianos

Marisa Monte, Novos Baianos - Mystery of the Planet

Or major successor two Novos Baianos, Mystery of the planet is a song that fails to meet and face us rethink or nosso place no world.

Packed in a lively beat, or eu-lyrical wonder burn and where is it, always trying to enter the community as another establishing new partnerships.

By letter, which fala da questão gives identity in a solar and positive way, invites us to experiment or another and to repair life in a different way.

Relembre The great successes of two Novos Baianos.

7. Constructionby Chico Buarque

Construction | Boy Buarque

A music recorded and composed by Chico Buarque in 1971 is two major events in his career.

Construction tell, in verse form, to history of an anonymous worker da civil construction. By letter of counting from your day-to-day, from your departure from home até or your unexpected tragic ending.

Find out a complete analysis of the Construção Music, by Chico Buarque.

8. Chão de gizby Zé Ramalho

Jorge Ben Jor - Tropical Country

To music Chão de giz, which is two major events in the career of Zé Ramalho, was recorded in 1978 in a letter full of metaphors that faulted about life event.

Chão de giz try um unrequited love.Muitas pessoas allege that the song would be autobiographical to narrate or end of a relationship of Zé Ramalho's own. Or the singer would presumably be maintaining a case as a woman most velha, married as an influential person in João Pessoa, and, after the term of the relationship, teria composto, devastated, Chão de giz.

Read more about a Music Chão de Giz, by Zé Ramalho.

9. Garota of Ipanemaby Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes

Roberto Carlos, Caetano Veloso - Garota de Ipanema (Ao Vivo)

A music created by Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes in homage to Helô Pinheiro became a hino da Bossa Nova e foi exported to the four songs of the world being sung by great names such as Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole and Ella Fitzgerald.

Or it was so much that I say I know to music is the second most played in history, barely behind Yesterday (two Beatles).

A girl, who at the time when the composition was raised for 17 years, has long been praised for her lyrics for her curves and for her particular way of backing beauty in the world. Cheia of levity, Helô de Tom e Vinicius is a mixture of innocence and charm.

A song was presented for the first time not musical Or I find, the iconic Au Bon Gourmet boate, in August 1962.

Know more about a Music Garota de Ipanema, by Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes.

10. Mulher do fim do mundoby Elza Soares

Elza Soares - Mulher do Fim do Mundo (Official Clip)

Mulher do fim do mundo It was raised in 2015 on the face of the 34th album by Elza Soares.

To letter, autobiographical, it was revealed about the many difficulties that Elza needed to overcome in the long run to get on with her.

There are many challenges: to poverty, or early marriage, to death two filhos, or preconception, an abusive relationship as a soccer player Garrincha... There will be no obstacles in the life of the singer.

A song - that is crossed by the theme of the carnival - failure of survival, of claw, of hope and resistance.

Discover a complete analysis of the Music Mulher do Fim do Mundo by Elza Soares.

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We prepare for you a list of the best events of MPB, trust!

Hits da MPB

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