10 infantile fables explained that são verdadeiras lições
Short narrative fables, usually starring animals or objects that assume the behaviors and characteristics of a human being. O genre is quite popular in children's literature and draws some important books to reflect on life.
1. A Cicada and a Formiga
During the entire year, a formiguinha worked you stopped, carrying and storing food at home. Assim, when or winter chegou, she tinha tudo or that she needed to feed and survive.
A cicada, on the other hand, took advantage of the sunny days to sing singing and when it was cold chegou, ela não tinha or what to eat. Foi that she sought to formiga and pediu to share her food. Aí, a formiga perguntou or that the fez during the sunny days to prepare for the winter:
- No verão, eu cantei… I couldn't work because of the heat!
- Ah, cantou? Então, agora, dance ...
Moral da history da Cicada e a Formiga
We need to work to not fall in the same situation as Cigarra preguiçosa.
Explanation of the fable Cicada e a Formiga
A fable is, sem dúvida, one of the most famous and see us teach about the need to work and build a prosperous future for us.
As tempting as it may seem, we can hardly give in to fun and leave our responsibilities aside. In the same phases, we need to be aware and continue battling, for later we can colher the fruits do nosso effort.
2. A Raposa e as Grapes
A raposa was with a lot of encouragement when she saw a pretty chunks of grapes hanging not high. Trying to reach the fruits, she began to give several pulses, but all the time I falhou and I did not get hit-them.
After several attempts, the disfarçou and falou bem high, with a face of contempt:
- They're green ...
When she was still in the mouth, she wrote a barulho and achou that it was a falling grape, then pulou to hit her with the mouth. There I saw that it was only a folha, olhou for both sides and fugiu, for no perceiving or what has happened.
Moral da history da Raposa e as Grapes
When someone does not get what they want, they pretend they are not interested, to keep up appearances.
Explanation of the fable Raposa e as Grapes
This fable is quite funny and illustrates something that we see in time all in our society: or false desdem. At times, we want a lot of something and we are not bem-succeeded. This does not mean that we may belittle or tempt diminuí-la while others.
A history reminds us that, sometimes, we are going to falhar and we do not need Assume an arrogant stance Which seems ridiculous for me to observe.
3. A Raposa e o Corvo
Um corvo was pousado num galho de uma arvore, ensuring a piece of queijo com o bico, enquanto passava uma raposa.
When she saw or curved as I complained, a raposa logo began to think of a jeito de roubar or seu food. Logo ela pensou num plan and foi for under the tree, falar as an animal.
- What a nice time! What sorrows and wonderful hearts! Could it be that a voice also makes me pretty? It would be a bird that is more impressive than I have seen ...
Listening to aquilo, or corvo ficou proud and cheio de vaidade. To show her voice, he opened her and began to sing. Foi então que queijo caiu e a raposa ran to hit it. Wait, she answered:
- You have a beautiful voice, but no intelligence!
Moral da history da Fox e or Corvo
Be careful with those who appear to me and praise us further.
Explanation of the fable Raposa e or Corvo
This is an alert to lend Attention to interest that we can emerge, no nosso caminho. At times, they use praise and words twelve to mask their true intentions.
Embora a fox thisja "enrolling" or Corvo, the narrative seals not erro him. By ego and by vaidade, or bug was ingênuo and ended up losing everything.
4. To Lebre and to Tartaruga
A tartaruga and a lebre argued about which was the fastest. Then, we will mark a day and a place to bet a run and they will separate. Ora, free, trusting in your natural speed, do not rush to run, you do not walk and sleep. But to tartaruga, aware of his slowness, he did not stop running and, also, ultrapassou to the dog that slept and chegou ao fim, obtaining a cheer.
Moral da history da Lebre e a Tartaruga
We do not trust our capabilities to exist without effort.
Explanation of the fable Lebre e a Tartaruga
This is a story of persistence, focus and determination. When we want to achieve a goal, we are able to overcome our own limitations, we will really strive.
It is fundamental that we do not lose sight of the capacity for improvement that exists in all of us. On the contrary, we trust ourselves in excess and as soon as we count on our natural abilities, we risk "losing in a race".
5. As Árvores e o Machado
Um homem wanted to make a machado and foi à forest ask for trees that a piece of wood for the end. As trees will decide to oil or your order and deliver a good end for or machado, feito de uma oliveira; or homem pegou, place no machado and begin to demolish the trees and to cut down serious galhos.
Or carvalho falou for other trees:
- Bem feito para nos. We are guilty of nossa desgraça because we help ourselves inimigo.
Moral of history days Arvores e o Machado
That is not imported as others, it cannot be surprendered if a day will happen at the same time as the company.
Explanation of the fable Arvores e o Machado
This fable is a narrative full of meaning. Fala about a life in the community, in society and in democracy. Ao will hand over to the first tree, which was sacrificed to fazer um machado (his natural inimigo), the remaining ones will provoke his own ruin.
A history see us lembrar that ter empathy as nossos semelhantes can be a fundamental instrument of survival.
6. A Mosca e o Carro
A mule puxava a heavy car, along a road with curves and buracos, and his effort was immense, when he was wearing a carriage.
A fly that was sitting there was no mole, felt very important, falou was not ouvido:
- Pobrezinha, you are going to leave the top and take my weight off, so that you can puxar or car.
Moral da history da Mosca e o Carro
Many people have a wrong and exaggerated image of themselves.
Explanation of the fable Mosca e o Carro
This story uses humor to fazer a social criticism, as is common fables. Here, satire is focused on the people who are better and more important than they are in reality.
Assim like a fly, many people seem to be great vision of yourself, that is absurd for you to surround it.
7. O Cão e a Mask
Trying something to gnaw on, a puppy found a mask: it was cute, bright and alive. Or farejou animal or object and when perceiving or what it was, it deviated, with contempt.
- Essa cabeça is pretty, sim… But don't fear me.
Moral da historia do Cão e a Mask
Or that there is no lack of beautiful heads, for that reason, broken down, that do not deserve our attention.
Explanation of the fable Cão e a Mask
A fable focuses on the need to learn to enxergar além das appeaências. At times, we can be fascinated with the image of someone that we repair not that is on the inside.
A sublime narrative that we escolhas should not be superficial and that, I do not base, is more important to be intelligence than beauty.
8. Goat and Donkey
A goat and or ass lived not the same quintal. A goat ficou com ciume, because the ass received more food. Pretending to be concerned, she said:
- What a life to sua! When it is not dead, it is carrying a bundle Quer um conselho? Pretend to be unwell and fall for my buraco.
Or ass concordou, but, I know not buraco, I broke a porção de ossos. Or don’t seek help. O veterinário aconselhou:
- There is a goat lung bom for him, the logo will be bom.
Assim, the goat was slaughtered and the donkey was cured.
Moral da history da Goat and donkey
Quem conspires against you others, bad face to himself.
Explanation of the fable Goat and donkey
Unfortunately, to cobiça and to inveja we can lead some people to commit all unthinkable cruelty. A Fable of the Goat and the Ass serves to remind us that those who conspire to prejudice others I ended up being bad.
Even before any rivalry, we want to end up with someone, we can cause our own ruin, from um jeito ou de outro.
9. To Lamparina
A lamparina, oil bem cheia, esteve acesa for a clear and constant light. She began to be proud and to boast, saying:
- Eu brilho mais do que or own sun.
Logo depois veio um sopro de vento e a apagou. Someone else got a match and started again, saying:
- Keep it up and don't worry like the sun. As stars never need to be re-ignited, as you just do with you.
Moral da history da Lamparina
Tenha humble for não passar shame.
Explanation of the fable Lamparina
This is more of a story about something necessary for our emotional balance: keep humble. Even when this is true, it is important that we congratulate ourselves on the ground and that it does not make us superior to anybody.
Até because, in life, all the victories and defeats are ephemeral, or greater power of all: a passagem do tempo.
10. O Galo e a Pérola
Um galo, that ciscava did not land to find food, fossem migalhas, or bichinhos to eat, I ended up finding a precious pear. Após to observe its beauty for an instant, she said:
- Or pretty and precious stone, that shines like the sun, looks like lua, even that this is a sujo place, you are a human, fosse ele a builder of jewels, a lady who Gostasse de enfeites, ou same um mercenario, I would recolher you with a lot of joy, but to me you lend nothing more than is more important uma migalha, um see me, or a great that serve us for or support.
Dito isto, he deixou and continued to gravitate to find suitable maintenance.
Moral da historia do Galo e a Pérola
Each one values what is more important to him if he agrees with his needs.
Explanation of the fable Galo e a Pérola
A narrative I see sublinhar that values and priorities are not universal: here that has great value for some, for others and useless. Each um is governed according to his tastes and needs, which vary from person to person.
This story also remarks us that you Bens materials are dependent on your context e do value that we attribute to them. For humans, a fruit is valuable because it is rare and has monetary value. Já for an animal like a Gallic, only the importance of what it can eat is important.
Fables: why servem e de onde arisen?
As fables I pretend transmit some morality, teaching or conselho ao leitor, fazendo as that reflita on their behavior and on or own operation of the society.
Originally, these stories start from the oral tradition, being spread from mouth to mouth, and carrying large doses of popular wisdom. For a few years, it was time to fixate on literature, being able to emerge in multiple versions and translations.
You are mainly responsible for the collection and transmission of these fables são Aesop (in Ancient Greece) and Jean de La Fontaine (in France in the seventeenth century).
Take the opportunity to read also:
- Melhores fables com moral
- Aesop's Fables
- Fables curtas com moral
- Fables of animais
- Histórias infantis curtas commented