Education, study and knowledge

Extraordinary film: synopse and detailed summary

You are looking for a pure film, give them that you are going to find or your heart of hope in the world, you can not lose Extraordinary.

O longa-metragem norte -americano de 2017, directed by Stephen Chbosky, é uma lição de vida do comme ao fim.

Or film based on a homonymous romance by R.J. Palacio, author of works for young adults, and tells the story of a very special garotinho.

Sinopse e trailer do film Extraordinary

August Pullman is a 10-year-old garot who was born with a non-face deformity. You spend a lot of time being educated at home, pela mãe, Auggie started to attend a school.

The adaptation phase, difficult for any child, is more challenging for someone who is discriminated against by appearance, such as the case of men. Contudo, ele não é um garoto comum ...

Assista, abaixo, ao trailer dubbed:

Extraordinary | Dublado Trailer

Attention: from this point, or artigo contém spoilers!

Chave-moments that summarize or film

When we think of Extraordinary, the first idea that happens to us or that we can learn (or re-embed) as a narrative.

instagram story viewer

Despite being barely 10 years old, or less than a personagem cheio de sabedoria, who is growing surrounded by love and family conselhos.

A history seals in its costume of evolution, showing here what or garoto taught in other years and also here that I was learning how them.

A chegada I do not school with a family

Due to a different physiognomy, Auggie Pullman was always faced with mistrust and attached with disregard for other garots. The costumavam fazer quite malicious comments and pity on his appearance of him.

checking out the school

A family, mainly his mother, will try to work on self-esteem do menino and prepare him to cope as bullying na nova escola. Initially, August tries to hide, wearing an astronaut's helmet.

He wanted me to encourage him and he repeated that when the other agem in a mesquinha way, he could be a superior person and reorganize with dignity.

Using imagination to deal with obstacles

Isabel Pullman, besides Auggie, is fundamental to his education and also in no way like the world. She is unhappy and creates universes around her filho. Since I give in, she or teaches to use her imagination of him.

Or menino is fascinated with hair and hair films of Stars wars. In order to feed your dreams, I will resolve to unleash the small walls of the room.

When he is getting old hair colleagues in a strange way, and receiving unpleasant comments, Auggie lembra do conselho da mãe:

If you want to be where you are, just imagine where you want to be.

polishing na bed

Assim, or someone faces all discrimination just to attend Science classrooms, his favorite subject. To overcome or climate us runners, he se seals naquilo that sonha for or future: to be an astronaut.

To help the miss, he imagines that he is being accompanied by famous personage of the saga, Chewbacca.

Auggie desbafa com a mãe e escuta seus conselhos

When he returns from the school for the first time, Auggie chooses because the boys fizeram comments on the brands it was not his face.

Isabel shows her wrinkles for or filho and fala that they, like the scars of men, contam as stories of what I live até ali. Not so, only the feelings that will be given or destiny of each um:

Or heart or map that shows us where we are going, or face or map that shows where we are.

Isabel comforting Auggie

These words sublimate something or film I wanted to re-embed at all times: Essência is worth more than appearance e, you do not end up counting, that isso that determines us.

A lição de autoconfiança dada pela irmã mais velha

Via é a filha mais velha, which appears a little neglected as the birth of irmão. Not therefore, isso not diminuiu or seu love of her for him, nem or wish that she felt in protecting him.

Despite being an adolescent, she is discreet, who avoids calling attention to herself, the ensina or irmão to Do not be confused, perante or olhar de ninguém.

Se eles olharem, deixa que olhem. You cannot be mixed up when you are born to be noticed.

auggie e via

I weigh two human atoms and their meaning

Na school, a turma is studying precedent and reflects on the ancient Egyptian appointment: “seus feitos são seus monuments”. It means that what matters most, and the reason for what we are planted, são as ações that we practice.

More than what we think or say, or that we faze other hairs that can transform the world.

Auggie is totally isolated from two colleagues and receives bullying from one of them, Julian. Na prova de Ciências, barnacle that Jack Will, or colleague on the side, does not know the answers of the queue for him: desse ato nasce uma amizade. More up front, Auggie listens to Jack faking him badly as the rest of the class is sozinho de novo.

Summer is a friend of Auggie.

When Summer, one of the same women, sees that Auggie is sozinho at lunchtime, she sits at the table and introduces herself.

Or Garoto thinks that it is out of pain and pede for her to go embora, but Summer fails that she also needs legal friends. From that gesture of empathy, Pullman is not more sozinho.

Various perspectives of the same history

Two most interesting aspects of the film that tell the same narrative from various points of view. Embora August is the protagonist, we get to perceive that the entanglement affects everyone in his or her volta: to me that it stops working, to that it does not have attention, etc.

Isso helps us to perceive that each story has, less hair, two verses. At the sight of Auggie, Jack pretended to be his friend, but he never liked him.

When we attend his version of two events, we realize that he was also discriminated against for less money than colleagues and that he was tempting to become "numb" when he was pious about or garoto novo.

Defend and lose your true friends

Na real, Jack wanted to be friends with Auggie and tried, several times, to get his friend back. Or protagonist, magician, refused all attempts at approach. During a science work, Jack and Auggie are selected to form a pair.

Julian, or bully, take advantage of the occasion to humiliate or garot one more time. Agora, however, something different happens: Jack is placed in front and come to defend or friend.

You two men end up fighting and Jack writes a letter to the director, apologizing. O director responds, faking that he understands or his side of him, ha that "good friends deserve to be defended."

Auggie e Jack

For the first time, two of his pairs defended Auggie and made it clear that he would not tolerate more discrimination. O garoto fica excited as I tie the barnacle that, at times, our friends also têm o direito de falhar.

Embora had been difficult to regain his trust, Jack proved to be a true friend and, therefore, August decided to lose him. There, a duo volta em força and is dedicated to science work.

New ways of facing the world

Auggie and Jack created a system of projection of images and impressions to the tourist, also winning first place in the science contest. Aos few, as children are seeing that or menino é creative, funny and intelligent.

Daí em diante, at your almoço table, going every time more cheia de companheiros, who laugh and have fun together.

auggie na mesa colm friends

Nesse verão, he goes to a fairground and when Auggie is amassed by garotos more velhos, he learns to defend himself, as a support of the turma. Little years, becoming more and more evident (for the others and for themselves), that he is very more than to your appearance.

When you are Julian's country, or bully, são chamados na escola, tentam defender or filho. Falam that the face of Auggie is scary and that I am willing to use your freedom of expression.

The words of the Director of the school should serve as inspiration for all of us:

Auggie can not move to imagem dele, but we can move or not jeito de olhar for him.

A message should be repeated a thousand times, let it be assimilated: that which is different does not need to move, to a society that needs to oil and understand diversity.

Final monologue: all have a story to tell

Finally, the school organizes an event to deliver the diplomas at the end of the year. Before leaving home, Auggie thanks his country, who encouraged him to run cliffs and mix with other children.

Na cerimônia, he ends up winning a medal of honor, peels his "silent force that conquered many hearts". Going up to the box to receive the medal, he was reflecting an exciting interior monologue.

Choose to conclude that all people have their singularities, problems and challenges. Olhando em volta, he sees that his family, his friends and teachers are there too, all of them, fighting his battles pessoais.

A questão é essa: no "common" and we all deserve to be applauded, least of all once in a lifetime.

O garoto concluded with a chave reflection: to know what people are just the same, you just need to pay attention!

Poster and technical sheet of Extraordinary

Extraordinary film poster (2017).
Qualification Extraordinary (Wonder, not original)
Year 2017
Directed by Stephen chbosky
Duration 113 minutes
Gender Drama
Country of origin United States of America

Conheça also

  • Film Como Estrelas na Terra
  • Film As Adventures of Pi
  • Filme Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome
  • Film Fome de Poder (The Founder), a history of Mc Donald's
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