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The 13 dance music and dance songs of history

Arte da dance is full of personalities that are worth discovering.

Each dancer and dancer that we highlight here has an important role in its time, not classical ballet, modern dance, contemporary dance or pop dance.

1. Isadora Duncan (1877-1927)

Isadora Duncan was one of the most important dancers in the history of the Ocidente. A North American, born in São Francisco on May 26, 1877, was a dancer and choreographer who She revolutionized the world gives dance to or provides more fluid and free movements, giving rise to what was shaped depois de modern dance.

Isadora Duncan

Isadora dedicated her entire life to dance, beginning to teach classrooms for 11 years. Not at the end of the XIX century, she was for Nova I because it was to accelerate the studies, but she did not get used to doing two tests.

She does not also agree with the fact that the women will be destined for a lower position in the dance. Also, she moved to London, where she began to perform in shows that brought together many arts, such as live music, dance and performance.

instagram story viewer

From then on she went to travel to Europe showing her vision of dance, in which the spontaneous movements were more valued and outstanding, in opposition to the rigidity of the classical dance.

A dancer was looking for inspiration for her art of nature, tracing for the body the movements of waves, two windings with leaves and other organic elements.

Declared communist and bisexual, she has a short and intense life. On September 14, 1927, at the age of 50, Isadora used a long length of time she did not fish when she was riding in a convertible car. He rolled over the wheels of the car, pulling for outside and causing death immediately from the famous dancer.

2. Fanny Elssler (1810-1884)

Austrian dancer Fanny Elssler was born in the nineteenth century and was born in the romantic period, a period in which she had a project and valorization in the West.

Fanny elssler

She began to dance ainda criança, and appeared with her irmã Theresa.

In 1834 she was invited to join the Paris Opera, creating a contrast with Marie Taglioni, another famous dancer of the time. Enquanto Marie was more traditional, Fanny performed a more authentic style of dance, with greater vitality and classical dance regrasses.

A dancer was also known for her incredible capacity for dramatic interpretation. Ela é reconhecida as uma das mais famous and important dancers of romanticism. She died 74 years old, on January 27, 1884, in Vienna.

3. Martha Graham (1894 -1991)

A dancer and choreographer Martha Graham was born to us on May 11, 1894. Assim as Isadora Duncan, Martha was very important to uma transformation in the way of dancing and appreciating art da dance.

Martha graham

She develops her own style, in which a body expression occurs in a more independent and independent way. In 1926 he created the Martha Graham Dance Company, which contributed to the formation of famous names in dance, such as Alvin Ailey, Paul Taylor and Merce Cunningham.

He worked for 70 years with a dance and once declared:

I don't want to be a tree, a flower, a wave or a cloud. Not the body of a dancer we must, as spectators, become aware of ourselves.

We must not attempt an imitation of everyday actions, two phenomena of nature or of exotic creatures. of another planet, more sim alguma coisa of this miracle than this or motivated, disciplined and concentrated.

To life, contrary to puritanical, is an adventure, a form of expansion of homem that requires extreme sensitivity to be carried out with grace, as dignity and efficiency... The body and soul are indivisibly involved in this life experience, and art can be lived by a total being. Only a hasty and exalted sensibility realizes this concentration in a moment that is true life.

Martha Graham lived for 96 years, passing away in 1991 in NOva IOrque.

4. Ismael Ivo (1955-2021)

Um dos maiores just da contemporary dance brasilian Ismael Ivo from São Paulo. Born in 1955, Ismael came from a poor family and was raised by myself, who was a domestic entrepreneur.

He started dancing at an adolescent and got to study with bags in modern dance companies, having gone to part of the Teatro de Dança Galpão in São Paulo.

I have not started two years 80 she will live abroad and go on to face appearances in various countries. He worked with important figures like Pina Baush and Marina Abramovic.

In 2017 she returned to live in Brazil and went on to direct or Balé da Cidade de São Paulo, becoming the first black person to occupy or position.

In April 2020, at the age of 66, Ismael died in the presence of Covid-19, after another month of internationalization.

Check out a video of the Arte 1 channel that the choreographer, dancer and costume designer reflects on a dance and where we can see it at dinner.


5. Alicia Alonso (1920-2019)

A Cuban dancer and choreographer Alicia Alonso is a two great nomes da dança do seculo XX. Classic balé representative, Alicia started studying dance ainda criança, in Cuba.

Alicia alonso

She continued her studies in the US. She was married in her early teens, barely 15 years old, as a Dancer Fernando Alonso. Ao voltarem para a terra natal, fundaram or Ballet Nacional de Cuba.

When Alicia was 19 years old, she lost her part of the visa, because of a doença, or what made it difficult, but not to prevent her from continuing to dance.

Assim, she uses the show lights as guides for her position in the box and was very successful, being the only dancer gives Latin America to receive the title of prima "ballerina assoluta", which is the highest award for her excellence in dance.

Alicia had a productive life and morreu in 2019, with almost 99 years.

6. Ana Botafogo (1957-)

Ana Botafogo é uma you give more famous Brazilian dancers. Carioca, born in 1967, Ana started her training in dance in Rio de Janeiro, beginning a lot of studying, so much so that at the age of 11 she never appeared in the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro.

Ana Botofogo giving autographs

She was for France to give continuity to her career and she becomes professional, participating in numerous festivals in only Europe.

His life was not classical dance was intense, I have allowed him to stage traditional works such as Giselle, Or lake two swans, Or break-nozes, between other shows of success.

Ana Botafogo - Giselle - Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro - Bujones

7. Pina Baush (1940-2009)

A German choreographer and dancer Pina Baush was born in 1940 and was known to include in her dances and choreographies elements of daily life and her experiences, as well as those of serious dancers.

Pina Baush

The process of creation of the artist is carried out together as a group, which collaborates actively with ideas and movements inspired by personal experiences.

Among the themes most explored by Pina are love relationships, with symbolic interactions between the two of you, which show the expectations, misfortunes and frustrations that surround this universe.

Pina Baush is one of contemporary dancers of greater reconhecimento, receiving several awards and tributes from two years 2000 on. In 2011 she was the longa-metragem Pineapple, directed by his friend and filmmaker Wim Wenders, released 2 years after her death.

Check out the trailer for the film, which presents various choreographies of the famous artist of the movement.

Pina (2011) - Trailer

8. Mercedes Baptista (1921-2014)

Mercedes Baptista was a Brazilian dancer of enormous gratitude and Importance for o Balé e Dança Afro no Brasil. Born in Rio de Janeiro in 1921, Mercedes saw a humble family and worked in various professions before she became an artist.

Mercedes baptista

In the 40s she began to study as a dancer Eros Volúsia, who researched popular culture, elaborating a dance more in accordance with Brazilian dance.

In 1948 she became the first black woman to join the Municipal Dance Corporation of Rio de Janeiro, but still having few opportunities to appear in a group, due to racism.

I did not start in the 50's, she went for the USA to study with Katherine Dunham, an Afro-American dance icon. She remains for a year and, to return, founds her own group, which receives or does not Folkloric Ballet Mercedes Batista. From then on, her career gained more visibility and the idealized and appeared in many shows.

Mercedes Morreu aged 93, in August 2014, leaving a strong legacy.

9. Ivaldo Bertazzo (1949-)

Ivaldo Bertazzo is two current Brazilian dance melhores and choreographers. Born in 1949 in São Paulo and began a career in adolescence. She danced in different continents, in Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Dedicate yourself to take a dance for the common people, democratizing this art through social projects and the “Cidadão Dançante” concept, which enables the participation of people from various social classes in their shows.

Ivaldo works with various peripheral communities that give rise to incredible shows such as “Mãe Gentil”, “Dança das Marés” and “Samwaad”.

See sections of Samwaad, made not Sesc com dançarinos não-profissionais by project Dança Comunidade, idealized and coordinated by Ivaldo Bertazzo.


10. Souhair Zaki (1944-)

Uma das more reconhecidos e melhores dançarinas de dance do ventre Foi Souhair Zaki. She was born as Egito in 1944 and died from the dance of a young girl, standing out in family events as her self-taught talent.

Later she began to appear at night houses in Alexandria. She reached the height of success in the 70s, participating in several films.

Dançarina was known for her contemptuous and elegant style, preferring to keep simple figurines and always preserving pela improvisation. Souhair não tinha or support of choreographers, the gostava of dancing according to the moment and to pediam music, valuing a sympathetic and gentle facial expression.

See your participation do not film Wakr Al Ashrar, 1972.

Soheir Zaki Belly Dance from the Movie "Wakr Al Ashrar" (1972)

11. Carlinho de Jesus (1953-)

Not Brazil, Carlinhos de Jesus is a great dance from salão. Born in Rio de Janeiro in 1953, Carlinhos has dedicated himself to dance for more than three decades and two great responsibilities for the dissemination and valorization of dance in the country.

Carlinhos de Jesus and Ana Botafogo
Carlinhos de Jesus and Ana Botafogo in appearance in public space

Além disso, o dançarino também works alongside samba schools, choreographing the comissões in front of several schools, such as Estação Primeira de Mangueira, Beija-Flor and Império Serrano.

On his paixão pela dança, Carlinhos declares:

In each step, we will go through different paths. At every turn, we travel the world; in each olhar we transmit desires; with each touch we multiply sensations; In each stay we transcend to emotion and in each dance, we sound like pés no chão.

12. Michael Jackson (1958-2009)

Pop symbol, or multi-artist Michael Jackson, born in 1958 in the USA, was two major cultural icons of the second goal of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century.

His dance, as well as his music, inspired several gerações, reaching a phenomenal success and becoming a great reference for the public and for other artists.

Sua carreira começou na decade de 60, ainda na infância, integrating or group The Jackson 5, together with the seus irmãos. In 1971 he started a career alone, reaching the peak of the 80s.

A dance for Michael tinha a special place in his art, not disconnecting from music. Aside from executing the steps in the box, Michael was the one who raised most of them.

It is considered that the pop idol contributed to a great transformation of the dance, revolutionizing the way elaborate and innovative steps.

He died in 2009 at his home, overdosing on anesthetic drugs.

Confira o star no stage dancing and singing his great succession Billie Jean.

Moonwalk - Michael Jackson - Billie Jean - The First Moonwalk King Of Pop

13. Josh Beauchamp (2000-)

I still give in to consider Josh Beauchamp um dos melhores dançarinos da historia, more certainly um nome than tem se featured no cenário atual da dance.

The young man born in Canada in 2000 is a dancer and leader of the dance group Now United, which brings together people from various parts of the world.

Responsible for the choreographies of the group, Josh was a great inspiration for Michael Jackson and the face of success among the adolescent public.

O melhor video of Josh Beauchamp dancing - Filthy (Justin Timberlake)

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  • To history da dance or to long do tempo
  • Types of dance: styles more known in Brazil and in the world
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