Why am I so tired and not wanting to do anything? 10 causes
Probably all or almost all of us have felt at some point exhausted and without strength. This state of lack of energy is highly unpleasant and leads us to lose opportunities and even be invalidating.
But not having energy or motivation does not imply that at a cognitive level we cannot worry about what is happening to us and ask ourselves its cause. **Why am I so tired and not wanting to do anything? **
Throughout this article we are going to try to establish some of the possible causes that can lead us to these sensations.
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"Why am I so tired?" Understanding this problem
Many times, our level of activation responds to strange logic that we do not fully understand. Even in moments of our lives in which we feel that we are eating adequately and that we rest for the necessary hours so that our body can maintain and repair itself at the right pace, there are many people who at some point ask themselves: "why am I so tired, if I do everything necessary to be good?".
Normally this is due to a combination of biological and psychological aspects. For example, the fact of leading a relatively sedentary lifestyle causes our body to weaken, which makes us less prepared when we eventually have to make efforts extra. Thus, the behavioral and the bodily influence each other.
On the other hand, there is a wide variety of pathologies that produce fatigue as one of their symptoms. This is usually due to the inefficiency with which the body manages the available energy, since the priority is to combat the health problem.
However, there is a set of health disorders that deserve their own name, and that are often behind that feeling of fatigue. It is about asthenia, and we will know it in the next lines.
Apathy and asthenia: basic concepts
Before entering to assess what causes can lead us to extreme fatigue and a lack of desire and motivation to do things, it may be useful to make a brief mention of what this fatigue implies and sensation of apathy. To begin with, it must be taken into account that both sensations are deeply linked to our state of mind. energy, in addition to being able to be influenced by the state of mind, biology or the set of experiences that we have had.
With regard to fatigue, it is a state of discomfort and weakness that, although generally unappetizing is natural, and that in normative situations it has meaning and adaptive function. And it is that when our body or our mind use large amounts of energy, the body warns that our resources are close to running out. This leads us under normal conditions to try to regain strength, be it sleeping, eating or moving away from what causes us discomfort. This tiredness can become asthenia, in which we feel extremely fatigued and action is impossible for us (even in those activities that were not difficult for us before).
The desire to do nothing corresponds to the syndrome known as apathy: It is a state of partial or total loss of interest and motivation in which the person ends up being unable to act spontaneously. and with initiative. This state usually goes hand in hand not only with a lack of motivation but also with a decrease in the ability to concentrate and pay attention (the which is usually hampered by rumination) and a loss of ability to make decisions and reason independently. objective.
Although it does not necessarily imply sadness or a feeling of suffering, it is common for it to occur together with low moods and hopelessness. To a maximum degree we could be talking about apathy.
Common causes of apathy and asthenia
It is possible that sometimes we have asked ourselves the question that gives the title to this article, doubting the reasons we may have for being so lacking in energy and motivation to act.
The truth is the causes will be different for each case, in addition to the fact that it is possible that it is due to an interaction between various elements. However, broadly speaking, some of the main reasons that can lead us to a situation or picture of apathy and asthenia can be the following.
1. Lack of sleep
A possible cause for these sensations to appear is the absence of a sufficiently long and quality rest period. Our body and our mind spend energy continuously, so they need to rest in order to repair themselves and gain strength to act.
If we don't sleep enough we will find ourselves unable to perform and we will end up reaching a state of lack of motivation for action.
2. Physical exhaustion
Although similar to the previous one, the truth is that a second possible cause of apathy and asthenia appearing is reaching a state of exhaustion, be it mental or physical.
Depleting our energy reserves will cause both sensations. Now, it is also possible that although our energy is low, there is a desire and will to act.
3. Anemia
The third of the possible causes of tiredness and lack of desire is found in food. We have already said that we need to rest, but our body is not a perpetual mobile that by itself can keep working: it needs nutrients and oxygen so that our cells (including those associated with motivation and control of our energy) can function.
Thus, states of food deficiency or lack of certain nutrients can lead to a state of exhaustion and total motivation.
4. Inactivity
Another of the possible reasons why we can come to feel little motivation and desire to do things has to do, precisely, with the lack of activity. The fact of doing nothing usually leads a large number of people to a state of frustration or exhaustion.
Besides, If we are used to a not very active life, the idea of reactivating and starting to do activities, sports, work or even going out to enjoy leisure time becomes much more difficult and uphill.
5. medical diseases
In addition to the aforementioned anemia, different types of diseases can cause apathy and asthenia.
Among them we can find those linked to the endocrine system, such as hyper/hypothyroidism or diabetes. (whether there is hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia). Others are linked to pain or physical energy level, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, or arthritis. Heart, lung (for example COPD), liver or kidney problems can also affect this.
6. Feeling of lack of control over what happens
A possible cause of tiredness and lack of desire to do things can come from our perception or beliefs regarding our own ability to influence the environment.
People who consider that their actions do not have a meaning or an effect on a certain reality will tend to reduce their behavior and abandon the action, adopting a passive stance. Motivation and the desire to act are lost (because it is believed that nothing is going to change or be achieved with it), and the resulting frustration generates wear and tear on an energetic level.
7. Frustration and lack of goals
The absence of illusions, objectives and vital goals, or the frustration or impossibility of carrying them out (especially if we are before a goal or objective that is fundamental or highly desired), is also a common cause of apathy and feelings of low energy and fatigue.
Not knowing what to do or not being able to define an action plan leads us to a state of anguish and dissatisfaction, which if it is maintained over time or becomes habitual and generalized in different situations can lead to a feeling of helplessness and lack of control over one's life.
8. traumatic experience
In addition to the above, among the different causes that can generate fatigue and lack of desire is the fact of experiencing traumatic situations. In this case we can be talking about a typical situation of what happens in a period of mourning, for example when we lose a loved one or when we perceive that we are losing capabilities.
They are also symptoms that can appear in post traumatic stress disorders, although hypervigilance, tension and re-experiencing tend to prevail in them.
9. Stress
On a daily basis we find ourselves with a large number of demands at a social level. We must be effective and efficient in our work, proactive, competitive...
All this can lead to situations of great stress and anguish., which is maintained over time can end up saturating the person and triggering a loss of motivation and great physical and mental fatigue.
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10. Depression
In addition to all of the above, another reason why tiredness and apathy can arise can be linked to problems such as depression.
In fact, some of the possible symptoms are precisely fatigue/feeling tired or apathy, as well as other more characteristic ones, although They can also cause these sensations, such as sadness or the loss of ability to feel satisfaction and pleasure with what we used to do before. liked.
How to relieve this feeling?
We have seen some common causes for tiredness and lack of desire to act. But beyond what has generated it, what probably many of those who ask this question want to know is how to fix it.
In this matter, it is essential, first of all, to try to identify the specific cause: it is not the same thing that we these symptoms appear due to having pulmonary emphysema than to having experienced the death of a family member or suffering from a depression. To help this identification, it will be necessary to assess whether it has occurred currently or in the past. something that affects us on an emotional level (or something that reminds us of a misfortune or problem former). It may also be necessary to carry out blood tests or other medical checks (especially in vulnerable populations), as it may be a symptom of a disease.
Knowing the duration of this state is also useful: if it is sporadic or if it is continuous over time. In general, the greater the continuity, the greater the need to seek help or a solution.
advice and therapy
As possible ways to solve this feeling at a general level, It is advisable to establish or normalize sleep periods and maintain a balanced intake according to the needs of our body.. The search for pleasant and pleasant activities and the formulation of realistic and not excessively demanding schedules is also a useful method. Also writing thoughts can help us alleviate discomfort at the same time that it can give us clues to its possible causes.
Another alternative is the practice of relaxation techniques, especially if it is something derived from stress. Also meditation or mindfulness can be useful. Finally, it is necessary to make an evaluation of our beliefs and self-demands regarding what we must do, be or achieve, and if necessary modify them for more adaptive and realistic ones. In this sense it may be necessary seek professional psychological help.
Bibliographic references:
- Bigland-Ritchie, B.; Woods, J.J. (1984). Changes in muscle contractile properties and neural control during human muscular fatigue. Muscle Nerve. 7 (9): p. 691 - 699.
- Jammes, Y.; Steinberg, J.G.; Mambrini, O.; Bregeon, F.; Delliaux, S. (2005). Chronic fatigue syndrome: assessment of increased oxidative stress and altered muscle excitability in response to incremental exercise. J. Intern. Med. 257 (3): p. 299 - 310.
- Ropper, A.H.; Samuels, M.A. (2009). Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology. New York: McGraw-Hill.