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8 poems to celebrate the strength of women (explained)

Poetry has the power to transmit emotions and provide reflections on various issues, through various approaches.

For a long time, women were portrayed in literature and the arts as objects of observation of masculine look, many times with highlighting his physical attributes and a distinct personality "feminine".

But there are also inspiring poems (made especially by women) that show all the strength, nurturing power and resistance of women. Likewise, we select some that can be used both on Mother's Day and on any other day of the year.

1. Advice for a strong woman - Gioconda Belli

If you are a strong woman
protect yourself from the hordes that want to eat your heart.
They all use the two carnival costumes of the land:
they dress up as faults, as opportunities, as prices that must be paid.

I cutucam your soul; meet the year of your eyes or of your soon
I tied the depths of the magma of your essence not to light up-be with your fire sensation to extinguish the paixão to the erudição of your fantasies.

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If you are a strong woman
You have to know that the thing that feeds you is also parasites, varejeiras, small insects that will seek to lodge in your blood
And it will be nourished by what is solid and great in you.
Do not perch your company, but fear everything that will lead you
to deny you a word, to hide what else, everything that forces you to embrace, and promises you an earthly kingdom in exchange for a pleasant smile.

If you are a strong woman
get ready for the battle:
learn to be sozinha
to sleep in the most absolute darkness without fear
Let no one throw cords at you when the storm roars
to swim against the current.
Thirty-se are our professions of reflection and of the intellect.
Read, face or love yourself, build your castle or surround it with deep moats but it faces wide doors and janelas.
It is essential that you cultivate great friendships that surround you and want to know what is
That you make a circle of fires and burn in the center of your room an ever-burning stove where the fervor of your dreams is maintained.

If you are a strong woman
protect yourself with words and trees
and invokes the memory of ancient women.
You will know that it is a magnetic field where the crippled pregos will travel
and the deadly rust of all shipwrecks.

Protect, but protect you first.
Keep your distances.
I built you. take care of you
She possesses your power.
Or defend.
O face for you.
I regret you in the name of all of us.

The renowned poetess and romancer Giconda Belli was born in Nicaragua in 1948. With a powerful and feminist writing, she revolutionized the poetic language to trace the female figure with a strong and forceful manner.

em Advice for a strong woman, one of the two most famous texts of the writer, she presents advice and paths so that other women are strengthened, always recalling the knowledge of days that we saw before and seeking not to exert the necessary resistance to continue, even for two obstacles.

2. Eu-Mulher - Conceição Evaristo

A drop of milk
I run between you two.
A blood stain
I shave between the legs.
meia palavra bitten
I foge gives mouth.
Vagos desejos insinuate hopes.
Eu-mulher em rios vermelhos
I inaugurate life
in low voice
violent eardrums of the world.
Before – now – or what is to come.
Eu femea-matrix.
Eu driving force.
eu muher
coat gives seed
of the world

Mineira Conceição Evaristo was born in 1946 and became one of the greatest black poets of Brazil today. With cheios texts of lyricism, the author evokes collective memory through their experiences and she makes an invitation to celebrate the women.

eu muher It represents the feminine vigor and its sacred character through beautiful images that speak of cycles, fluids, gestations and births.

3. With a poetic license - Adélia Prado

When a slender yearling was born,
desses who played the trumpet, she announced:
I'm going to carry the flag.
Very heavy load for women,
this species is still embarrassed.
I oil the subterfuges that fit me,
I don't need to lie.
She's not so ugly that she can't marry,
acho or Rio de Janeiro a beauty and
Now yes, now no, I believed in labor without pain.
More, what I feel I wrote. I fulfill sin.
I inaugurate lines, I found kingdoms
— pain is not bitterness.
My sadness has no pedigree,
já a minha vontade de alegria,
Its root goes to my thousand avô.
I will be coxo in life, it is a curse for man.

Mulher é desdobrável. I am.

The poem in question is part of Baggage, first book of the writer, published in 1976. Born in Minas Gerais in 1935, Adélia developed a writing with colloquial tom, which shows much of everyday life and the simplicity of life.

with poetic license make a reference to another famous poem, poem of seven facesby Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Meanwhile, here she presents herself as a resistant woman, who fight to overpass the barreiras impostas hair patriarchy. In this way, it inspires the readers to also continue their journeys with autonomy and freedom.

4. I want to apologize to all the women - Rupi Kaur

I want to apologize to all the women
that I discovered how beautiful
before saying smart or courageous
I am sad for being wrong as I know
something as simple as here that was born with you
fose his greatest pride when he is
spirit já despedaçou montanhas
From now on I will say things like
you are strong or you are unbelievable
Not because I didn't see you pretty
but because you are much more than isso

The young Indian Rupi Kaur, born in 1992, became known in the social networks after sharing his poetic texts. Tracing the empowerment of women, Rupi has an intimate and simple writing, cheia of insights that seek awakening other youth to their potential and value.

No poem above, or that is postulated to the need to draw in tune other qualities of women besides their appearance, highlighting their abilities and vivacity, their struggles and autonomy.

5. Warning of the moon that menstruates - Elisa Lucinda

Boy, be careful with her!
You have to be careful with these people who menstruate...
Imagine a cachoeira with birds:
every act that you do, or corpo confessa.
Be careful, boy
sometimes it looks like erva, it looks like hera
Be careful with those people who generate
those people who metamorphosed
metade legível, metade sereia.
Belly grows, humanities explode
and it still returns to the place that is the same place
but it is another place, there it is:
each word says, before saying, homem, reflit...
His cursed mouth does not know that each word is an ingredient
that will fall on the same planet panela.
Be careful with each letter that he sends for her!
She is used to living inside
transforms fact into element
to all refoga, ferve, fried
Everything still bleeds not next month.
Be careful boy, when you think you escaped
é that chegou in turn!
Because I am very much your friend
Is that you talking about the "vera"
I know each one, besides being one of them.
Você que saiu da fresta dela
Delicate force when turning to her.
He will not be invited
ou semos devidos courtships..
Às veces pela ponte de um beijo
já is reached to "secret city"
to lost Atlantis.
Other times several tucked in and more is attached to it.
Be careful, boy, because you have a cobra between your legs
I fell into the condition of being complacent
before the own serpent
She is a winnow cobra
Do not despise domestic meditation
She is the poetry of everyday life
that a mulher I extracted philosophizing
cooking, sewing and you walk with your hand in your bag
julgando a arte do almoço: Eca!…
You don't know where your cueca is?
Ah, my wish
I'm so worried about roaring, barking and beating
then it seems to bite wander
sketch of knowing tanning, dividing.
And there when you want to attack
cow chama and galinha.
Be two worthy vizinhas of the world right here!
Or what do you want to talk about a cow?
O que você tem eu vou dizer y no se queixe:
COW is your mother. Of milk.
Cow and chicken…
pray, don't offend. Praise, praise:
comparing rainha with rainha
ovule, ovo and milk
thinking that he is attacking
what is falando palavrão imundo.
Yeah, no, man.
You are citing the beginning of the world!

Em tom de advertência, Elisa Lucinda invites men to reflect on their behaviors and about how we treat women, leaving evident the vigor and feminine courage.

A writer, born in 1958 in Espírito Santo, she is also an actress and singer. In her public life, Elisa always makes clear her critical position in the face of injustices, or what appears in her texts, as an example Warning of the moon that menstruates.

6. Phenomenal Woman - Maya Angelou

Pretty women ask where my secret is
I'm not beautiful and my body is a model
But when I start to tell them
Take it for false or that I reveal

I say,
It is not reach two arms,
Na length two quadris
I didn't pace two steps
Na curved two lips
I am a woman
Of a phenomenal jeito
Phenomenal Woman:
asim sou eu

When an enclosure inside,
calm and safe
E um homem found,
They can get up
ou lose your composure
E pairam ao meu redor,
like bellhas of candura

I say,
E o fugo nos mius olhos
Your brilliant teeth,
Or gingado gives waist
The vibrant steps
I am a woman
Of a phenomenal jeito
Phenomenal Woman:
asim sou eu

Even the men ask themselves
What do we see in me,
Levam so serious,
But we don't know how to unsell
What is my mystery
When I told you,
Still don't understand

It is the arc of the coasts,
Oh no smile,
The balance two seios
E a graça no estilo
I am a woman
Of a phenomenal jeito
phenomenal woman
asim sou eu

now call me barnacle
because I don't curve
I don't scream, I don't get excited
Nem sou de falar alto
When you see me pass,
Be proud of your eyes

I say,
It's the whipping of my jump
The balance of my hair
The palm of my hand,
In need of my sleeplessness,
Because I am a woman
Of a phenomenal jeito
Phenomenal Woman:
Asim sou eu.

The North American Maya Angelou, born in 1928, was an important activist and revolutionary in the fight for the civil rights of the black people in the USA, in the 60s and 70s.

Her texts reveal her strength and determination against oppression of race and gender. em phenomenal womanMaya drew on her experience and self-esteem in order to encourage other black women to recognize themselves in their full power.

7. Woman of Life - Cora Coralina

Woman of Life,
Minha irma.
Of all times.
Of all the powders
From all latitudes.
She sees the immemorial estate of the ities
and carry a heavy load
two clumsier synonyms,
surnames and nicknames:
Mulher da zone,
Mulher da rua,
lost woman,
Mulher à toa.
Mulher gives life,
Minha irma.

The term "woman gives life", normally used to refer pejoratively to sex professionals, is here resignified by Cora Coralina in a way to bring dignity to these women, so many times humiliated by society.

Com empathy and sympathy, a writer from Goiás, born in 1889, exhibits the hard burden that the prostitutes carry, raising a child with them and as sleeping like hers.

8. Mãe transvestite - Caroline Iara

I have friends that I want to be
ou já são mães.
I want to mention that
mães-transvestites já fizeram
give birth to movements
e still fazem
born attempts
to embrace, to see
to hear, to mourn
de bem-viver
to warm human beings
abandon like muitas
of us, how bitter
in cold corridors
to transphobia nossa of every day;
like muitas de nós that bitter
in corners, but the same
nelas we can transfer
knowledge and
Shave by outrem
without waiting um vintem
I know as well
dreaming in maternity
maternity maternity
and reverberating

It's possible, my transvestite

Carolina Iara is a writer and state co-deputy of SP for the Feminist Bank (PSOL). intersex woman, transvestite, black and seropositive, Carolina Trace in poetry your experience and give visibility to urgent questions.

em mãe-transvestite, she points to the possibilities of maternity for the body of cisgender women, stressing the importance of considering and respecting trans women.

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