6 characteristics of literary POST-MODERNISM
The characteristics of literary postmodernism are intertextuality, irony, fragmentation, hybridization of genres, decentering of the subject and experimentation. In unProfesor we tell you in detail!
Postmodernism is a philosophical, cultural and artistic movement that emerged at the end of the 20th century as a reaction to the ideas of modernity. Its name comes from the fact that it appeared just after modernism and is a break with previous ideas. Literature played a very important role in postmodernism, this very skeptical current that opposes the idea of natural reality.
In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to explain what are the characteristics of literary postmodernism, so you understand exactly what its authors were defending.
The postmodern literature is the one that appears in the post World War II era. This literary current assumes writing as the only way to access reality and, in postmodernist works, the text is completed by the reader. Therefore, this reader must be highly competent,
since on many occasions the ideas that are proposed are not linked to the literal meaning. Drink from the fountain postmodern philosophy, so it is interesting to learn more about this philosophical movement.Literary postmodernism stands as an artistic manifestation where language games reign and the multiple ways in which an idea can be decontextualized. In addition, postmodern literature is characterized by an ideology and a style that are based on the fragmentation, diversity, paradox, unknown narrators, parody and black humor.
This kind of texts reject the distinction between genders and forms of writing, which is why in most cases we cannot correctly classify the works. Postmodern authors were identified by working in a very diffuse boundary between fictitious speeches and essays. They even came to write fictions about literature and essays in fiction mode.
Literary postmodernism is characterized by showing a critical and disenchanted vision of the reality and a concern for breaking the stylistic and thematic canons of literature modern. Some characteristics of literary postmodernism are the following.
Intertextuality is one of the most prominent features of literary postmodernism, where authors make constant use of quotes, references and allusions to other texts, works or literary genres. This technique allows the creation of new layers of meaning and establishes a critical dialogue with the literary tradition.
In addition, intertextuality also reflects the fragmented nature of postmodern culture, where cultural references and fragments are scattered and interconnected in complex and often unpredictable ways.
irony and parody
The irony and parody they are used to demystify and demystify culture and society. Irony is used to question objective truth and authority, while parody is employed to subvert established cultural and literary conventions.
Both techniques challenge dominant values and norms, and encourage a critical attitude and skeptical towards reality. In addition, irony and parody are also tools for creating humor and relieving tension, making literary postmodernism often playful and experimental.
narrative fragmentation
Fragmentation is another characteristic of literary postmodernism. Postmodern authors often break the linear and coherent narrative structure, and use multiple narrative voices, time jumps, and perspective shifts to create a sense of disorder and chaos. This technique reflects the complexity and fragmentation of contemporary experience, and allows authors to explore new ways of telling stories.
In addition, narrative fragmentation can also be used to create a feeling of uncertainty and ambiguity, which makes the reader question their own perception of reality and truth.
decentering of the subject
Postmodern writers question the notion of the autonomous subject and establish that identity is a social and cultural construction. According to this perspective, the identity it is not something given, but rather something that is built through social interaction and culture.
Postmodern authors use this idea to challenge notions of truth, authority, and power, and to explore new forms of subjectivity and experience. In addition, the decentering of the subject is also related to narrative fragmentation, since the authors Postmodernists often use multiple narrators and perspectives to create a fuller and more complex vision of reality.
hybridization of genres
The gender hybridization It is one of the distinctive characteristics of literary postmodernism in which different literary and cultural genres are often fused to create new forms of expression. This technique allows authors to challenge established literary conventions and categories, and explore new forms of narrative and expression.
In addition, the hybridization of genres also reflects the complexity and diversity of postmodern culture, where the borders between disciplines and cultural genres are increasingly blurred. In this sense, the hybridization of genres is a manifestation of the capacity of postmodern literature to reflect and question contemporary reality.
formal experimentation
The experimentation It is also considered another of the main characteristics of literary postmodernism. postmodern authors experiment with literary form using other cutting-edge techniques. These techniques allow authors to challenge literary conventions and create new forms of expression. Furthermore, formal experimentation also reflects the complexity and fragmentation of postmodern culture, where the traditional forms of representation are no longer sufficient to account for the complexity of the reality.
In this sense, the formal experimentation it is a manifestation of the capacity of postmodern literature to adapt and reflect contemporary reality.
Now you know the main characteristics of literary postmodernism and how the authors of that time wrote. If you are interested in continuing to learn more about literature, do not hesitate to consult our section history of literature, where we will accompany you on this journey through the different currents of literature writing.