7 characteristics of NOVECENTISM

Noucentisme or the generation of 14 is the name given to a group of Spanish writers who composed their most important works between the generations of 1898 and 1927. This cultural and literary movement of the second decade of the 20th century It was named by Lorenzo Luzuriaga in 1947.
In this article by a PROFESOR, we are going to explain what it is and what are the characteristics of Novecentisme. This will help you understand the different eras that Spanish authors went through and how they influenced their way of writing.
Noucentisme It is a branch of literature that includes the works of writers who participated in the literary sector through early 20th century, around 1914 (for this reason, it is also known as Generation of 14). At that moment, the generation of '98 it was in full swing and the newcomers were being carried a long way away.
This is a generation highly influenced by the new literary currents that were developing throughout the European continent. they dared to break with some of the established norms
by previous generations, so they created a very innovative style, which was more in line with the modernity of the 20th century in which they lived.Noucentista literature It was born from some writers who were concerned about Spain, just as the artists of the previous generation were. The main difference of these, compared to the generation of 98 is that his vision is much more optimistic regarding the future of the country and it is not only written from pessimism.
When we talk about the Generation of '14, we are not only referring to literary writers, but they addressed different fields of knowledge, such as the journalism, the world of politics, the intellectual sector, etc.
We can conclude, then, that the Noucentistas seek solutions to problems that Spain is going through, unlike its previous literary trend.
Here we discover the noucentisme and the avant-garde.

To understand the literary movement of the Generation of '14, it is necessary to know what the common characteristics in their works. In this way you will be able to understand in a practical way what are the changes that they implemented, with respect to the old way of writing:
The main features Noucentismo are the following:
- The style of the composition is taken care of: Juan Ramon Jimenez is a good example of this characteristic, since it completely purifies modernist poetry, eliminating adjectives, metaphors, literary devices, etc. He does it in order to achieve a well-done and deep work, without the need to decorate it.
- They eliminate emotions: This resource was used to focus solely on the main issue that concerned them.
- They unite the proletariat and the Spanish bourgeoisie: With their literature they hope to Europeanize Spain.
- abandon sentimental issues such as love, death or pain, to start talking about simpler and more current topics: Some of the topics they talk about are the plane, the light bulb, sports, etc.
- they use the essay: The essay is his main method of transmitting his message, although there are some novelists who belong to the Generation of 14.
- They have as references to European avant-garde: Such as Bergson, Dilthey, Sorel and Freud
- They avoid drama: They avoid at all costs the attitude of dramatizing the national problem and strive to put an end to the pessimism and negativism of the Generation of '98.
- his speech is republican: These writers tend towards republicanism, since it is a generation marked by the political attempt to reform, which goes against the monarchy of 1875.

Although the works written by the authors of the Generation of '14 were aimed at educated groups, the message did not take long to spread. reach all spheres and influenced all kinds of social groups. As for his ideology, it was marked by three main points:
- Were 20th century citizens, so they had nothing to do with those of the previous century. His declarations of anti-romanticism and fervor for the classic are frequent.
- Focus on Europe and they stop seeing Spain as the center of the world. They attend to the universal and resist being locked up in the national.
- The problem in Spain is still present, but it is analyzed in a way more rigorous and not so sentimental. They react against pessimism and believe that the revolution has to come from power and not from the people.
We hope this lesson has helped you understand the characteristics of Noucentisme and what are the changes that literature underwent at that time. If you want to continue learning about the different stages that Spanish literature went through, don't hesitate to Consult our section on the history of literature, where you will find information on each of the periods that precede.