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7 authors of literary POST-MODERNISM and outstanding works

Literary postmodernism: authors and works

The authors of literary Postmodernism are Gabriela Mistral, Luis Gonzaga Urbina, Jean-François Lyotard, José Juan Tablada, Jean Baudrillard, Alfonsina Storni and Michel Foucault. In unProfesor we tell you in detail.

The postmodern literature is the one that appears after the Second World War. This type of writing stands as the only way to understand the reality that surrounds us and requires the reader have a high knowledge about the subject or that is educated in general, in order to understand all the symbols that are recount. In this type of literature, language games and multiple modes of textual genres reign.

In this lesson from a TEACHER, we want to introduce you to some of the authors of literary Postmodernism and their most outstanding works. Can you come with us?

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  1. Introduction to literary postmodernism
  2. Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957)
  3. Luis Gonzaga Urbina (1864-1934)
  4. Jean-Francois Lyotard (1924-1998)
  5. Jose Juan Tablada (1871-1945)
  6. Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007)
  7. instagram story viewer
  8. Alfonsina Storni (1892-1938)
  9. Michel Foucault (1926-1984)
  10. Text fragment of literary postmodernism

Introduction to literary postmodernism.

The texts of literary postmodernism are brief and ironies abound, which makes joy and black humor predominate. The themes that predominate are social struggles and the texts are not governed by the rules existing up to now, but the authors have artistic freedom to express their ideas as they wish.

Literary postmodernism would be nothing without its authors, the people who were able to capture what their minds had been thinking for a long time. We leave you with some of the most relevant literary Postmodernism authors of this time, together with the most important works of it.

In unProfesor we leave you a review with the characteristics of literary postmodernism most prominent.

Literary Postmodernism: Authors and Works - Introduction to Literary Postmodernism

Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957)

Gabriela Mistral was a very famous Chilean poet who stood out for his social and political commitment, as well as for his simple and direct poetic style. She was born in 1889 and is considered one of the leading figures in Spanish-American poetry, and her literary legacy remains relevant today.

His most recognized works are "desolation" and "Tala", which are characterized by their sensitivity and depth emotional. Through his poetry, Mistral addresses universal themes such as life, death, love and nature, and has left a lasting mark on the literary culture of Latin America and the world.

Luis Gonzaga Urbina (1864-1934)

Luis Gonzaga Urbina He is another of the main authors of literary Postmodernism. He is a renowned Mexican writer, recognized as one of the pioneers of postmodernism in their country. His literary work is characterized by a great concern for aesthetics and form, influenced by French symbolism. Urbina wrote important works such as "The book of ephemeris" and "The Green Joke", which stand out for their innovation in terms of style and content.

His writings reflect a profound reflection on the human condition and its environment, and his literary legacy continues to be studied and valued today. Luis Gonzaga Urbina, through his work, contributed significantly to the development of Mexican literature and modernism in Latin America.

Literary postmodernism: authors and works - Luis Gonzaga Urbina (1864-1934)

Jean-Francois Lyotard (1924-1998)

Jean-François Lyotard is a French philosopher, considered one of the main theorists of postmodernism. His work is characterized by his criticism of great stories and his defense of heterogeneity and fragmentation. Among his most important works are "The Postmodern Condition" and "will differend".

Jose Juan Tablada (1871-1945)

José Juan Tablada is a Mexican poet and essayist. known as one of the main representatives of postmodernism in his country. His works are distinguished by his boundless imagination and his interest in oriental cultures.

Tablada wrote outstanding works such as "The vase of flowers" and "One day", which are characterized by their innovative poetic style and their focus on themes such as nature, daily life and spirituality.

Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007)

Jean Baudrillard is a French philosopher, considered one of the main theorists of postmodernity. Her work is characterized by her criticism of the consumer society and her concept of simulation. Between his most outstanding works they find each other "The system of objects and "Drills and Simulations".

Alfonsina Storni (1892-1938)

Alfonsina Storni is a renowned Argentine poetshe, considered one of the main figures of Spanish-American poetry. Her literary work is characterized by its sensuality and his interest in feminine subjects. Storni wrote outstanding works such as "Languor" and "Ocher", which reflect her poetic talent and her critical vision of the society of her time.

Through his poetry, Storni addresses universal themes such as love, death and nature, but she also focuses on the specific struggles and challenges women face in a patriarchal society.

Michel Foucault (1926-1984)

Michel Foucault He is another of the most prominent authors of literary Postmodernism. A French philosopher, considered one of the main theorists of postmodernism. His work is characterized by its criticism of power and its emphasis on the relationship between knowledge and power. Among his most important works are "The words and the things" and "Watch out and punish".

Text fragment of literary postmodernism.

Do you want to know what the texts of literary postmodernism are like? It is normal that you do not dare to open a book without knowing for sure that you will understand the way it is written. That is why we wanted to leave you with a fragment of the work desolation byGabriela Mistral, written in 1922:

"Fear that the dark stone

from the last confine

fall on me in the shadow

and make me endless dust.

fear of the raw night

give me your milk to drink

and let me loose for the world

not to see again.

fear that the day will leave

to promise me your sun

and find me on earth

dead without having lived."

Now you know the most relevant authors of literary postmodernism and some of his most outstanding works. If you're interested in continuing to learn more about the different eras that writers have passed through, don't Do not hesitate to consult our section on the history of literature, where we will accompany you on this exciting journey.

If you want to read more articles similar to Literary postmodernism: authors and works, we recommend that you enter our category of history of literature.


  • Trueba, T. g. (2006). Characters in search of an author and Postmodernity: from "Niebla" to "The Truman Show". Hesperia: Yearbook of Hispanic Philology, (9), 87-106.
  • Pineda Botero, A. TO. (2019). From myth to postmodernity.
previous lessonLiterary postmodernism: characteristics


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