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What is the CORE of a sentence?

What is the head of a sentence - examples

The sentences in spanish They are made up of two main parts: The subject and predicate. These two large internal structures are those that determine who does the action (subject) and what action is performed (predicate). Each of these parts of a sentence is made up of one or more elements organized according to importance.

In this lesson of a PROFESSOR we want to explain what is the head of a sentence, that is, the most important element of each of the parts of a sentence.

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  1. How to recognize the nucleus in a sentence?
  2. What is the core of the subject
  3. What is the head of the predicate
  4. Examples of the head of a sentence - explained
  5. Examples of the head of a sentence

How to recognize the nucleus in a sentence?

He syntactic core is a word that serves as main axis of the phrase to which it belongs, so it determines what the behavior of the sentence will be and what its characteristics will be. It is in the nucleus that the most meaning of a sentence.

What is the head of a sentence - examples - How to recognize the head of a sentence?
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What is the core of the subject.

He core of the subject is always composed of noun or pronominal phrase, that is to say that it is usually a noun or a pronoun.

For example: Maria she plays paddle tennis

The nucleus of this subject is “Mary”, a proper name. But if we change the proposition, adding a pronoun, it would look like this: "She plays paddle tennis", the nucleus of the subject will be a pronoun, in this case "She"

What is the nucleus of the predicate.

He predicate core, on the other hand, is always formed by a verb phrase, the verb itself being the main element of the sentence. He verb that functions as the nucleus will be conjugated according to the subject of the sentence.

For example: Maria plays paddle

The core of this predicate will be "she plays"

There are some occasions when the verb is omitted from the sentence, that is to say, that it is not written, although the receiver knows exactly what it refers to. In that case, the core of the sentence will remain the same.

For example:What is Maria playing? paddle tennis

The correct answer would be "María plays paddle tennis", but in a normal conversation, it will not be necessary to repeat the verb again.

What is the head of a sentence - examples - What is the head of the predicate

Examples of the head of a sentence - explained.

let's get you some examples from the core of a sentence in broken down sentences, so you can see what the core of each of the sentences is and understand what function each one fulfills.

Example 1

My German cousin learned to dance bachata

  • Subject: My German cousin
  • Subject Core: Cousin
  • Preached: learned to dance bachata
  • Core of the predicate: learned

Example 2

Adults in the 21st century do not understand children

  • Subject: Adults of the 21st century
  • Subject core: adults
  • Predicate: they don't understand children
  • Core of the predicate: understand

Example 3

I have a lot of stomach pain

  • Subject: I (elliptical subject)
  • Predicate: I have a lot of stomach ache
  • Core of the predicate: I have

Example 4

The console will be on all night

  • Subject: The Console
  • Subject Core: Console
  • Predicate: it will be on all night
  • Core of the predicate: will be

Example 5

Mario is not stronger than Cristina

  • Subject: Mario
  • Subject Core: Mario
  • Predicate: she is not stronger than Cristina
  • Head of the predicate: is

Examples of the head of a sentence.

We leave you with some examples of sentence nuclei, so that you can check if you have understood this lesson correctly, or if, on the contrary, you need to give the theory another review. We have marked the nucleus of the subject in bold font and the head of the predicate in italics, to make it much easier for you to identify them:

  • The Frenchcultivate great mushrooms.
  • Nothingis healthier than olive oil.
  • ¿They No want come say hi?
  • A car gray and black was set on fire yesterday at the protest.
  • ¿Youyou plan travel the world?
  • I them I'll buy a toy to children at Christmas.
  • That season of service no longer he has gasoline.
  • The reality sometimes beats to fiction.
  • He dining room and the kitchen of this house are very bright spaces.
  • He wateris my favorite drink
  • At last arrive the spring!
  • Uswe will go out towards the coast before dawn.
  • II have a great idea.
  • That music I bothers very much.
  • The rainfallwill continue one more time.
  • Us already we arrived to a conclusion.
  • Those womenwere heroines.
  • He recitalit started at 20 hours.
  • When she will think take an exam teacher?
  • The teacherwill write a few more examples.
  • He customer always he has the reason.
  • Joaquin No this mad at you
  • ¿Goat he furniture through the elevator door?
  • Nobodywas according to the announcements of changes.
  • That skeletonbelonged to a dinosaur.
  • The boysthey wore weeks without seeing each other
  • Youyou reflect too much.
  • to birthday attended the friends intimates of the honoree.

Now you know what is the head of a sentence and how to identify it in your parsing. If you are interested in continuing to learn more about the analysis of words, to know the skeleton of which the Spanish language is made up, do not hesitate to consult our section on grammar and linguistics.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is the head of a sentence - examples, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.


  • Eguren, L. (1993). Phrase nuclei.
  • Guerrero, J. TO. h. (1986). Interjection as the original core of oral language. Spanish philology magazine, 66(3/4), 237-255.
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