7 different infant stories (from various points of the world)
O universe das narratives infantis vai muito além two classics that we all know. They are bred and transmitted through gerações, hairs four songs of the world, combining many different images.
At the time of reading or of "storytelling" it could be a moment for children to expand their horizons... So, how about escort um different tangle this time?
1. To Rosa Proud
It was once a rose that I was very proud of its beauty. Despite disso, the ficava revolted by ter growing next to a cactus that she achava tão feio. Every day, pink criticizes the appearance of the cactus and the ficava still. As other plants did not garden tentavam to turn pink by reason, but this was enchanted by the own beauty that was not imported.
Quando o verão chegou, o poço do jardim secou and there is no more water for the plants. Foi therefore that to rose it began to murchar. I saw a pardal mergulhando or bico not cactus to stick a little bit of water. Equally ashamed, she was a cactus if she too could drink a little bit of water. Or cactus readily agreed and you will face or see difficult together, as friends.
This is a popular English story that is false about the need for see além das appeaências e não julgar nem humilhar os outros, because we never know when helping them can be essential for our survival.
On the other hand, the cactus also shows the importance of know how to forgive: The same when he attacks us, at times we fear the opportunity to transform an inimigo into an ally.
2. Rei Midas e o Touch of Ouro
![Rei Midas and o touch of ouro](/f/2eeb9fc7a74b4a5a81ca59f3f0ffacce.jpg)
It was once, at a very short time, um rei called Midas. O rei Midas loves three things but what you do in the world: his filha, his garden of roses and o ouro. Her greatest joy was to see filha collecting non-garden roses, which she placed in a glass of ouro to decorate or cast.
Uma noite, when she walked with roses, or rei tropeçou em a satyr, a figure that was the goal of homeme and the goal of a goat, who seemed famint and doente. Or rei Midas trouxe or satyr for his cast and ordered you to take care of him. When the satyr agreed to follow him, he said that he was protected by Dionysus and, to thank him, he could perform whatever he wanted.
Or rei did not want anything for her filha because he had given her everything that she wanted and much more. He also didn't save anything for his rose garden because everyone knew that he cultivated the world's best roses. He sobrou or ouro. Então o rei Midas wished you played or that you played was transformed into ouro. You don't have much hope that your wish has been taken care of, but you are happy for being a victim or a satyr.
Not so much, when he turned to his castelo, he puxou a cadeira to sit at the table. No minute em that ele a tocou, a cadeira ficou dourada. Ele tocou to table. Ele tocou a glass. Assim that they touch you, they will be transformed into ouro. O rei Midas run your hair seu castelo. Tudo que ele tocava virava ouro! He was so happy that he yelled for his servos to prepare a banquet!
Eles cozinharam e cozinharam e lhe serviram or banquet. Foi aí que o problem começou. It is attended to by me and a handful of food that has been transformed into ouro. He will bend over and rip a piece of meat like teeth, but no adiantou. A meat was transformed into ouro in his mouth. Os olhos do rei got maddened. He knew that if he could not eat, he would love to eat.
Rei Midas wandered sadly to her rose garden. His filhinha was collecting flowers and running for the arms of him, transforming himself into ouro too. O rei Midas baixou a cabeça e chorou. When your tears fell on the precious roses, they were transformed into ouro, more or less imported.
He did not import more with roses, or ouro or with himself. So he implored: "Dioniso, ouça minha oração! Remove meu desejo! Please remove meu desejo e salve minha filha! ". Pela last time, or wish King Midas was treated and all turned normal.
Part of the Greek mythology, the history of King Midas is some lendas that will emerge in no period of time. Grécia Antiga. O protagonist is a dedicated home, more than he values his filha so much, how many roses or ouro.
Moved by ambition, he ends up perceiving his priorities and learning that or dinheiro não é tudo: When you think you lost filha, discover that either love is more valuable than everything else or that there is no world.
3. O Elephant that Lost Paciência
It was once a formiga and an elephant that lived in the jungle. Or elephant was a patient and gentle animal, but a formiga was not the same as his friend. She was always buzzing with the elephant, saying that he was too big or that his nose was too long.
- What do you need a nose so tight for? You don't know what looks like a fool with a tight nose? And why are you so big and big? You don't know that animal nenhum needs big orelhas assim?
A formiguinha did not provoke only an elephant; The offended tiger or the tiger faking on his listras and the giraffe on his purchased fish. Depois she jumped like a macaque because of her cauda and tied as a nice pass because of her sorrows.
Or tiger, a giraffe, or a macaque and a passer-by was not patient, or a gentle elephant. Logo eles ficaram tão zangados com a formiga e suas provoções that will refuse to leave the creature chegar deles. All to ameaçaram, by isso a formiga they are devastated. Everyone, of course, less or an elephant full of patience.
She did not perceive or how gentle or elephant she really was and, instead of being pleasing, she continued to be a giant. When she rises to her orelha and begins to swear new offenses, the balance to the head, but to form a security with force and continue:
- Você é tão velho, so heavy and so slow!
At this height, the elephant was tired das provoções da formiga. So he finally lost patience:
- Posso be slow, posso be velho, ter orelhas large and falls, more sei swimming.
Depois disso, elemeçou a slow and steady march in the direction of the river, entering the water with the most of a word. To formiguinha implorou for him not to go in front like plane, but foi em vão. At the same time, the fall and was dragged from the river.
Daquele day, the history of the forest passed to be told the jungle filhotes before going to sleep, so that they learn never to provoke friends, family or strangers.
This is a popular story that originated in the West. India It is intended for children's education. She talks about the importance of maintaining or respecting all people and creatures.
Até o elephant, na su patciência quase infinite, can be raised to or limit as provocations and offenses constant. By isso, when we insist on being unpleasant and unfriendly, we always give ourselves badly.
4. Momotaro, or Menino do Pêssego
![Momotaro, or Menino do Pêssego](/f/9e5c4a7a13926513e8098659922aa9d3.jpg)
It was once a house of velhinhos that was very lonely because there were no filhos. One day, the montanhas cut Lenha, while his wife was washed roupa no laugh. It was assumed that she started tarefa, a woman who noticed that a great pessego was flowing in the water. It was, sem dúvida, or greater fruit than she has ever seen! Then, she hastened to throw or pêssego do rio e o levou home.
Not late at the end of the day, or husband chegou at home and she showed him or gigantic fruit that he will eat I will not grow. Not so, when you stick a blade to cut or stick, a cute little boy pulsed inside her. Very happy, they will resolve to create it as filho e lhe deram or nome de Momotaro, which means "Menino do Pêssego".
He was growing strong and courageous and, fifteen years old, he decided to go to Ilha dos Ogros, soon to defeat the villagers and to create treasures for the family. Concerned, the country of garoto will separate some present to help or filho during the day. Or pai hands over a sword and armor; I prepared some gostoso bolinhos for my almoço.
Hair walked, he found a puppy that is at his address. Momotaro deu-lhe um two bolinhos and falou that he was fighting against the ogres. Então or puppy resolves to accompany it. Further, they will find a macaque that started a luta, more or garoto or contou or his plane and he delivered a bolinho de massa; or macaque decided to leave with them. Suddenly, we will find a pheasant and everything is repeated.
When they spotted Ilha, they realized that there were many ogres around it. Primeiro, or faisão voou e comçou to bicar the heads of them. When all of them try to hit or miss, or macaque runs and opens or walks for the rest of the group. Foi a great battle! United, Momotaro, or cub, or macaque and or pheasant will end up defeating the evil ogres.
For your friends to collect your enormous treasure and help, or Menino Pêssego to return home. Therefore, Momotaro has a life of luxurious years, and everyone will live happily ever after.
Momotaro, or boy who was born from a pêssego, is an ancient and important figure of japanese folklore. Born in a magical way, from the desire of his country, or garoto became a brave warrior.
Com gestures of partilha e união, ele foi making friends hair caminho. When he went to Ilha dos Ogros, he realized that he could only defeat them as he helped two companions that he reunited and, thanks to them, he managed to pay back the care of the family.
5. To Árvore de Agulha
It was once two irmãos... O mais velho semper foi maldoso as mais jovem: he ate his food, roubava his after-dinner and batia nele. Num cold winter day, or irmão mais velho foi à floresta find lenha for home. When he had enough together, he decided to go and sell no market.
You started selling Lenha, she went to the forest and continued cutting some galhos, just to have fun. So I found him a whole golden tree. When he was ready to cut her, to arvore falou:- Please, do not cut meus galhos! You will not cut meus galhos, eu lhe darei maçãs de ouro.
He agrees and arvore he deu algumas maçãs de ouro, more or garoto ficou disenfranchised and demanded more. When he raised or crushed, ameçando cut it, to trees, hundreds of agulhas fell on top of menino. Down no chão, sem get to move, ele fica chorando.
Or irmão mais novo, worried about his delay, resolve to leave to try it. When he found him, he sat on his side and, with all or love and patience, he threw every agulha do his body. Comovido com o carinho, o mais velho pediu apologize for o irmão and promise that you will never mistreat him again.
A magical tree, that I perceive that you have really changed and recognized your mistakes, present you garotos with a large quantity of maçãs de ouro.
OR traditional English count he misunderstands nature, magical powers and family relationships. Na narrative, or irmão more velho mistreats or less and cruel as trees, cutting off his galhos without necessity.
Sortudo, porém ungratefulHe demands that he hand over all his maçãs de ouro to arvore and ends up being paid by hundreds of agulhas. Not so, when or irmão começa a ajudá-lo, he repents of his seus atos and he is rewarded by isso.
6. Baba Yaga
![Baba Yaga](/f/0a7a7ba2568c6d9c1239a8e3c4867207.jpg)
It was once a country house that had two gemean filhos, a menino and a menina. When a morreu wife, or pai das crianças entered a great sadness that lasted years, I decided that he resolved to marry de novo. However, the stepmother did not know two: she mistreated you, did not want to feed them, and lived thinking of a way to get rid of them.
Therefore, the evil began to take a count of the heart of the woman who invented a bad plan. One day, she decided to send them to the house of a bruxa that morava na floresta:
- Minha avó mora na floresta, numa cabana with pés de galinha. Lá, she keeps many twelve and you will be happy!
Two garotos, who I perceived, told you that we were being sent for more of a bruxa. I therefore recommended that you be educated and obedient, comply with all orders and help, not that necessary. Chegando, they reconheceram a curious hut that sits on a tiny foot of galinha.Inside the hut, they will spot Velha Bruxa and offer themselves to serve her. To bruxa, Baba Yaga, you received them, but I warned that she would go devouring them, you did not make all your desires of her. First of all, she sent Garota to have a fio and she began to cry out of despair, I tied that two ratinhos arise that to help us to tarefa.
While this is so, Baba Yaga ordered that or men enchesse a banheira using just a peneira. Ele, aflito, I did not manage to perform the task. So that we will emerge passarinhos, who offer a solution to a trade of some migalhas: with argila, we date the buracos da peneira and, likewise, a banheira is encheu de agua.
Aí arisen or preto cat that belongs to bruxa and, in exchange of some food, she aceitou ajudá-los. O bug ordered you to flee, but first he gave you two very important objects:
- When you will see bruxa running through you, play with a towel and a big river will appear in its place. It will be done de novo, joguem or pente no chão and the piece of wood that will protect them will be transformed.
Assim that she returned, to the terrific velhinha, she was satisfied or realized that all the tasks had been accomplished. I decided, then, that no day after his orders would be more difficult to carry out, and he could also devour you two irmãos. The garotos foram to sleep on the top of a mountain of Palha, eat, and wait for him to chegasse.
No time when bruxa leaves the house, peels manhã, we will stick objects and we will see running or faster than they get. Baba Yaga rode in a glass and followed them. As crianças, ouvindo or barulho, play a towel no chão behind them.As a result of a huge blue river that emerged from Bruxa, it did not manage to pass over it, and it was necessary to find a lower place to cross it. When it was approaching, the men would launch or not only sprout a huge forest. As the trees intertwine, Baba Yaga realized that she would not get past the glass and ended up turning back, furious.
By freeing themselves, the children will be able to return to the arms of the country and narrate their enormous adventure. Excited as the story, he separated from his evil stepmother and built a happy life alongside two children.
A famous lenda do slavic folklore It is present in several countries and is well represented in popular culture. Baba Yaga is a velhinha with supernatural dons who dwells in the forest and can help or harm human beings.
Powerful and very demanding, the figure is used to teach children to strive compliment me serious deveres, even when you are difficult.
7. O Jabuti e o Leopard
Or jabuti, distracted as usual, was hurrying home. A night comes to cover the forest with its dark mantle and or melhor was open or pass.
Suddenly… caiu numa armadilha!
A deep buraco covered by leaves of palmeiras that has been dug in the trilha, it does not give me forest, hunting hairs from the village to imprison you.
Or jabuti, thanks to your thick helmet, don't be bruised, but… how to escape dali? He has to find a solution before starting he doesn't want to turn soup for the villages ...
He was still lost in his thoughts when a leopard also fell into the same armadilha!!! O jabuti deu um pulo, pretending to have been bothered in your refuge, e berrou para o leopard:
- What is it? Or what's going on here? Are these ways to get into my house? Don't you know how to ask for a license ?!
E quanto mais screamed. And he continued ...
- Don't you see where is he going? Don't you know that I don't want to receive visits at this time of the night? Saia ha daqui! Seu painted rude!
Or leopard snorting from raiva with such daring, grabbing or jabuti and with all força jogou-o for fora do buraco!
Or jabuti, happy life, I was walking home quietly!
Ah! Scared ficou or leopard ...
TO traditional african lenda It is a bem-humorous narrative about the need to keep calm even in previous situations. Same being distracted, or Jabuti use to esperteza And he takes advantage of Leopardo's fury to free himself.
Prisoner in an armadilha and sem forças para sair dali, or bug prova that all problems can be solved through intelligence.
Take the opportunity to see also:
- Commented infantile histories
- Biblical stories infantis
- Commented African Counts
- Fada counts commented
- Histories infantis curtas
- Stories to sleep
- Contos commented with great teachings for crianças