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Análise do quadro A Persistência da Memória by Salvador Dalí

A Persistência da Memória It is a picture of the surrealist painter Salvador Dalí. The fabric was produced in 1931 in less than five hours and had small dimensions (24cm x 33cm).

Dalí was unwilling to go to the cinema with his woman and his friends and, since he was at home, he painted one of the two most famous paintings of art history.

A work, made with an oil-on-canvas technique, is exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art (MoMa), in New York, since 1934.

A persistence gives memory

Interpretation and meaning of A Persistência da Memória

As works of many surrealists give margem to various interpretations that are loaded with symbolism and have few direct representations of reality. A Persistência da Memória trace a message related to temporality and memory.

By means of the "paranoid-critical" method, developed by the artist based on theories of psycheanism, Dalí It creates situations that explore the unconscious and fantasy, placing objects in unusual, incommunicado centers. Assim, or artist re-signifies the elements, tracing different concepts.

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The "melted" religions


I hope that it melts I represent a tempo that passes differently. On the contrary, there are two normal times, which are set precisely after two seconds, these Dalí times have different times, because the ponteiros are melted and traced. distorted noção two seconds.

When we olhamos for you relógios, we recognize this object, porém, it causes us strangeness, because it is destitute of its format and conventional use. This strangeness generates a reflection on the object itself and its function.

There has also been an interpretation of two melted religions related to sexual impotência, an issue addressed in other works of the artist. By means of the object's consistency, in this flaccid case, Dalí raises an elo between sexuality and tempo.

Conheça also: Instinctive works of surrealism.

As you formigas not relógio


Or the only relay that is not deformed or that is turned down and tempered on it. Salvador Dalí does not have many forms and these insects are related to putrefaction to his works.

Isso shows how an everyday object is despised by Dalí and is a surreal avant-garde. Many accredit that representative art was decadent and that photography had taken or instead of a realistic painting.

Once found, it was to dislodge or object, deform it, look for new ways of represent it. This resource, apart from being another way of representing or object, promotes meditation and reflection on things that are lost in our daily lives.

O relógio é um banal object that we all saw and provavelmente use. Generally, we do not pay much attention, even if you are responsible for marking, giving or passing our day and our two commitments.

When Dalí transfigured or relogio, he appeared to us as that small object that was very important in our life.

To fly over or to watch

a fly on or relógio em A persistência da Memória, by Dalí

A fly that appears poised on two logs is more a confirmation of what the artist is dealing with at the time of his or her work.

O inseto symbolizes passagem two cycles and lets us know that "o tempo voa", ainda that in a variable way for each individual.

A dry tree

Dried tree with melted relógio, square by Salvador Dalí

A tree exhibited in the fabric emerges as a structure of sustainability of two drained logs. This element symbolizes an oliveira, a very common tree in Catalonia, Salvador Dalí's native land.

The artist Escolheu portrays her as a way to affirm anew (além da paisagem ao founded) her origins.

Or if the trunk is dried out, it leaves a green leaf to dry, it makes us think again about cycles of nature, and consequently not temporary in life.

Painter caricature


TO subjective notion of tempo é explored by Dalí in this quadro. The figure of the painter himself appears asleep under a melted religion. O place of sleep, of vigil, is also a place where temporality assumes other realities.

O tempo do quadro A Persistência da Memória não é o real tempo, e sim o tempo do unconscious. It is known that Dalí was influenced by some of the theories of Freud's psycheanalysis, second or qual "or sound is a real path that led to or unconscious."

In search of Dalí unconscious hair is reflected not quadro peels his caricature that sleeps. Temporarily it is in another plane.

Nessa figures we can also see that the artist is portrayed in a distorted way, as an amorphous body with large numbers.

Note-an organic element is added next to the nose, or that can be interpreted as a language, tracing the feeling that the body itself is reconfigured, like the universe itself two dreams.

To paisagem e or rest do real

I found

He commends all the figurations and representations surreais, or Salvador Dalí's painting introduces us to or founded a landscape. This horizon was within sight of his house in Barcelona.

É a real estrada do, or what remains of the reality in this painting that portrays or dreamlike atmosphere, ou seja, what we experience when we are.

A palette of cores used was escolhida in order to take us to an arid landscape. With tons of ocher and brown in the greater part of the cloth, we are transported to a dry and infertile nature.

The work also leads to a metalinguistic questioning. How can art make part of the memory and not be skewed? And how is it the cam or little subject who produced the work to procure a little imortality in his pictures?

Outras reflections on A persistência da Memória

A Persistência da Memória It is a subjective view of temporality and its implications, based on a work of art or a lembranças. It is also a tribute to the interior and unconscious tempo, which has its own way of being told and which foge à rationality.

O unconscious and essential material for Salvador Dalí and his timelessness is expressed in the work as the use of religions that will end or will be exposed to persistence of memory.

Discover The 11 most memorable works of Salvador Dalí.

Or what was it or surrealism?

Or surrealism is an artistic school that is born in literature and that prega great freedom of breeding. The artists will try to go through the formalism and seek not unconscious, not what foge à reality, to their raw material.

Or thermo surrealism was created by André Breton and there is no context for two European modernist movements. As strong influence das Freud's psychoanalytic theories, or surrealism tends to stray from logic and reason to artistic productions.

Or result is uma symbolic art, cheia of elements that saem gives rationality, detaching everyday objects from their conventional logic.

Do you want to know more? Understand all about or surrealism.

Conheça also:

  • Quadro Guernica, by Pablo Picasso
  • Meaning of the work Abaporu, by Tarsila do Amaral
  • Quadro A Noite Estrelada, by Vincent Van Gogh
  • The most famous paintings in the world
  • The main works of Joan Miró to understand the costume of the surrealist painter
  • Quadro O Grito, by Edvard Munch
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