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Anita Malfatti: works and biography

Anita Malfatti (1889-1964) was one of the two greatest names in Brazilian plastic arts. Forerunner, avant-garde and one of the principals responsible for the renovation of painting in our country, Anita is a figure that deserves to be recognized in advance.

She has now released her major works and discovered a brief biography.

Works by Anita Malfatti

Silly (1915-1916)


Silly It is one of the most important works of the Brazilian painter and presents cubist and futuristic elements for além de many cores.

Or portrait traces a single protagonist - young, expressive -, who stands out in the foreground. Here Anita deforms the basic shapes of her character. Or I found, abstract, and ugly from long brushstrokes.

A canvas, measuring 61cm by 50.60 cm, was painted during the period when Anita lived in the United States and currently belongs to the Coleção Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo (SP).

Or homem love it (1915-1916)

Or homem love it

A first version of the fabric Or homem love it It was painted in 1915, the image we see above - and it was consecrated - is the second version of the work.

instagram story viewer

On the cloth Anita creates an inanimate portrait and enhances (through deformation) the feições of her protagonist.

On or raptor, the painter publicly affirmed:

O model do Or homem love it He was a poor Italian immigrant. He was um who came in to pose. Tinha uma expressão tão desperate.

It does not work without proper symmetry or framing, as well as part of two paintings by the painter.

A fabric, which was exhibited during the Modern Art Week, is 61 cm by 51 cm and currently belongs to the Mário de Andrade Collection of the Institute of Brazilian Studies of the University of São Paulo (SP).

O homem de sete cores (1915-1916)

O homem de sete cores

Em O homem de sete cores There is a special phase given to the muscles, to the exaggerated contours of the firing, distorted body. There is no proper setting expected in the face of home.

On the direct side of the fabric we see banana leaves referring to national culture as well as using the colors of the Brazilian flag (or green, or yellow or blue).

The painting, which measures 60.70 cm by 45 cm, was painted when the artist lived in the United States and is currently part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Brazilian Art - FAAP (São Paulo, SP).

Russian student (1915)

Russian student

A canvas is considered one of the two more "behaved" works of Anita, with softer and less controversial contours.

Or portrait of an anonymous girl and identified only by a vague title that identifies her occupation and nationality: a student from Russia. Many, not so much, I think that the image was a self-portrait.

Or I founded packed with just a cadeira vermelha school style highlights ainda mais or prominence da moça.

Mário de Andrade chegou to buy cloth in 1935. Or writer said that this was his favorite work of Anita, second ele:

A nobre artist coube fazer não an indifferent portrait of an unknown woman, but a like life expressão de raça, a violência cantiga dessa pátria - tumult, pride and dor, erro and crença, beauty and crime que é a Russia; She is dúvida, a great breeder.

A canvas, which was 76 cm by 61 cm, was painted no period during which she frequent the Arts Students League of New York and belongs to the Collection of Visual Arts of the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros - USP (São Paul).

Or japanese (1915)

Or japanese

There are strong indications that either the main character of the work or the painter Yasuo Kuniyoshi (1893-1953), a colleague of Anita in Nova Iorque both in the Arts Students League and in the Independent School of Art.

Com tons vermelhos e amarelos, a feição do personagem sobresai na fabric.

O work was bought by Mário de Andrade in 1920 for this exhibition both at the Modern Art Week and at the VI São Paulo International Biennial.

Or bluffby Monhegan (1915)

Or bluff

A canvas, 46.50 cm by 61 cm, presents us with a bucolic landscape illustrated with vibrant colors inspired by the works of Van Gogh.

Painted when Anita lived in the United States, in reference to the landscape of Monhegan, on the American east coast. O work you have strong influence from Anita's professor at the time, Homer Boss.

She affirmed to the painter about this period:

We paint in the window, in the sun, in the rain and in the mist. Eram fabrics and fabrics. It was a storm, it was or a bluff, it was more like two fishermen running their noses, it was more circular landscapes, or sun and sea or sea ...

Or bluffby Monhegan Currently face part of the Coleção Gilberto Chateaubriand do MAM do Rio de Janeiro.

Portrait of Fernanda de Castro (1922)

Fernanda de castro

A cloth acima foi um feito work by Anita eternalizing or portrait of the Lisbon writer Fernanda de Castro twenty years old.

A Portuguese author is in São Paulo at the Modern Art Week helping to carry out the event and finish posing, at the same time, both for Anita and for Tarsila do Amaral, as duas maiores Brazilian painters gives time.

Or feito portrait by Malfatti is 73.50 cm by 54.50 cm on the face part of a private collection.

Biography of Anita Malfatti


Anita Catarina Malfatti was born in São Paulo on December 2, 1889. More than her, Eleonora Elizabeth Krug (1866-1952), a North American professor of painting, was responsible for initiating a new universe of plastic arts. Or her father, Samuel Malfatti, was an Italian engineer who died when Anita had spent seven years.

As a young boy or girl will be stunted due to a congenital health problem, she needs to learn to raise and grow as a mother.

A moça teacher was trained before completing a maioridade. In my thirtieth year and studying, Anita became a disinterested, engraver, painter, illustrator and also a teacher, two more than two major Brazilian plastic arts.

Anita Malfatti

Lover of the arts, a young man was born in Berlim between 1910 and 1914 as the patronage of uncle George Krug. In Europe, she developed her art even more because she attended the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts for one year. During her stay in the German capital, she learned avant-garde art (or cubism and or expressionism).

Between 1915 and 1916 she also lived in New York-financed by the uncle-where she studied at the Arts Students League of New York at the Independent School of Art. Anita was also studying a series of free courses in Paris between 1923 and 1928 through a bag of studies.

Estreia no Brasil and reviews

In 1914 the painter fez at her first show in São Paulo no Mappin Stores.

Three years later, in 1917, encouraged by Di Cavalcanti, she held an iconic individual exhibition as a framework for modernism in Brazil. She shows her 53 main works.

Her performance caused so much rebellion that it motivated famous critics such as Monteiro Lobato, who escreveu or artigo By the way, Malfatti exposition Destroying the creations of the painter.

Oswald de Andrade, on the other hand, defended or worked by Anita in an article published in Jornal do Comércio in 1918.

Participation in the Modern Art Week

No event the most important of Brazilian plastic arts, Anita Malfatti participated with several exhibits being or most important of them Or homem love it.

Modern art week

Anita also has the privilege of participating in the First São Paulo International Biennial.


A painter died in a chácara in Diadema, São Paulo, on November 6, 1964, 74 years old.

Conheça also

  • Great Brazilian artists and their works
  • Important artists of Modern Art Week
  • Modern Art Week.
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