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Find out the story of João e Maria and confirm a detailed analysis

João e Maria is a very old fable that tells the story of two irmãos abandoned in a forest.

At lenda, which was transmitted through orality by various generations in the Middle Idaho era, hair was collected Grimm signs I do not know XIX, and the page integrates a set of very present, non-imaginary childish accounts.

Or original title é Hänsel und GretelThere are dark elements in the Trazian history and so much different from what we now know.

I summarize

As crianças e sua família

Many years ago, there were two children, João and Maria, living with her mother and her stepmother near a forest. O country was lenhador and the tempos was scarce. A família passava fosters não tinha resources to feed everyone.

Diante dessa situção, a stepmother, who was a woman mesquinha and more, elaborates a horrible plan to abandon the children in the forest so that they will be eaten without the fears. Or else, at first, he doesn't agree, but he ends up giving in and oiling at the suggestion of his wife.

João and Maria are talking to two adults and ficam very half. In the meantime, or menino feared the idea of ​​collecting shiny stones to mark or going back home.

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Assim, na manhã Seguinte, all saem in the direction of the forest with the excuse that I will cut lenha.

João e Maria e as pedrinhas brilhantes

When I cheg a clareira, or a lenhador acend a fogueira e diz para seus filhos ficarem I tied them to look for them, or that obviously does not happen.

As ficam crianças certo tempo nesse local, more depois percebem that really will not be saved. Then they decided to return following the stones that João had left his hair behind.

João and Maria

Or leave the forest again

Ao chegarem at home, João and Maria are received with satisfação pelo pai. Meanwhile, a stepmother is furious and decides to pick them up for longer.

João recently decides to collect stones to leave his hair down, but recently a woman has been locked in front of the house, or that it is impossible or less to collect the clues.

Then, a few days spent, or home to a piece of pão for each child and again, once again, I will be heading to the forest. Again, since there were no glittering stones to mark or costume of volta, João and Maria deixam hair for small nacos do pão.

A frustrated attempt to return

Dessa form, they are raised for a local, still more remote and perigoso.

When you go home, you are told that migalhas left as marks tinham disappeared, provavelmente devoured hairs and other animals of the forest.

They do not get achar or path from volta and are seen lost and helpless in the escape from the dated kill.

joão and maria

João and Maria found the house of twelve

As crianças resolvem perambular in search of help and, suddenly, sight of a house. Ao chegarem mais perto, note that the construction was a little bowling alley and other guloseimas.

Surprised as such uncovered, João and Maria simply do not accredit me that they see you! It was like a dream, and they run towards home and start to eat everything or that their mouths get swallowed, because of so much deprivation of food.

To bruxa more

But, as you do or that it is a little hard, the logo appears to dona da casa. She was a pretty tall woman with a strange appearance. Either way, she welcomes you with sympathy, inviting you to enter.

I think we will be dealing with a solidária senhora, who has offered even more food to them. But, as a time, I realized that the reality of the woman was a very much bruxa.

Isso because to idosa tinha uma gaiola, where she turns on João as an intuition of feeding-I tied him to make him fat or enough to be shot down and assassinated in a huge forno. During this time, Maria was forced to do all kinds of domestic work.

Bruxa, who was blind, verified whether or not he was getting fat by ordering him to show his finger to beat her. João, very skilled, managed to trick Velha by showing a fine grave. For isso, we will stay a long time in the cabin of twelve.

Maria gets rid of bruxa

Chega um day em that bruxa já is irritated and tired of waiting for or menino fique "no ponto" to be devoured. The resolve then as well as any way.

Maria continued to work and the bruxa sent him up or down. When velha chega perto to check the temperature, menina quickly to empurra inside the forno and date to tampa, locking the evil inside.

A libertação das crianças e a volta for home

Assim, Maria liberta or irmão and they entered the house again to see what she was hiding. As crianças you find many riches, precious stones and money.

Levando o tesouro da feiticeira, voltam for the forest in order to procure or walk home. Or return is tortuous and they are faced with some challenges.

In the meantime, get your bearings and find your old home. It was inside or there, that when you see you chora of happiness. He had felt a lot of remorse and guilt for abandoning such defenseless children.

At that height, the older stepmother had died and the children could grow up happily on the side of the country. The agora já não passavam fosters the tempos of misery tinham ficado not passed.

Analyze do conto

Nesse said, many psychological elements can be analyzed. A fable traça a narrative about the feeling of helplessness, in search of independence, satisfaction, frustration and, finally, courage.

A symbol of the house of irmãos e da floresta

We will symbolize you male and female side (yin and yang) of the same pessoa, who when he comes up with a situation of abandonment, sadness and abandonment, she sees herself lost because of her "unheard". This emotional confusion can be represented in the image of the forest and its perigos.

It is interesting to observe that as children, who will be abandoned, they worry about leaving clues to achar or path of volta, but the same assim, I finish sozinhas and I have to reorient sem nenhum support, submit using your own capabilities.

Satisfaction and frustration

Nessa is looking for herself, João and Maria end up finding a moment of satisfaction extreme, when you see me in front of a feita de doces house. Those, who are famished - and here we can relate to an "existential encouragement" - they get bogged down with guloseimas, which is not a reality that feeds on fato.

Assim, this illusion that we are "safe" logo and shaved, as a bruxa figure, thus representing frustrations e decorrências gives greed, gluttony and anxiety.

A loss of innocence and a resumption of courage

A velha senhora, who at the beginning was boa, later imprisons you. Also, when you left, it was still too late, João was imprisoned in cativeiro and Maria was feita de escrava. Here, he told us about the consequences of being too innocent and blind trust.

In the meantime, as children get rid of ameças and punishments for acessarem sua inner force, courage, spirit of equipment and creativity. They also know how to carry the wealth of life, or that it enables us to know that we acquire when we go through difficult situations in life.

Outras considerations

Na history, a bruxa morre and a stepmother too. These events are related to each other, in some way, these people are connected with bad hair that causes years of damage to strong hair and food.

Another interesting point to analyze the historical context in which the story arose. In the Middle Idade era, fome It was something that punished a huge part of the population. Assim, em João and Maria This is the central problem that surrounds the entire narrative.

It is also mistrustful that the original story, the mother-in-law did not exist, and the reality that the ballva or plane of abandonment was at the same time as children. Since this version seems very cruel, it was later altered.

João e Maria adapted for TV and cinema

Some verses of the fable foram adapted for or audiovisual. We select two of them, quite different.

TV series Two Contos de Fada Theater

Presented by Shelley Duvval, a series of 26 episodes was shown in the 90's on TV Culture and fez part of the children's imagery of every age. Confira or full episode:

João e Maria - Contos de Fadas (Dublado e Completo)

Film João e Maria, witch hunters (2013)

In 2013 it was a different version of the story for the cinema. In history, we will grow and become witch hunters. Veja or trailler:

João e Maria: Caçadores de Bruxas - Official teaser trailer

Conheça os irmãos Grimm

We sign you Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm nasceram na Alemanha em 1785 and 1786, respectively. You are two scholars of linguistics, poets and academics who will dedicate their lives, especially, in the queue and writing of popular fables that part of the oral tradition of Germanic poetry.

Grimm signs
Elisabeth Baumann painting from 1855 portraying Grimm's irmãos

They compiled a large number of stories that were told by relatives and humble people. I know that I am part of the chegaram contos I signed you through a woman called Dorotea Viehmman. Nessa time, as narratives were turned to the adult public, not children.

On the initiative of gathering more histories of seu povo impulsionou also a queue and registration of other myths There are many other parts of the world by other researchers, in order to guarantee that these fables are not lost.

It is worth bearing in mind that this history will make some changes over the course of two years. Generally, the original verses are the most scary and never have a happy ending.

Some famous words written by irmãos são: Branca de Neve, Chapeuzinho Vermelho, Rapunzel, O Little Polegar, Cinderela, between others.

Jacob saw his death in 1863, knowing that Wilhelm had died four years earlier, in 1859. Both foram of essential importance for the preservation of traditions that permeate the collective unconscious and, at least, remain in our imagination.

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