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Quincas Borba, by Machado de Assis: summary and complete analysis

Published in 1891 initially in folhetim format, Quincas Borba belongs to the realistic trilogy of Machado de Assis composed by Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas and Dom Casmurro.

I summarize

The protagonist Pedro Rubião de Alvarenga was a primary professor who became a nurse and friend of Quincas Borba millionaire.

Com a morte de Quincas Borba, Rubião herda tudo or that belongs to the magnata: escravos, imóveis, investimentos. Furthermore, Rubião, who has been at the height of his inventory for about 40 years, also received or cão, also chamado, as well as or formerly, Quincas Borba.

When the testament was opened, Rubião quase fell behind. Guess why. He was nominated universal herdeiro of testator. Not five, nem dez, nem vinte contos, mas tudo, or capital inteiro, specified as bens, casas na Corte, uma em Barbacena, escravos, apólices, ações do Banco do Brasil e de outras institutions, jóias, dinheiro amoedado, livros, - all finally passed more than Rubião, sem detours, sem deixas a nenhuma pessoa, nem esmolas, nem rapturous. Uma só condição havia no testamento, to keep or hurt with him or his poor puppy Quincas Borba, not that he owes it for the reason of great affection that he tinha.

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Either the deceased proved that he died before the animal of esteem, or did not survive through the puppy.

Together, Rubião e o cão Quincas Borba moved from Barbacena (interior of Minas Gerais) to Corte.

Na trip of trem rumo to Rio de Janeiro - more precisely in Vassouras station - or conhece professor or house Sofia and Cristiano de Almeida e Palha. Or casal, interested, barnacle to naivety of more recent millionaire and resolves to throw profit of the situation.

Rubião moves to a house in Botafogo and starts to walk closer to Palha house each time. They or help with home decoration, with hiring of civil servants, or appear for your social circle. As relationships become so stressed that Rubião ends up being turned off by Sofia.

Close to home it is, above all, pure convenience. In just a few years, Rubião has been realizing that Sofia is not interested in what the house has provided for her financial condition. As an end, Rubião began to present traços de demência.

O patrimônio vai diminuindo e o Casal Palha, perceiving the condition of "friend", is responsible for the care of the doente. The situation worsens when Rubião is going to stop in a hospice.

With more and more frequent crises of demência, Rubião accredits being a French emperor and manages to escape from hospício as cão. Together we will go to Barbacena, porém not receive shelter and passam a noite ao leu, na rua.

Rubião, insane, I will die for a few days depois.

Personagens principais

Quincas Borba

Quincas Borba was an intellectual who lived in Barbacena, in the interior of Minas Gerais. He was beaten by Maria da Piedade, a sister from Rubião. A moça morreu jovem e Quincas Borba não deixou nenhuma viúva ou filho. Or herdeiro escolhido, registered in testament, was or great friend Rubião, who was next to him in the last months before death.

Quincas Borba, or puppy

Além do great friend Rubião, Quincas Borba tinha outro faithful escudeiro: o seu cão. Tratava-se de um cub de meio tamanho, pêlo cor de chumbo and malhado de preto. He was a companion for all hours, he slept like dono, partilhavam or same nome:

- Bem, but because I have not been before or named after Bernardo, I see Rubião as a thought of a political rival of the locality.

- This is now a particular reason. He died before, as I presume, he survived I did not do meu bom puppy. Ris-te, no?


Ingênuo, or former primary professor Pedro Rubião de Alvarenga received, aged forty years, a herança de Quincas Borba. Após a morte do amigo, Rubião discovers an unexpected testament that he leaves as the sole responsibility for all of you: funds, investments, books. He also had hurt or cão, Quincas Borba.

Sofia palha

Married to Cristiano Palha, Sofia is Rubião's muse. Or rapacious apaixona-pela moça from the moment he meets, in the station of Vassouras. Sofia tinha between twenty and seven and twenty years and was described as a very beautiful senhora.

Christian Palha

Interesseiro, Cristiano de Almeida e Palha sees in Rubião an opportunity to grow in life. From the moment that he perceives the naivety of the raptor, Cristiano tries to throw away his financial condition.

Já ouviu falar na expressão "ao winner of the sweet potatoes"? In a philosophical theory of Humanitism?

No chapter six of the romance of Machado de Assis, Quincas Borba speaks to ensinar or friend Rubião or philosophical concept of Humanitism.

A theory, founded on the teachings of the philosopher Joaquim Borba dos Santos, was based on the notion that war would be a form of natural selection.

"Suppose your sweet potato field and two famous tribes. Thus, sweet potatoes barely chegam to feed a few tribes, who also acquire forces to transport to montana and go to another vendor, where there are abundant sweet potatoes; moreover, two tribes will divide in peace the sweet potatoes of the field, not chegam to nourish enough and morrem de inanição. To peace, in any case, it is to destruction; to war and to conservation. One of the tribes exterminates another and collects the spoils. Daí a alegria da vitória, os hinos, acclamações, public rewards and all demais effeitos das ações bellélicas. Se a war não fosse isso, tais demonstrações não chegariam to give-se, for the real reason that or homem only commemorates and loves or that lhe is aprazível or advantageous, and for the rational reason that nenhuma pessoa canonizes an act that virtually destroyed. Year overdue, ódio ou compaixão; victorious year, as sweet potatoes. "

Envelope to written do livro

Published in short chapters, a story and told by an oniscient narrator.

Chama a atenção o fato do narrador many times he will communicate directly as a leitor, let us see as an example a section extracted from the end of chapter III:

Let's leave Rubião in the Botafogo room, beating with the tassels of the chambre we joelhos, and taking care of the beautiful Sofia. See me with you, Leitor; Let's see it, months before, to Cabeceira do Quincas Borba.

Convém lembrar that Quincas Borba It is not a unique and isolated production, or romance, part of a trilogy proposed by Machado de Assis. Long year of chapter IV, for example, we sublimate the story of the narrator also to converse as a reader in respect of the first book of the trilogy:

This Quincas Borba, may I celebrate or favor the Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas, is that Same castaway gives existence, that ali appears, beggar, unexpected herdeiro, and inventor of uma philosophy.

Or what do you know about Machado de Assis?

Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis, or someone else Machado de Assis, is considered the greatest of Brazilian fiction. He had humble origins, born in Rio de Janeiro, on June 21, 1839, born of a painter and artist and of an açoiriana who was a young man.

Machado de Assis grows in Morro do Livramento and cannot have full access to formal studies.

He began to work at Imprensa Nacional as an apprentice typographer and grew professionally. In 1858, he became a reviewer and collaborator of the Correio Mercantil. Two years later, he migrated to the Rio de Janeiro newspaper office.

Machado de Assis
Machado de Assis 25 years old.

He wrote romances, stories, drama reviews and poetry. He was the founder of cadeira number 23 of the Brazilian Academy of Letters and he was appointed as his patron José de Alencar, a great friend of Machado who had died twenty years before from the ABL creation.

He died in Rio de Janeiro, aged 69, on September 29, 1908.

You give pages of romance for the film

An adaptation for the cinema was made in 1987 by director Roberto Santos.

Or ator Paulo Villaça interpreted Quincas Borba, Helber Rangel interpreted Rubião, Fulvio Stefanini interpreted Cristiano Palha and Luiz Serra interpreted Camacho.

Quincas Borba

Leia o livro na integral

Or romance Quincas Borba It is available for download in pdf format.

Conheça also

  • The most famous works of Machado de Assis
  • Livro Memórias Posthumas de Brás Cubas, by Machado de Assis
  • Livro Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis
  • Conto Missa do Galo, by Machado de Assis
  • Machado de Assis: life, work and characteristics
  • Livro O Alienista, by Machado de Assis
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