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Music A Terceira Margem do Rio: poem na integra, Caetano e Milton, album Circuladô

A music A third margem do rio was the result of a close partnership between Caetano Veloso (lyrics) and Milton Nascimento (music).

Raised in 1991, a song and base did not count A third margem do Rio, by Guimarães Rosa, published in 1962. The music was recorded in the album Circuladô e possui 2:23 of duration.

Lyrics (Poetry)

Oco de pau who says:
Eu sou madeira, beira
Boa, da vau, triztriz
Risca certeira
Meio a meio o rio ri
Silent, serious
Nosso pai não diz, diz:
Risca térira

Water of words
Water soaked, pure
Water of words
Hard rose water
Proa da palavra
Hard silence, nosso pai

Margem da Palavra
Among the dark duas
Margens da Palavra
Clareira, mature light
Rosa da Palavra
Pure silence, nosso pai

Meio a meio o rio ri
Through the trees gives life
O rio riu, ri
By sob a risca da canoa
Or I laughed viu, I saw
Or that no one ever forgets
Ouvi, ouvi, ouvi
To voice you give water

Asa da palavra
Asa stop agora
Casa da Palavra
Onde or silêncio mora
Brasa da Palavra
At a clear hour, nosso pai

Word time
When nothing was said
Fora da palavra
When more inside comes out
Tora da Palavra
Rio, huge pau, nosso pai

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Or a poem by Caetano and Milton faces a scandalous reference to or told by Guimarães Rosa that carries the same title of music.

O conto, present no livro Primeiras estórias (1962), tells a mysterious story from the vision of the filho of a little subject that no one understands. O pai, um belo dia, sem for any apparent reason, have a small canoe built, which barely carries a weight.

When the canoe is ready, he embarks and goes into exile no matter what, in total and absolute isolation.

"We are happy and careful, we are pai encalcou or chapéu and decide um adeus for people."

As tempo, or pai vai transforming into a kind of bug: a fica fica tanned with sun hair, as unhas crescem, or cabelo fica each time longer.

Nothing is capable of or pulling the: as ameaças da mulher, or I appeal two filhos, a casamento da filha, or birth of the first net. Nobody knows for sure why or little guy decides to ficar ali, adinfinitum, but it is true that he remains, despite everyone's regret.

Either it ends completely open: we continue to know why or homem was sentenced to such forced exile.

Do conto de Guimarães Rosa, derived, therefore, fifty years later, a poem: "A third margem do rio".

A partnership for the creation of the song, which is truly a retelling of the history of this home. taciturn, foi feita da Seguinte maneira: Caetano Veloso takes care of the lyrics and Milton Nascimento da music.

My first job was Milton, who affirmed that, when he finished raising the composition, the já tinha nome: A third margem do rio. Inspiration arose from experiences that Milton had in Amazônia, between 1989 and 1990.

"Fiz a music inspired I do not count by Guimarães Rosa is only via two people to write lyrics: o own Rosa ou Caetano"

Foi or mineiro who offered or worked for Caetano to create the verses, but only received or resulted six months after delivering music.

Caetano, who states that “O conto é lindo. And fiz uma letter that is quase a commentaire do conto ”, confesses the backstage of the criação in interview:

But it was because he sent me that music, as that title, wanted to say, nothing true, when he sent me, he was ready. I was just a kind of craftsman-employee of the business. Ele já veio com isso na music, or title já estava saying tudo isso. Aí, he saiu. I see a lot of the Guimarães own account of the "Grande Sertão", because the huge pau is of the "Grande Sertão". It was honestly soup, viu?

The artists trazem for music the central elements present I do not count: a canoe, or a river, a persistence of the country, or silence, or mistério, a dúvida.

To sublinha music or I don't know, tell them what ficaram or around the homem that left:

somente o rio viu e ouviu o que no jamais ouviu

At the opening it gives music and feita com barulhos that are assembled to some originating from a ceramic vase, lifting or reading to be transported to a cenário in the interior of Brazil. Also são ouvidos sons de paus ocos, madeiras.

Music is enclosed, as well as or narrated, proliferating silences and dúvidas and fazendo a fusion of three elements: o river, canoe (huge pau) and o pai.

Word time
When nothing was said
Fora da palavra
When more inside comes out
Tora da Palavra
Rio, huge pau, nosso pai

Partnership between Caetano Veloso and Milton Nascimento.
Partnership between Caetano Veloso and Milton Nascimento.

Music and interview

A song A third margem do rio and a brief interview can be conferred here:

Milton Nascimento (Caetano Veloso) Terceira Margem do Rio.mp4

Circuladô Album

Released in November 1991, the album Circuladô, by Caetano Veloso, brings together eleven faixas authors. A nona é A third margem do rio, made in partnership with Milton Nascimento.

The album, produced by Arto Lindsay, was recorded in Rio de Janeiro (Universal Music) and in Nova Iorque (East Hill Studios).

As faixas do disco são:

  1. Fora da ordem (5:53)
  2. Circuladô de fulô (3:29 - partnership with Haroldo de Campos)
  3. Itapuã (3:37)
  4. Boas vindas
  5. Ela ela (3:41 - parceria com Arto Lindsay)
  6. Santa Clara, father of television (3:06)
  7. Baião da Penha (3:25 - partnership with Guio de Morais and David Nasser)
  8. Neide Candolina (4:10)
  9. A third margem do rio (2:23 - partnership with Milton Nascimento)
  10. O cu do mundo (3:59)
  11. Pretty (4:07)
Layer of the Circuladô album.
Capa do CD Circuladô.

Conheça also:

  • Conto Amor, by Clarice Lispector
  • Conto A Terceira Margem Do Rio, by Guimarães Rosa
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