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Prepositions of PLACE in Spanish

Prepositions of place in Spanish - with exercises

Prepositions of place in SpanishThey express the place or location and some examples of them are "in", "near", "far", "between"... In a Teacher we tell you!

The prepositions they are an invariable part of sentences that are intended to introduce a term, be it a noun group or a sentence. Together with this term, it forms an ordered set of words. That is, a preposition unite the different elements that form a sentence. There are different types of prepositions, depending on the semantic field they cover and one of the most important are the prepositions of place.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we want to explain in detail what are the Prepositions of place in Spanish and how to use them correctly. Let's go mess!

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  1. What are prepositions of place in Spanish?
  2. What are the prepositions of place in Spanish?
  3. Examples of sentences with prepositions of place
  4. prepositions of place exercise
  5. Solutions to the prepositions of place exercise
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What are prepositions of place in Spanish?

The prepositions of place serve for express the location or position of something in relation to something else or to talk about someone's movement.

For example: The book is in table.

Sometimes these words can be used without adding the object of reference, since it is taken for granted through the context of the sentence.

For example: This on of the table.

In unProfesor we discover the different types of prepositions in spanish so that you know them all.

What are the prepositions of place in Spanish.

Here you can see what are the prepositions of place that exist in Spanish and the meaning of each of them:

  • Near (from): within walking distance.
  • Far (of): at a great distance.
  • TO (next to, to the left of, and to the right of): indicates the location of something relative to another place.
  • In: indicates the exact place where something is.
  • Between: indicates that a thing or place is in the middle of two or more things or places.
  • Inside (de): indicates that one thing is inside another.
  • Out (de): indicates that one thing is outside of another.
  • Below (de): indicates that one thing is located in a lower area than another.
  • On (de): indicates that one thing is located in a higher area than another.
  • About: means the same thing as above, that one thing is located in a higher area than another.
  • Behind (de): indicates that one thing is behind another.
  • In front of (de): indicates that one thing is in front of another.
  • In front (de): indicates that one thing is in a place opposite to another.
  • Forehead (a): means the same as opposite, that one thing is in a place opposite to another.
  • Around (de): indicates that one thing is located surrounding another.

You should also take into account the movement prepositions, which tell us about how someone moves from one place to another:

  • From: indicates the point of origin of the route.
  • Toward: indicates the direction of travel.
  • By: indicates the passage into or through a space.
  • Until: indicates the end point of the route.

Discover here examples of prepositions in spanish.

Prepositions of place in Spanish - with exercises - What are the prepositions of place in Spanish

Examples of sentences with prepositions of place.

let's get you some examples of prepositions of place in sentences, so that you can understand this lesson in a more practical way. We have indicated these prepositions in bold to make it easier for you to recognize them:

  • I will arrive until the end of the road
  • They sat beside window.
  • I don't like to pass by the tunnels
  • your dog is waiting for you beside the door.
  • Go toward the hairdresser and turn right
  • My family and I will travel around the world.
  • I'm going to walk from my house
  • we have a fence about the pool.
  • I already left the cushions about bed.
  • There's a pharmacy nearly my house.
  • The keys are about the kitchen cabinet.
  • Do not play nearlyhe fire.
  • the milk is next to the yogurts.
  • no monsters under bed.
  • In the seminary I sat next to a very nice young woman.
  • my cat is under table.
  • Sit down far fromthe television.
  • In front of There is a big palm tree in his grandmother's house.
  • The airport is far from the city.
  • There's a man in front of me in the row that smells bad.
  • The celebration will be outside the city into a large event center.
  • At this time the children are already within their houses.
  • you can only smoke outside the office.
  • Did you put all the ingredients within pot?
  • Versus your house there is a beautiful natural pool.
  • his town is in back of that mountain.
  • parking is prohibited versus the main door.
  • there is a ghost in back of you.
  • Between the second and fourth floor, several friends of mine live.
  • my socks are in the top drawer.
  • belgium is between France and Holland.
  • The boy has a rubber in her pocket.
  • My mother planted some roses in front of home.
  • I left your clothes in bed.
  • you left the bike in front of the door?
  • Don't put your elbows in table.
  • Leave it alone Above my desk.
  • don't put your feet Above the center table.
Prepositions of place in Spanish - with exercises - Examples of sentences with prepositions of place

Image: Hi Spanish Online

Place prepositions exercise.

This exercise that we propose will help you identify the prepositions of place so that you will be able to find them in writing. This text contains several prepositions of place, find the!:

"The cat is on the table, while the dog hides under the bed. The house is in front of a beautiful park and the car is parked behind the building. My house is next to the supermarket, near the beach, which is far from the city."

Solutions to the exercise of prepositions of place.

Here you can see the solutions to the previous exercise. We have marked all the prepositions of place in bold, how many have you found?

"The cat is about the table while the dog hides low bed. The house is in front ofof a beautiful park and the car is parked in back ofthe building. My house is besidel supermarket, near the beach, which is far from the city."

Now you know a little better what the prepositions of place and you know how they are used in the sentence. If you are interested in continuing to learn more about this subject of the Spanish language, do not hesitate to consult our section on grammar and linguistics.

If you want to read more articles similar to Prepositions of place in Spanish - with exercises, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.


  • Laguna Campos, J. (2005). Grammar of prepositions.
  • Hernando Cuadrado, L. TO. (2002). The preposition in Spanish. Didactics (language and literature).
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