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6 types of ABSTRACT art

Types of abstract art

The types of abstract art are abstract expressionism, geometric art, op-art, kinetic art, informalist art and lyrical abstract art. We tell you in a Teacher!

He abstract art is defined as the artistic style characterized by rrepresentation of shapes and colors that are not figurative or recognizable, moving away from the author of the faithful representation of the real appearance of things. Thus, abstract art places emphasis on the expression of ideas, emotions, and concepts through the use of colors, lines, shapes, and colors. Artists distort and simplify shapes to strip them completely of their original meaning and context and create a more personal representation.

In this lesson of we tell you what are the types of abstract art that exist and we review with you what are the main characteristics of this type of art.

The list of types of abstract art It is long, but here we bring you the main abstract arts that developed throughout the 20th century:

  • abstract expressionism.
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    Abstract expressionism is an artistic movement that developed in the 1940s in the United States. States, being one of the first movements that originated outside of Europe, having New York, as core. He was characterized by using brushstrokes and intense colors in a gestural and spontaneous way as a resource to express emotions and moods.
  • Abstract geometric art. This style is distinguished by the use of simple geometric shapes such as lines, triangles, and circles to create abstract compositions. It is about organizing shapes and colors creating a relationship between them.
  • Op art or optical art. This type of art focuses on the creation of optical illusions and visual effects capable of deceiving the eye of the beholder. For this, repetitive patterns and contrasts of color and lines are used as resources to create a sensation of movement or vibration of it.
  • Kinetic art. This art is also known as art in motion and it includes elements or objects that actually move or give the illusion of movement within the work. Motors, magnets, lights and all kinds of mechanisms were used.
  • informalist art. This type of art arose in Europe after World War II, distinguishing itself especially for its emphasis on the textures and materials used. The artists explore their spontaneity and the gestures achieved through the application of different layers of paint, adding unconventional materials or by scraping paint as a way of creating textures.
  • Lyrical abstract art. Lyrical art is characterized by the representation of abstract feelings and emotions through painting. For this, shapes, colors and loose brushstrokes are used with the aim of creating evocative and emotional atmospheres.

These are some of the examples of abstract types that exist in abstract art. It must be kept in mind that abstract art is a very diverse and broad field and often an artist combined different styles and approaches in his works, making it a much more complex panorama.

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