Education, study and knowledge

Types of scientific texts

Types of scientific texts

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In order to respond to all the needs and all areas of our life, it is necessary that they exist different types of texts. This time in this lesson from a TEACHER we want to discuss the types of scientific texts that we can meet. Here we tell you what they are and how you can find them. Take note of the next lesson in which you will learn everything you need to know about these types of texts and how to easily identify them when faced with them.

East type of texts, as their name indicates, they deal with different topics or concepts that have in common their belonging to different fields of the scientific field. For this, scientific texts make use of specific language and they point out the specific characteristics of nature, laws, natural principles... or any concept that has a relevant value for most people.

This type of text can be found in almost all areas based on science, whether they are experimental or Social Sciences. In other words, a scientific text has as its main objective transmit the existing reality to a specific audience and whose relevance is global.

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Thus, almost any topic can be expressed in a scientific text, although it will be necessary know the different subgenres of these to know which of them is the most suitable for the purpose we seek in each moment.

Types of scientific texts - What are scientific texts

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Scientific texts can talk about different sciences And they can be organized in different ways so that they can reach the right audience. So we can find the following:

Specialized texts

One of the types of scientific texts are specialized ones. They are intended for people who have prior knowledge on a specific topic. They present a great technical difficulty since they consist of their own language and they can only be accessed by professionals who have prior training on the subject in question. So we can talk about different examples such as:

  • Reports
  • Monographs
  • Rules
  • Research Articles

Disclosure text

Disclosure texts are those that are used to show concepts, ideas, findings or situations related to science and technology that may be of interest to broad audiences. In this type of text, no prior preparation is required on the subject being dealt with and its language seeks understanding on the part of the majority. So flee from technicality and complicated concepts.

Texts for experts

Although they closely resemble specialized texts, these are intended to professionals in a certain field. In other words, the recipients of the message must have a high level of knowledge about the specialty being treated and the language used. In order to better understand the concept we are talking about, we are going to set a very easy to understand example. We can say that we are facing a specialized text when it is addressed to professionals health in general, but it would be for an expert if it only addresses ophthalmologists for their specific training in the topic.

Technological texts

Looking for transmit technological knowledge for those who use technology in a professional way. These types of texts have a large number of technicalities providing a practical approach that makes it easier to adapt everything that is in writing.

Didactic text

Its objective is to transmit instructive information, that is, educational. These are designed so that people who read them can learn and generally responds to standards in accordance with educational laws. Within the didactic texts we can find different sciences or subjects since any subject is likely to be disseminated and taught.

Consultation texts

Looking for provide more information in order to expand knowledge on a certain topic. In other words, they seek, through their desire to communicate, offer information, clarify doubts and uncertainties that may have arisen on certain topics.

They are the texts used by professionals and students as support to expand information on a certain topic. Here we can find different consultation texts such as:

  • Dictionaries
  • Atlas
  • Directories
  • Encyclopedias
  • Yearbooks

We hope that this lesson on the types of scientific texts has helped you better understand them and know that can appear differently when we are faced with different subjects that have to do with Science. We encourage you to continue increasing your knowledge of Spanish Language and other subjects on the unPROFESOR website. Here you will find everything you are looking for and need regarding your training in any subject. What are you waiting for to enter and dive in all the options that you will find on our website?

Types of scientific texts - Different types of scientific texts

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