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2 types of theatrical VALUES

Types of stage directions

the theatrical text is one that aims to be represented on stage through actors who embody the characters and express, audibly and through their expressions, everything that the playwright (playwright) wrote in a script.

The dimensions play a fundamental role in this type of text, which is why at unProfesor we want to explain it to you in detail. what are the ttypes of stage directions that you can find in the texts of the dramatic genre.

The stage directions are also known as didascalias and they are indications that the playwright makes in his texts, in order to offer extra information about the characters, the setting, the gestures or the emotions with which his work must be represented in front of a public.

These notes are usually written at the start of a scene (to describe the scenery of this) or in the middle of dialogues (to indicate the gestures or expression with which the text should be represented).

Depending on the author, you can find these remarks written in italics, in brackets or in parentheses and those words must never be pronounced by the actor.

Types of stage directions - What are the directions in theatrical texts
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In the theatrical texts you can find yourself 2 types of stage directions and these differ depending on who the information is directed towards.

Theatrical directions for the director

These are dimensions that go addressed especially to the director and that provide information about how to approach that scene. They can contain information about the entrances and exits of the characters, the scenery that has to be added in that moment on stage, the music that will direct the theatrical fragment that the spectators are about to witness or the lights.

For example: Scene 4, chapter 1. Seconds before the end of the scene, the intensity of the lights goes down and only the candlelight remains.

Stage directions for the actor

Is about directions that are addressed directly to the actors and that provide information about how their characters are acting at that very moment. These dimensions are very useful to describe a little what the personality of the character is like. interpret, the gestures that accompany the text or the emotions that that person is feeling at that very moment. character.

For example: José: Come on son, it's already getting late and your mother is waiting for us at home. (The father puts his hand on his son's shoulder and they walk with their arms around each other).

Types of theatrical directions - What are the types of theatrical directions

The best way to understand a lesson is by putting it into practice, so we are going to propose an exercise for you to finish understanding the different types of dimensions perfectly. Here is a snippet from the Lion King play, at the moment the hyenas talk to Scar. We suggest that find all the dimensions and indicate, in each case, if they are addressed to the director or to the actor.

scene 6

We are in the cave of the hyenas

Shenzi: No wonder we are at the bottom of the food chain.

Banzai: Chains disgust me

Shenzi: If it weren't for those stinking lions we'd be the bosses of the roost

Banzai: Bah! lions disgust me

Shenzi: They are bossy…

Banzai: And furry…

Shenzi: Stinky…

Banzai: And they're also…

Shenzi and Banzais: Very ugly (they both die of laughter, when they are interrupted by Scar)

Scar: I don't think lions are that horrible.

Banzai: Scar... it's you

Shenzi: We thought it was someone important…

Banzai: Someone like Mufasa...

Scar: I understand

Banzai: He does have power

Shenzi: Tell me, every time I hear the name I tremble

Banzai: Mufasa (Shenzi trembles)

Shenzi: Ahhh!!! …again

Banzai: Mufasa (Shenzi trembles) Mufasa, Mufasa… (Shenzi trembles hysterically)

Shenzi: Ahhh!!! I get a tingle...

Scar: Oh! I'm surrounded by idiots

Banzai: Come on Scar, you're one of us, you're our friend.

Scar: Of the soul

Shenzi: I like that, he is not the king but he is very well educated…

Banzai: Hey, you brought us something to eat Scar, brother, friend, old man, compadre, little colleague...

Scar: I don't think they deserve this delicatessen… (shows a zebra foot). I offered you those puppies on a silver platter and you haven't even managed to eliminate them... (He throws his paw at them)

Shenzi: Well, they didn't come alone. You know Scar...

Banzai: Yeah, what were we going to do? Kill Mufasa? (he talks while eating)

Scar: Precisely... (The three hyenas look at him intrigued)

These are the solutions to the previous exercise of theatrical directions.

scene 6

We are in the cave of the hyenasDimension for the director

Shenzi: No wonder we are at the bottom of the food chain.

Banzai: Chains disgust me

Shenzi: If it weren't for those stinking lions we'd be the bosses of the roost

Banzai: Bah! lions disgust me

Shenzi: They are bossy…

Banzai: And furry…

Shenzi: Stinky…

Banzai: And they're also…

Shenzi and Banzais: Very ugly (they both die of laughter, when they are interrupted by Scar) Quotation for the actor

Scar: I don't think lions are that horrible.

Banzai: Scar... it's you

Shenzi: We thought it was someone important…

Banzai: Someone like Mufasa...

Scar: I understand

Banzai: He does have power

Shenzi: Tell me, every time I hear the name I tremble

Banzai: Mufasa (Shenzi trembles) Quotation for the actor

Shenzi: Ahhh!!! …again

Banzai: Mufasa (Shenzi trembles) Quotation for the actor Mufasa, Mufasa… (Shenzi trembles hysterically) Quotation for the actor

Shenzi: Ahhh!!! I get a tingle...

Scar: Oh! I'm surrounded by idiots

Banzai: Come on Scar, you're one of us, you're our friend.

Scar: Of the soul

Shenzi: I like that, he is not the king but he is very well educated…

Banzai: Hey, you brought us something to eat Scar, brother, friend, old man, compadre, little colleague...

Scar: I don't think they deserve this delicatessen… (shows a zebra foot). Quotation for the actor I offered you those puppies on a silver platter and you haven't even managed to eliminate them... (He throws his paw at them) Quotation for the actor

Shenzi: Well, they didn't come alone. You know Scar...

Banzai: Yeah, what were we going to do? Kill Mufasa? (he talks while eating) Quotation for the actor

Scar: Precisely... (The three hyenas look at him intrigued) Quotation for the actor

(Song Be Prepared) Dimension for the director

Now you know the types of stage directions that exist and which ones are most appropriate in each case. If you are interested in continuing to learn more about this topic, do not hesitate to consult our writing section.

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