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12 erotic games to drive your partner crazy

Enjoying intimate moments and sexuality with your partner is synonymous with well-being and health, both for yourself and for the relationship.

And there is no greater pleasure than sex, especially when our partner fills us up and makes us feel like we are the luckiest person in this world to be by their side.

Sex is meant to be enjoyed, and there are a number of games that can help you intensify feelings of trust. and unity with your boyfriend or girlfriend, in addition to turning those intimate moments into very erotic situations. In the following lines you can find a list of erotic games that will make sexual relations with your partner unforgettable.

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Quantity or quality in sex: what is better?

No one doubts that having an active sexual life favors the well-being of the couple and their happiness. Surely, many of you have ever thought... how many times a week is the ideal number to have sex? Well, recent research says that the amount of sex is important, but up to a limit. In other words, to maintain stability in the couple it is not necessary to have sex every day.

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The study was conducted by the University of Toronto Mississauga in Canada, and enrolled 30,000 subjects. It turns out that having sex improves life as a couple, which is logical, but it is only necessary to practice it once a week. That is, having more sex than that does not necessarily improve the happiness of the relationship. This seems to indicate, therefore, that quality is more important than quantity.

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Erotic games to improve the quality of the relationship

A good way to improve the quality of sex in the couple is to make use of erotic games that can stimulate pleasant sensations and increase passion.

But… what are these games? Below you can find a list with 12 erotic games that will drive your partner crazy.

1. The detainee

The game of the prisoner is a game that causes a very exciting situation for many people, since one member of the couple is at the mercy of the other person, who immobilizes him. The game consists of one of the lovers marrying the other so that he becomes his slave..

In this way, the sexual act is practiced without one of the two members being able to control it. In these cases, the detainee does not have the right to a lawyer, but surely he does not care that his rights are violated. Undoubtedly, the prisoner's game causes a very erotic and provocative situation.

2. The blind

The blind is another of those erotic games that stimulate the senses. It is ideal if combined with the previous one, as it can be very stimulating to lose control and also not be able to see, as it gives free rein to the imagination. Of course, to carry out this game together with the previous one, it is necessary to have trust with the other person. To play this erotic game, one of the two must be blindfolded and the other should slowly stimulate him..

3. Temperature

It is even more stimulating if we join the game of temperature to the prisoner and the blind man, which consists of taking ice or a hot drink and impregnating the mouth with these, which have different temperatures. For example, it is possible to take the ice, and when the tongue is cold, pass it through the body of the couple. However, it is also possible to pass the ice directly over it, but it is not recommended to do the same with the hot drink. This temperature change can cause very erotic sensations.

4. pick a card

A very stimulating and provocative game is to choose a card. It consists of making paper cards in which each one of them has a reason or action to carry out. For example, one can have written striptease, another oral sex and another massage. Each of the pair must take a card and do what it says on it. For example, if the card says oral sex, the person who has taken the card must give pleasure to her partner.

5. bodypainting

Body Painting consists of painting each other's bodies, which makes the members of the couple have fun moments. The objective in this case is not to create works of art on the body, but rather the moment of fun, being the two nudes and the sensations that can emerge from painting the body can be really provocative and erotic.

6. The explosion

This game will make you and your partner explode with pleasure. Its operation is simple. An alarm is set and the time in which penetration is not possible is decided (for example, for 15 minutes). During this time, everything is allowed except penetrating the partner. Now, the moment the alarm goes off, there will be an explosion of pleasure.

7. Guess what I've had

This erotic game is fun and also very delicious. One of the members of the couple must cover their eyes and the other consume a series of foods or drinks. For example, liqueurs, fruits, chocolate... Then they must passionately kiss the couple, and they must guess what food their lover or lover has consumed. If she doesn't get it right, it's her turn to please the other member of the relationship.

8. strip poker

One of the most popular erotic games that exist is Strip Poker. It consists of playing poker but without money. When one loses, they must remove a piece of clothing until they are completely naked.

9. nude twister

Another classic game is Twister, which is a children's game in which the participants show their skill by placing their feet and hands on the colors. Really strange postures are achieved. To add an erotic touch, you just have to get naked and play.

10. Costumes and roles

Who has never fantasized about making love with a fireman or a schoolgirl? Well, thanks to the costumes it is possible to make these fantasies come true. Of course, the important thing is not only the costume, but the role that is associated with it. With this game you can experience truly passionate and erotic moments.

11. Flashlight

As its name indicates, this game consists of having a flashlight and knowing how to use it correctly.. Once the two members of the couple are in the room, they lie on the bed and turn off the lights. Then one of the two uses the flashlight while the other remains motionless on the bed. The one with the flashlight illuminates the specific parts of the body and stimulates them.

12. The sweet

If you like sweet foods like chocolate and ice cream, you have the perfect excuse to combine them with sex.. To carry out this game it is only necessary to spread the couple with chocolate or ice cream and, without using your hands, you must pass your tongue over the body of your lover or girlfriend to clean it while you give pleasure and put a thousand. A very sweet, delicious and erotic game.

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