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The century of LIGHTS in literature: characteristics and authors

The century of enlightenment in literature: characteristics and authors

Throughout the eighteenth century A new mentality is born that is directly linked to anthropology and whose objective is to break with the worldview of the Baroque world. This period is known as the Enlightenment or the Age of Enlightenment. This movement is based on the critical spirit, which breaks very abruptly with the principle of authority that existed up to now. Only what we can experience is true. But where is literature in this movement?

From unPROFESOR we want to explain to you what are the main characteristics of the Age of Enlightenment and the authors more recognized.

He Century of the lights it's a movement cultural, political, scientific and philosophical very broad that covered all of Europe during the 18th century. This movement implied a radical change in the ideas and customs of the population and served as an inspiration for historical events of great relevance, such as the French Revolution. Inspired by the spirit of the Renaissance, enlightened thinkers placed the humanity at the center of life, overcoming the doctrines imposed by the Church.

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Furthermore, the term "Age of Enlightenment" was used to describe the 18th century because those who called themselves Enlightened, following this movement, they rejected the past and the old beliefs to face the doctrines traditional. they were looking for new logical reasoning that could answer the questions of the human being, thus breaking with the dark times of the Middle Ages.

In unProfesor we discover you a summary of eighteenth-century Spanish literature.

The Age of Enlightenment in Literature: Characteristics and Authors - What is the Age of Enlightenment?

The Age of Enlightenment was a historical period characterized by significant changes in the way religion and knowledge were conceived. These are its main changes from the previous move. We present you in detail some of the main characteristics of the Age of Enlightenment so that you can understand what were the patterns that their authors followed.

religion scroll

During the Age of Enlightenment, the religion it ceased to occupy the central role it had in the Middle Ages. Although he was still important in society, his power decreased significantly. It sought to limit the influence of the Church and give greater relevance to reason as a guide to understand the world.

New ideas and theories

This was a period of intellectual innovation in which new theories were developed in various fields of knowledge. In particular, in politics and social phenomena, revolutionary ideas arose that would mark the future. One of the most influential theories was Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Social Contract, which postulated that individuals have natural rights and that political society has been created to protect them. This conception gave a central role to the individual in the social organization.

Influence on the French Revolution and the radical Enlightenment

Rousseau's political theory is considered one of the greatest inspirations for both the French Revolution and the school of thought known as the Illustration radical. These currents promoted the idea that individuals had inalienable rights and that society should be organized around them. This revolutionary approach had a lasting impact on history and laid the foundation for the transformation of the political and social structure.

The Age of Enlightenment in Literature: Characteristics and Authors - Characteristics of the Age of Enlightenment

The most common literary genre at this time was prose, and in particular, much importance was attached to the essay. Through prose, the writers criticized the social vices and customs of the time. The aim was to reflect on society and point out those practices that were considered negative or harmful to them. We present you some of thehighlights Authors of the Age of Enlightenment and the main works of him.

Diego de Torres Villarroel

Diego de Torres Villarroel he was a Spanish writer of the 18th century. He was born on June 18, 1693 in Salamanca and died on June 19, 1770 in Valladolid. He is known for his adventurous life and for his diverse literary work. His most important work is Life, ancestry, birth, upbringing, and adventures of Doctor Don Diego de Torres Villarroel, an autobiographical book in which he recounts his life and his experiences from his childhood to his old age.

jose gallows

jose gallows he was a writer and Spanish soldier. He was born on October 8, 1741 in Cádiz and died on February 27, 1782 in Gibraltar. He is recognized as one of the forerunners of the Enlightenment in Spanish literature and his most relevant work is moroccan letters, which deals with a series of fictitious letters written by two characters: Gazel, a Moorish who lives in Morocco, and Nuño, a Spaniard who visits Morocco.

Through these letters, Gallows reflects on Spanish society and culture, as well as about the difference between the western and eastern world.

Felix Maria Samaniego

Felix Maria Samaniego He was a prominent Spanish writer and fabulist. He was born on October 12, 1745 in Laguardia, Spain, and died on August 11, 1801 in Vitoria, Spain. He is recognized for his fables, which are characterized by his entertaining style and his moral teaching. His most famous work is moral fables, one of the best collections of fables in Spanish literature in which the author uses animals as characters to transmit moral teachings and reflections on life and society.

Now you know more closely the main characteristics of the Age of Enlightenment in the literature and who are its main authors. If you want to continue delving deeper into this subject and learn more about literary movements in our country, do not hesitate to consult our section on the history of literature.

The Age of Enlightenment in Literature: Characteristics and Authors - The most important Authors of the Age of Enlightenment

Babini, J. (1971). The Age of Enlightenment: Science and Technology.

Bolufer Peruga, M. (2002). Pedagogy and morality in the Age of Enlightenment: French women writers and their reception in Spain. Modern History Magazine, No. 20 (2002); pp. 251-292.

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