70 examples of words with G and J

Examples of words with G and J are: Worm, Guitar, Giraffe, Vase, Giralda, Glove, Game, Jaleo and a long etcetera. In unProfesor we tell you with videos and examples!
the G and J are two letters that share the same soundn some occasions, when we talk. This means that, many times, when we write, we do not know which of the two we should place, so we end up making spelling mistakes. In many tests, the spelling mistakes points are subtracted in the evaluation, so we must learn to use these letters correctly!
In this lesson from a TEACHER, we are going to briefly explain when we should use each letter and we will introduce you to some examples of words with G and J. Read on to find out!
Before giving you examples of words with G and J, let's get to know the spelling rules of both letters better.
The letter G it is pronounced softly when accompanied by the vowels "a", "o" or "u" and forms the syllables "ga", "go" and "gu". But when it is together with the vowels "e" or "i" and forms the syllables "ge" and "gi", it is pronounced strongly, just like the syllables "je" and "ji". So,
How can we know if a word is written with G or J? We give you the keys to discover it.Use of the letter G
He use gives the letter G occurs in these cases:
- When they start with the prefix "legi" as in words like "legitimate", "legion" or "legislator".
- They are verbs that end in "ger", "gir" or "igerar" and their verb conjugations, such as "accept", "converge" or "emerge". However, there are some exceptions such as "creaking" and "weaving".
- They end in "gía", "gioso", "gio", "gion", or "gional", as in "technology", "omen", "adagio", "region", or "supraregional".
- They start with "geo," as in "geobotany," "geocentrism," or "geophysics."
- They have the syllable "gest" at the beginning or in the middle, as in "gestar" or "anticongestive."
- They include the syllable "gen", as in "genealogy", "aboriginal" or "agency".

Now yes, we are going to put some examples of words that are written with G and J so that you can verify the theory that we have given you in the previous section.
Words that start with G
These are some Examples of words that are written with G:
- Twin
- Gallop
- Jelly
- Vigilant
- Galactic
- Chickpea
- Fugitive
- Analgesic
- Shrink
- Protect
- Gynecologist
- Angina
- Egyptian
- Sunflower
- Refrigerate
- Gem
- Galaxy
- Vegetable
- Shame
- Geologist
- Generic
- Imagine
- Shelter
- Fragile
- Negligent
- Sacrilege
- Tragic
- Suggest
- Gondola
- Evangelical
- Allergy
- Astrology
- Sphinx
- Agile
- Drain
Words that start with J
we leave you with some Examples of words that are written with "j":
- Card
- Spark plug
- Travel
- Deck of cards
- Said
- Hump
- Giraffe
- Jungle
- Complex
- To fit in
- ring
- Jocular
- Scissors
- Reddish
- weaver
- Moan
- Leadership
- Bee
- Horse rider
- Monk
- Syringe
- Subjective
- Majesty
- Tidy
- Paradoxical
- dark circle
- card holder
- defoliation
- weaver
- Army
- Crockery
- Parsley
- Learning
- Pack
- Lace

The next step in understanding a spelling concept is to see how it works when we put it in context. In this case, we are going to put some Examples of sentences containing the letter G and J. We have marked the word in question in bold font to make it easier for you to identify it.
Examples of sentences with the letter G
These are some Examples of sentences with the letter G:
- The geometry It is a branch of mathematics that studies shapes.
- Maria really likes the class geography.
- This afternoon there will be talks about geopolitics in the office.
- On Thursday there is a show of Magic in the theater.
- Manuel was filled with praise for his performance.
- He was a privilege meet Francis.
- will soon be held thirtieth factory anniversary.
- joseph arrived twentieth fifth in the cycling race.
- There is a lot people on the beach.
- Carlos considers himself a genius in physics.
- to carry a organization at work, it is advisable to use a diary.
- The teacher asked for the notebook to correct past tasks.
- The volunteers want protect to all the pets on the street.
- The legislators They are going to discuss various laws today.
- Calligraphy must be done in handwriting readable.
- Today a group of evangelicals in the classroom.
- This campaign seeks to start saving energetic.
- The system sexagesimal It is used to measure angles and times.
- The boss hit it off quickly with all workers.
- Eugenia and Marcos are very photogenic.
- Thomas is the son firstborn of Augustine.
- In the movie, everyone is afraid of an invasion alien.
- cells were detected carcinogenic in the tumor.
- plants produce oxygen.
- There is a power outage widespread.
- Julian works as Forest ranger.
- I like the sunflowers.
- A fragment of the video must be deleted.
- The tests confirmed that the tumor is not evil one.
- In the Greek alphabet there is a letter called sigma.
- I need one guillotine to cut the paper.
- you can throw the guide telephone.
- I want to learn to play guitar.
Examples of sentences with the letter J
we leave you with some Examples of sentences with the letter J:
- The kids are playing the park.
- The giraffes they have a very long neck.
- My favorite day of the week is Thursday.
- He gardener from the school helped us plant several trees.
- I will go visit the jungle when he has money.
- The cook cut the onion into Juliana.
- I will enroll the child in classes judo.
- Javier he invited all his friends to play video games on the weekend.
- There are many birds in the park in a cage giant.
- Maria has several jugs glass for sale in his store.
Now you've seen some examples of words with G and J and you know how to write each one of them. If you want to continue learning more about how words are written, to be able to write all your texts correctly, do not hesitate to consult our spelling section.