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Is it possible to fall in love with someone little by little?

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We've all heard of love at first sight, that instant spark you feel when you see someone for the first time. However, what about love that develops gradually? Can you fall in love with someone little by little? The answer is yes. Love does not always happen fleetingly and it is possible to fall in love with someone as time passes and we establish a deeper connection..

Love is complex and there are as many ways to love as there are people in the world. Love experiences vary depending on personal circumstances, previous experiences, interactions between the people involved, the situation, etc. Therefore, it is not surprising that the feeling of falling in love can arise as soon as upon seeing a person, or over time.

To make it clear, when we talk about falling in love over time, we are referring to a gradual and growing attraction to another person. Of course, it can start with an initial physical attraction that builds as necessary emotional connections, experiences, and experiences are created.

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Thanks to open communication, mutual trust, emotional support and reciprocity, it is possible to establish strong emotional connections. which over time evolve into deeper and more lasting feelings known as “being in love”. In today's article, we will reflect on whether it is possible to fall in love with someone little by little and we will expose both the advantages and the disadvantages that this entails. Read on to discover more about the fascinating feeling of love that arises over time.

  • We recommend you read: "What is love at first sight?"

Is there love on a slow fire?

Behind the feeling of gradually falling in love, lies a relationship of love and a lot of trust. People who fall in love little by little take their time to get to know the other person deeply and thus discover if there really is a special connection or if, on the contrary, they try to fill emotional gaps or deficiencies through the love of couple.

Falling in love quickly, with great intensity and almost blindly is the order of the day. Few people choose to go little by little and really discover who is behind what it apparently teaches you. It seems that the sooner you feel that crush, the more beautiful your relationship is. There may be cases where this works and it is, but there is also the possibility of discovering the path of gradual love. Like everything, it has its advantages and disadvantages, which we will talk about next.


Next, we expose the main advantages of falling in love little by little:

  • Idealization decreases:

By falling in love little by little, feelings develop slowly and this allows you to have a more realistic and objective view of the other person. With this you manage to avoid disappointments and discomforts that may arise later in the idealized relationship. Thanks to the time you have taken, you know more exactly what the person is really like, what they are looking for, what they are not looking for, etc.

  • Build a strong friendship:

It is common to find that at the beginning of a loving relationship that has gradually emerged, a healthy friendship relationship is found. Being friends who understand, support, share tastes, ideals, values, there is a mutual understanding, at move to the next level where friendship feelings change to love, everything is much easier and bearable.

  • Evaluate compatibility:

Taking the necessary time to build feelings of love allows you to observe how you you drive together, the degree of compatibility, if you are able to resolve conflicts appropriately, etc In addition, it also allows you to see if you are looking for the same thing as the other person in the long term. Once again, this prevents you from falling into disappointment for having rushed into someone you don't like.

  • Greater knowledge:

It could be said that everything is included in this last point. In short, gradually falling in love gives you the opportunity to get to know the person you are falling in love with more deeply. You understand in a holistic way who he is, what he is looking for, his strengths, weaknesses, his way of thinking, acting with you and with others, his goals, objectives, past experiences and much more. Definitely, this deep understanding of the person lays the foundations for a healthy, lasting, stable and solid relationship.



Now, we will analyze the main drawbacks that arise when gradually falling in love with a person:

  • friendzone:

Anglo-Saxon term that refers to the risk of the relationship stagnating in the friendship zone. It is something that usually happens when two people fall in love gradually because if the feelings do not develop together, there is a chance that one of them will get stuck and end up being just a big friendship.

  • Patience:

Obviously, falling in love with someone gradually requires much more patience and time than instant love. It must be clear that with the passage of time, potholes or complicated stages may arise that both parties must be prepared to fight before reaching a more solid and stable.

  • Missing opportunities:

It is common with the passage of time that one develops deeper feelings than the other and therefore, they are not in the same tune. It is important to talk about it because otherwise you will lose opportunities to meet third people and live experiences of love with them. If the feelings do not develop in a balanced way, it must be communicated.

  • Uncertainty:

The initial stages of a relationship are full of uncertainty. Well, even more so in a relationship where love emerges gradually. It is a feeling that we do not like and we are not usually able to manage it properly. We cannot bear not knowing if the other person feels the same as us, yes I am the one who feels more, and it generates a lot of anxiety and stress. Going a step further, uncertainty also leads to doubts and can shake the relationship. In short, it is clear that prolonged infatuation lacks the initial intensity that passionate and instant love has.

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