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30 examples of EUPHEMISMS: in news, advertising, politicians...

Examples of euphemisms

In our day to day we face a constant language game, where we use words that dilute the real meaning of what we want to say, so that they don't sound so strong. There are many occasions in which we come across phrases that try to hide a harsh reality, after a curtain of softness. These are euphemisms and the truth is that we use them constantly.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR, we are going to explain what are they and examples of euphemisms so that you know how this tool is used in different areas of society. Will you join us to discover this concept that allows us to soften uncomfortable or delicate words?

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  1. What are euphemisms
  2. Examples of euphemisms in news
  3. Examples of Political Euphemisms
  4. Examples of euphemisms in advertising
  5. More examples of euphemisms

What are euphemisms?

an understatement It is an expression that is used to replace a word that is socially considered offensive or in bad taste. It is about qualifying the language with different objectives. Some euphemisms are used as a form of respect to soften what is going to be said, to prevent a third person from understanding it, or even for comic purposes.

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The truth is that its use is very frequent and we find it in the language labeled as politically correct. In other words, we are facing a strategy that will allow us to talk about certain topics or people in a less offensive and compromising way.

Here we leave you the difference between euphemisms and dysphemisms.

Examples of euphemisms - What are euphemisms

Examples of euphemisms in news.

Most euphemisms in Spanish in the news are used to mask reality and give it a sweeter and more politically correct touch. However, you have to be scared when you hear words like the ones we leave you below on the news. Here you have Examples of euphemisms in the news:

  • negative growth: This means decrease or decrease, but from a positive approach, trying to see the glass half full. "We are going to carry out new structural reforms to change the negative growth trend in which we find ourselves."
  • Template regulation: It means dismissal. "This quarter's benefits have not been as desired, but we intend to reach the levels set by the shareholders by regulating the workforce."
  • Collateral damage: This word means that there are civilian casualties or buildings or facilities have been attacked. "In any conflict that occurs, however light it may be, you always have to expect that collateral damage will be caused."
  • Salary moderation: It means neither more nor less than lowering or freezing wages. "Salary moderation is, therefore, an asset to preserve for companies and workers."
  • Person at risk of social exclusion: This word is used in the news to talk about the poor. “The last of the aids for people at risk of social exclusion is the Active Insertion Income”.
  • Armed wing: When you hear this euphemism on the news, you are being told about a terrorist organization. “Its real origin was as an armed wing of the Sinaloa cartel that became independent after an internal division in the summer of 2013”

Examples of political euphemisms.

Euphemisms get that the receiver distracts his gaze and direct it the other way, so that it is unaware of what is actually being said.

For example, when politicians talk about "transient slowdown" what they are meaning is "economic crisis. We can also see it when politicians mention words like "financial support", "loan with very favorable conditions" or "line of credit", without daring to mention the real word that is "economic rescue".

Another of the examples that we have found in politics was to refer to the "management body", which was called "representative space of the collective will".

During the pandemic we saw a lot of political euphemisms, as politicians refused to use the word "curfew" and resorted to stock phrases like "nocturnal mobility restriction".

Finally, we want to talk to you about the new way that politicians have to refer to "tolls", since now they do it as “pricing system”.

Examples of euphemisms - Examples of political euphemisms

Examples of euphemisms in advertising.

The language used in the world of marketing has permeated our lives, becoming part of our regular communication. society is full of euphemisms that urge us to consume in a way that, perhaps, we do not need. We leave you examples of euphemisms in advertising:

  • Needs: "Consumption is an economic process associated with the satisfaction of needs." This is one of the main ways they speak in the consumer advertising world of their customers. His way of working is to create needs that will make us buy the products that satisfy them.
  • Satisfaction: Before we could have enormous satisfaction when buying a telephone, a lasting feeling over time because we had that need covered. But now the need created is not to have a phone, but to have "the latest phone model."
  • Welfare: One of the consequences of the consumer society is to achieve well-being through the continuous satisfaction of those needs by acquiring products and services that are usually created in their large most.
  • Pay in "comfortable" installments: Installment payments, credit cards, loans or mortgages have meant that society can afford to live beyond its means.

More examples of euphemisms.

we leave you with more examples of euphemisms, so you can familiarize yourself with this concept:

  • Person with different abilities (disabled)
  • not sighted (blind)
  • Penitentiary establishment (jail)
  • Armed conflict (war)
  • Residence for the elderly (geriatric)
  • Voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion)
  • drunk (drunk)
  • insane (crazy)
  • Sleep the eternal sleep (die)
  • Collateral damage (civilian deaths)
  • Steep the elbow (drink excessively)
  • salivate (spit)
  • virile member (penis)
  • Take the last trip (die)
  • Have your period (menstruate)
  • Golden age or third age (old age)
  • pass away (die)
  • person of color (black)

We hope this article about euphemisms It has helped you understand how these curtains work in language, which hide deeper realities. We recommend that you analyze everything you read and look for the meaning behind each of the words, to always keep yourself informed of what is really happening.

If you want to read more articles similar to Examples of euphemisms, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.


Dominguez, P. J. C., & Jose, P. (2004). The social and cognitive function of euphemism and dysphemism. Panace, 5(15), 45-51.

Jardiel, E. g. (2005). The euphemism as an instrument of social manipulation. Communication and man: Interdisciplinary journal of communication sciences and humanities, (1), 121-130.

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