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The 80 best phrases of Robert Collier

Robert Collier was an author of self-help books, of American origin, he was part of the authors of books focused on New Thought in the 20th century, being the most popular: ‘The Secret of the Ages'.

If you are interested in knowing his way of thinking and conceiving life, you will like this selection of Robert Collier's best quotes.

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Robert Collier's most memorable phrases

Below we show a compilation with the best quotes from Robert Collier on how the power of the mind affects our lives.

1. The first principle of success is desire: knowing what you want.

When we know what we want, we know which way to go.

2. The key to power lies in using what you have, freely and fully, thus opening your channels for more Creative Force to flow through you.

You can do more than you think, you just need to be confident.

3. Make each thought, each fact, that comes to your mind, give you a benefit. Make it work and produce for you.

Positive thoughts help you generate better changes.

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4. Any thought that is transmitted to the subconscious often enough and convincingly enough is eventually accepted.

To achieve something you need perseverance and that includes your thoughts.

5. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day.

It is a routine that adapts beneficially to achieve your goals.

6. There is nothing on earth that you cannot have once you have mentally accepted the fact that you can have it.

Confidence in ourselves and in what we can do is the first step to achieve something.

7. All power comes from within and is therefore under our control.

If you're not okay on the inside, you can't be okay on the outside.

8. You are today the result of your thoughts of yesterday, and of the many yesterdays that preceded it.

The past influences your future, that is why it is important to learn to leave it behind, but learning from its lessons.

9. Supply is always on the heels of demand.

A piece of advice on being one step ahead.

10. See things as you would like them to be instead of as they are.

The way you see the world affects the way you live in it.

11. Take the first step and your mind will mobilize all its forces to help you. But the first thing that is essential is that you start.

Every beginning is difficult, however it is the only way to go forward.

12. Our subconscious minds don't have a sense of humor, don't make jokes, and can't tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image.

That is why we must be careful with the things we think and how we think about them.

13. Everything in God's store is on the bottom shelf... you have to kneel to get it.

Collier sought to give people a strong character, without leaving their spiritual side.

14. Control your thoughts and you control your circumstances.

We can only resolve conflicts with a calm mind.

15. Playing safe is probably the most insecure thing in the world.

Playing it safe eventually leads us to conformism.

16. All movement is cyclical. It circulates to the limits of its possibilities and then returns to its starting point.

Everything that begins ends and every end is a new beginning.

17. Fear is merely creative thinking in a negative form.

Fear can be turned into a form of artistic expression.

18. You can do anything you think you can. Because through it you can solve all human problems.

You just need to focus on what you want and you will find the best possible solution.

19. All power comes from within and therefore under our control.

Power is in taking control of who we are and what we want to do in life.

20. In all adversity there is the seed of an equal advantage.

Many people find their true strength in the most negative situations.

21. See the things you want as if they were already yours. Know that they will come to you when you need them. So let them come.

Promoting beneficial thinking.

22. If you look prosperous, you will be. If you are continually in trouble, that is exactly what you will be.

Remember that the way you see things or yourself is the way you will act.

23. Start where you are. Distant fields always look greener, but opportunity is right where you are.

Every start is slow and little, it is persistence that takes us far.

24. Successful people are not born that way. They become successful by establishing the habit of doing things that unsuccessful people don't like to do.

No one is born at the top of their dreams, they build their way to get to that point.

25. We all have bad luck and good luck.

Life is never static, so we go through good times and bad times from time to time.

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26. You can have what you want if you know how to form the mold in your own thoughts.

First you must change your way of thinking, to act in favor of your goals.

27. Since the beginning of time, all forms of life have been called upon to deal with this crisis.

We all need help from other people to achieve a goal.

28. The world is for each of us the world of his individual perceptions.

Each person sees the world differently, because each person is different.

29. The law of the universe is the law of supply. You see it in every hand.

There will always be a place for what you know how to do.

30. A single idea, a sudden flash of thought, can be worth a million dollars.

Don't underestimate good ideas, they may be simple but they will have a bright future.

31. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.

Spirituality is something we carry inside.

32. You can do anything you want to do, have anything you want to have, be anything you want to be.

Only if you think so and believe that you can achieve it.

33. The mere fact that you have obstacles to overcome is in your favor.

Obstacles help us notice our strengths.

34. Your conscious mind is the doorman at the door.

Our conscience is what motivates or demotivates us.

35. There is no dream that you cannot make come true, if you learn to use the creative force.

Creativity is not only artistic, we can use it for every area of ​​our life.

36. Mental images are concentrated energy. And energy focused on any definite purpose becomes power.

Energy creates things, including the energy that lives in our mind.

37. You can't hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving and getting.

If you only focus on the perfect, you will not be able to overcome frustrations.

38. Faith is confidence, security, the truth that enforces, knowledge.

Faith is having confidence in who you are and in what you can.

39. Most of us, swimming against the tide of problems the world knows nothing about, just need a little praise or encouragement, and we'll get there.

That is why it is important to surround yourself with positive people, who give you encouragement.

40. Sometimes it seems like we only have to love one thing very much to get it.

Love is the engine that we must use to go where we want.

41. The mind is all that counts. You can be what you set out to be.

It all starts in the mind.

42. Every condition, every experience of life is the result of our mental attitude.

Remember that it is you who decides how to handle yourself in the world.

43. Wealth is in ideas, not in money.

It is the ideas that are worth gold, money comes and goes.

44. The higher the prevalence of positive thoughts, the more likely you are to receive a positive result.

You cannot expect something favorable if you only have negative thoughts.

45. You have to sow before you can reap. You have to give before you can receive.

You can't get something if you haven't worked for it.

46. The successful man has no time to think about failure. You are too busy thinking of new ways to succeed.

If you only focus on failure you will not be able to emerge.

47. Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you be.

Dreams are necessary for our happiness.

48. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it and reap it again.

A way of telling us that, even when you reach the top, you have to keep working.

49. Thought is energy.

And that energy can be transformed into something favorable for us.

50. The Universal Mind expresses itself to a great extent through the individual. He is continually looking for a way out.

The true way in which the universe conspires in our favor.

51. The great successful men of the world have used their imagination. They think about the future and create their mental image in all its details.

Imagination is our greatest strength for success, because it has no limits.

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52. It is to the conscious mind that the subconscious seeks all its impressions.

All our thoughts go towards pleasing or protecting ourselves.

53. We always put that little word “but” after our wants and wishes, feeling deep down that some things are too good to be true.

Disregarding your dreams prevents you from turning them into reality.

54. People blame their environment. There is only one person to blame, and only one: themselves.

You can't control everything, more than your way of thinking about the world.

55. Nature is prodigal in everything it does.

Listen to nature, when you respect her she gives you something back.

56. Use the talents God has given you to improve the world by being in it.

Never hide your talents, because they are the ones that can become your future life.

57. Only through your conscious mind can you reach the subconscious.

You can change your way of thinking, when you accept that such a change is necessary.

58. All riches have their origin in mind.

Riches are different for each person.

59. The man who persists through bad luck, who keeps going, is the man who is there when good luck comes, and he is ready to receive it.

Who knows how to go through adversity is capable of recognizing any good opportunity that comes their way.

60. Successful people don't always like these things; they just get to work and do it.

It is necessary to sacrifice something if you want to see your dream come true.

61. You were born to use this life as a canvas on which to paint yourself.

Life is to discover yourself, while you write your story.

62. Take advantage of every service opportunity.

When you help others, goodness also comes into your life.

63. Don't worry or worry about them. Don't think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession.

Avoid obsessing over what you don't have, think of them as what awaits your future.

64. In every loss there is a lesson that shows you how to win the next time.

Every mistake should be seen as a lesson to improve.

65. You should become an incurable optimist. It is the open door.

Every optimistic person is capable of taking an unfavorable situation and turning it into an opportunity.

66. Constant repetition brings conviction.

Consistency is useless if you don't believe in what you're doing.

67. Desire is proof of availability.

Desire does not come out of nowhere, it is a call.

68. You can't stay still. You must go ahead.

Even when you reach your goal, you have to keep going to make a living for what you love.

69. Sooner or later a crisis comes in our affairs, and the way we deal with it determines our future happiness and success.

It's not the problems that hold us back, but the way we deal with them.

70. What we continually think about will eventually manifest in our lives.

Both positive and negative things, you decide.

71. If you procrastinate when faced with a big and difficult problem... break the problem into parts and handle one part at a time.

The best way to solve a big problem is to tackle it in small parts.

72. Once the battle is startled, everything inside and outside of you will come to your aid.

All the answers we need are within us, we just need to listen to them.

73. The first essential, of course, is to know what you want.

If you don't know what you want, you won't know what future you should pursue.

74. You are forming today the mold of what you will be in the years to come.

The decisions you make today affect your future.

75. If you don't make things happen, they will happen to you.

You can live or let life pass you by.

76. Your chances of success in any endeavor can always be measured by your self-confidence.

If there is no self-security, there will be no solid foundation for what we want to achieve.

77. Think of things not as they are, but as they could be. Don't just dream, but create.

To change something, you not only have to think about it but act differently.

78. Visualize what you want. See it, feel it, believe it. Make your mental plan and start.

It is not just about thinking about it, but acting in favor of achieving it.

79. Desire is the planting of your seed.

Desire is the beginning of your possible future.

80. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return.

When you cling to money, the rest of your life becomes unimportant.

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