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The OPEN and CLOSED vowels

What are open and closed vowels - With examples

In the next lesson from a teacher we show you what are open vowels and closed vowels of Spanish and we also give you some examples of each of the vowels. It is essential that you know the typology of Spanish vowels to understand both the different combinations of vowel sounds (diphthongs, hiatuses, triphthongs, for example) such as the operation of the stress rules in Spanish.

A vowel is that speech sound in whose articulation it is not present no obstacle to the exit of the air. The vowel sound is directly opposed to the consonantal sound, in which there are elements that make it difficult for the air to escape. The vowels in Spanish are five: "a", "e", "i", "o" and "u". These are divided into two groups: open vowels and closed vowels.

  • An open vowel It is characterized by the position of the tongue within the oral cavity, being placed in the lower part of the mouth, so that the oral cavity is enlarged to produce the vowel sound.
  • Conversely, a closed vowel It is one that does not need a maximum opening of the mouth, but is produced in a minimum space between the tongue and the palate, placing the tongue in the upper part of the mouth.
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There are also strong and weak vowels in Spanish and those known as thematic vowels.

In order for you to better understand which are the open and closed vowels, below we analyze them and give examples of them.

The open vowels receive this name, as we have said before, by the greater degree of opening of the oral cavity it takes to pronounce them.

They are also known by the name of strong vowels, due to the position of the organs when articulating the sound. In Spanish, the open vowels are "a", "e", "o".

Examples of the open vowel "a"

Basil, praise, catch, scale, band, ballad, battle, able, house, skinny, cat, lamp, silver, square, mug.

Examples of the open vowel "e"

Beber, Belén, famous, duties, decent, defend, stop, detergent, emerge, undertake, Jerez, milk, read, mild, deserve.

Examples of the open vowel "o"

Fool, elbow, color, comfortable, control, lining, shoulder, wolf, monkey, octagon, eight, dentist, eyes, autumn, other.

What are open and closed vowels - With examples - Open (or strong) vowels - with examples

The closed vowels, unlike the previous ones, do not require great amplitude of the mouth, since it is close to complete closure, hence the name of closed vowels.

At the same time, the closed vowels are called weak vowels, since they do not require too much effort on the part of the organs involved in their production. The closed vowels in Spanish are "i" and "u".

Examples of the closed vowel "i"

Bikini, chinchín, difficult, direct, divide, print, influence, inhibit, inscribe, insist, picnic, saddle, simile, live, zinc.

Examples of the closed vowel "u"

Club, Chus, cruz, humus, lupus, su, sur, uf, uh, a, tuntún, tutu, you, tulle, voodoo.

What are open and closed vowels - With examples - Closed (or weak) vowels - with examples

Now that you know what the open and closed vowels are, let's put the acquired knowledge to the test. And, therefore, below we will offer you some exercises for open and closed vowels with solutions so that you can practice at home. Shall we start?

Statement 1

Indicate the types of vowels in the following words:

  1. Head
  2. Hand
  3. Visa
  4. Turtle
  5. Legs
  6. Banana
  7. Kitchen
  8. Grape
  9. Tarantula
  10. Cleaning

Answer this exercise and then check the solutions below.


  1. Head (A: open / E: open / A: open)
  2. Hand (A: open / O: open)
  3. Visa (I: closed / A: open / O: open)
  4. Turtle (O: open / U: closed / A: open)
  5. Legs (I: closed / E: open / A: open)
  6. Banana (A: open / A: open / O: closed)
  7. Kitchen (O: open / I: closed / A: open)
  8. Grape (U: closed / A: open)
  9. Tarantula (A: open / A: open / U: closed / A: open)
  10. Cleaning (I: closed / I: closed / E: open / A: open)

As we have said, in Spanish there is two types of sounds: vowel and consonant. In addition to them, there is a sound that is close to vowel sound, but does not meet all the characteristics of this, since it cannot constitute a syllable by itself, but needs to be accompanied by another vowel, as occur in diphthongs.

This sound found halfway between vowel and consonant it is known as a semiconsonant (when it is an increasing diphthong) and a semi-vowel (in the case of a decreasing diphthong). You will understand it better with the following examples:

  • Examples of semiconsonance sound: The semiconsonants are the unstressed "i" and "u" that are postponed to a vowel, as in the words air comb Y cause.
  • Examples of semi-vocal sound: The semivowels are the unstressed "i" and "u" that precede the vowel, as in the words water well Y blond.

In this video of a teacher we help you to know recognize diphthongs and hiatuses.

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