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Why does it STILL have a tilde

Why does it STILL have a tilde

Image: Pinterest

It is not always easy to distinguish why does it STILL have a tilde, since this is not always the case. But next we are going to try to answer this question that torments so many students. Pay attention to this lesson from a TEACHER, because we are going to explain the rules of this word. But first, remember to distinguish between accent and accent: all Spanish words are accented, but not all have accents, which is that graphic accent that is used in certain vowels. And now, take note!

You may also like: Monosyllables: examples with accents and without accents


  1. STILL has a tilde when ...
  2. STILL without accent in these cases
  3. The Academy rule with STILL

STILL has a tilde when...

It is not easy, but we must never forget that STILL has a tilde as long as it can be replaced by 'yet'without altering the meaning of the phase. That is, it is marked when it becomes a temporary adverb, as we see:

  • Paco still hasn't arrived / Paco hasn't arrived yet.
  • Haven't you dressed yet? / Haven't you dressed yet?
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In these cases, we observe that the meaning is totally temporary, so we have to write it with a tilde.

But we can also use AÚN with a tilde when we refer to weights that also replace 'yet'. For example:

  • This vehicle is even more powerful than you thought / This vehicle is even more powerful than you thought.

STILL without accent in these cases.

But just as we have seen how it is used even with a tilde, it is good to know how it is used without the graphic accent, in this way it will be easier to learn to differentiate. Let's see it. In this case, and always according to the rules of the RAE, the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, we will remove the check mark in ‘even’ when it is a synonym or meaning of ‘even’.

  • Even Paco knows it / Even Paco knows it.

In this case, 'even' also substitutes or can substitute for others such as 'inclusive', 'up to', 'even', 'also' ...

  • They all came and even some who had not been invited / All came and even some who had not been invited / They all came and also some who had not been invited.

What's more, 'even' also does not have an accent if it is used in a concessive sense. That is, if it is followed by a gerund or an adverb in a conjunctive locution:

  • Even so / Even when / Still eat / Still with everything and that.

The norm of the Academy with STILL.

Maybe it seems a bit confusing to you but always keep in mind that STILL will have an accent referring to time or quantity, and we will remove it in all other cases.

Thus, and always according to the Academy, STILL is pronounced as bisyllable when it is equivalent to 'still', that is, 'still', hence the accent. In the other cases, its accentuation will be the normal one without any graph.

Well, we hope that after this explanation it has become clearer to you why does it STILL have a tilde and you know how to differentiate it whenever you see it written or you have to write it yourself.

If you have any questions, concerns, contributions or comments, do not hesitate to do so and we will answer them!

Why STILL has a tilde - The rule of the Academy with STILL

Image: Slideshare

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