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How to face returning to work? 7 psychological strategies

The summer holidays are ending and the reality of everyday life is imposed: pending tasks, conflicts with classmates, the children's return to school, paperwork and more. responsibilities and, whether we like it or not, this whole accumulation of circumstances affects us on an emotional level, generating a high level of stress that many times, to the one already accumulated previously, ends in a fairly significant anxiety symptomatology that prevents us from facing the return to work in the most effective way for our psychological well-being.

Psychological strategies to face returning to work

Now, this does not mean that we cannot do anything. It is true that avoiding it may be unlikely, but facing it with the best strategies is in our hands. Therefore, we leave you a series of psychological tools that will help you face returning to work in the best possible way:

1. Develop a gradual routine

Establish a progressive plan in several steps in order to make changes in your daily activity. To do this, you can be guided by the plan that we present below:

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  • Start with a light workload
  • Try to work with reduced hours at first
  • Focus on the most important and urgent tasks
  • Communicate your situation if it is convenient and possible
  • As soon as you feel more adapted and comfortable, progressively increase the number of tasks and duration of the work day.

2. Plan and organize

These strategies will help you become more efficient, reduce stress, and achieve your goals more effectively.. To do this, do not hesitate to implement the following steps:

  • Clearly define your objectives
  • Write down all the tasks you need to do
  • Assign deadlines for these tasks
  • Use planning tools such as agendas, spreadsheets or online tools
  • Delegate tasks to other team members
  • Try to eliminate or minimize common distractions in your work environment

3. Maintain a positive attitude

Take an attitude whose emotional and mental disposition is characterized by focusing on the positive, being constructive, optimistic and seeking solutions. A person with this attitude will understand that conflicts and problems are challenges, that the search for solutions helps to overcome obstacles and will remain optimistic in difficult times.. Of course, to achieve this attitude it is very important to develop a series of characteristics such as resilience, gratitude, empathy, openness to learning, trust and motivation intrinsic.

4. Take care of your well-being

The objective, therefore, is maintain a healthy and satisfying life both physically and psychologically while adapting to work. To achieve this goal, it is advisable to follow the following guidelines:

  • At the level of emotional well-being, practice self-compassion and self-support, learn to identify and accept your emotions, cultivate healthy relationships and go to a health professional if necessary mental.
  • Regarding physical well-being, it is advisable to maintain a balanced diet, exercising regularly, having good sleeping habits and undergoing periodic medical examinations.
  • Regarding mental well-being, it is advisable to practice relaxation, mindfulness or meditation techniques, develop skills for good stress management and stimulate the mind with creative activities and intellectuals.
  • At the level of social well-being, do not forget to maintain and take care of your personal relationships, participate in some activity with other people and practice listening.

5. Communicate your needs

Yeah you want your situation to be understood and coworkers not only accept your condition but also support you, you should keep in mind the following tips to achieve it:

  • Take some time to understand what exactly you need, identifying your needs so you can communicate them in the most effective way.
  • Find the right time and place to talk
  • Use direct and clear language to help you express your needs.
  • Focus your words on your own feelings and needs instead of blaming or pointing fingers at the other person.
  • Maintain a respectful tone and avoid aggressive confrontation
  • Listen to the other person's response once you have communicated your needs.

6. Maintain a balance

Finding a balance between work and your personal life is essential to face returning to work in the most effective way.. To do this, it would be worth following the following ideas:

  • Establish clear boundaries that clearly define and separate your work schedule and your personal schedule.
  • Turn off work notifications on your phone and/or computer during your personal time
  • Don't force yourself to accept all the tasks and commitments that come your way
  • If you work from home, it is advisable to create a space dedicated solely and exclusively to work so that you can disconnect at the end of the day.
  • Spend time on your hobbies, friends, family and activities that you like that are not work
  • Clearly communicate your work and free time schedules to your co-workers.

7. Seek support

If you feel that anxiety or stress is overwhelming as you return to work, don't hesitate to seek support; To do this, keep in mind the following actions that you can take for your well-being:

  • Share with your coworkers how you feel
  • You can also look for a more experienced colleague who can give you ideas to manage this return in the best way.
  • Talk about your feelings and concerns with your family and friends.
  • Research various resources on the Internet, such as specialized websites, blogs and videos
  • And finally, do not hesitate to go to a psychology professional if you feel that the situation is beyond you and you cannot face it alone.
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