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10 consequences of the EMERGENCE of agriculture

Consequences of the emergence of agriculture

The consequences of the appearance of agriculture were the emergence of cities, the transition to a sedentary lifestyle, the birth of commerce... At unProfesor we tell you.

The appearance of agriculture is one of the most important events in the history of humanity, since it was one of the greatest responsible for the human being being able to stop They put aside their nomadic way of life to live sedentarily, thus giving rise to the first settlements. For all these reasons, in this lesson from a Teacher we must talk about the consequences of the emergence of agriculture, being key to understanding the birth of this activity.

Before talking about the main consequences of the appearance of agriculture, we must briefly summarize how it emerged, in order to understand at what point in our history the Humans began to use agriculture. Thanks to this information we will be able to understand when this enormous change in the life of human beings began.

He birth of agriculture can be traced back to

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about 12,000 years ago, taking place in the prehistoric period known as Neolithic. This process of change that gave rise to agriculture is the so-called Neolithic Revolution, or Agricultural Revolution, being the process through which human beings began to understand how plants worked, and therefore know how they were they cultivated

Regarding its origin, it is difficult to determine the place where it took place, since depending on the sources that Let's consult, we can talk about some first crops in the Eastern Mediterranean area or in the Eastern area. Next. Therefore, the most accepted theory currently is that the appearance of agriculture could have taken place in several places at the same time, Even though we do not know if it was related to each other, or if it accidentally emerged in several places at the same time.

Agriculture appeared during the Neolithic stage, in a period in which human beings left their role as hunters and gatherers to begin to focus his life on agriculture and livestock. At the same time, the human being went from a nomadic lifestyle to a sedentary one, bringing this with it a total change in human history.

Consequences of the emergence of agriculture - What caused the emergence of agriculture?

To continue this lesson from a Teacher we must talk about the consequences of the appearance of agriculture, listing with all the changes that the emergence of this activity that currently does not seem so common.

The main consequences of the emergence of agriculture are the following:

  1. The emergence of agriculture was a key factor in the emergence of cities, since crops meant that people had to have a fixed residence. This meant that many people were occupying the same space to live off the same crops, and the growth of these areas meant that cities ended up being born.
  2. Agriculture allowed people to have surplus food, which made it possible to sell this surplus product to other regions. Therefore we can say that the appearance of agriculture was a factor in the evolution and birth of commerce.
  3. established the importance of land as a resource, causing it to begin to be an asset of utmost importance and the ownership of land will begin to have relevance. It was through agriculture that the concept of a person being able to own land was born.
  4. Agriculture was evolving, and for this human beings had to achieve new technologies that would allow the production of a greater quantity of agricultural product. It was this need for evolution that brought new technologies that could be used in other facets of life as well.
  5. Agriculture brought a change in human diet, abandoning much of the meat they consumed, and making the diet of agricultural products more diverse, since that now he could choose which he nourished to produce instead of having to wait for nature to do it be born.
  6. For the first time, The human being was placed above nature, artificially provoking processes, and thereby ending the freedom that nature had had until that moment. For this reason, it is considered that the emergence of agriculture was something similar to the Revolution. Industrial being both processes in which the human being achieved enormous evolution at the expense of nature.
  7. It is thought that The birth of writing was related to agriculture, since it is said that the first forms of writing could have served to represent the different cycles of agriculture, since human beings had to document the evolution of crops.
  8. The main consequence of the appearance of agriculture was the emergence of sedentary lifestyle as the main way of life for human beings. Thanks to this, human beings no longer needed a nomadic life to search for food, and could remain fixed in a single place.
  9. The numerous and stable food production allowed the human population growth. For this reason, for decades there was an enormous demographic change, which was also one of the reasons for the emergence of cities.
  10. The emergence of agriculture also increased the possibilities of tasks, since it was not necessary for all people to be hunters or gatherers. Thanks to this, activities such as commerce or crafts appeared, which over the centuries would become key for human beings.

In unProfesor we discover what were the first agricultural civilizations.

Consequences of the emergence of agriculture - What are the consequences of the emergence of agriculture
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