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3 differences between conjunctions and prepositions

Differences between conjunctions and prepositions - examples

The differences between conjunctions and prepositions They refer to the function in the sentence, the way in which it appears and the relationship with the other elements. We'll tell you in a Teacher!

The grammatical categories They are the classes of words into which language is divided. This linguistic classification helps us identify each of the words according to the function they fulfill in a sentence. There are very different grammatical categories, such as verbs and nouns; but there are also very similar categories and this is the case of conjunctions and prepositions.

In this lesson from a TEACHER, we are going to explain in detail What are the differences between conjunctions and prepositions, so you can identify them in any text. Also, let's give you some examples!

Before listing the differences between conjunctions and prepositions, it is important to better understand the definition of each of these terms. So that, las conjunctions They are an invariable part of speech that have the function of

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join two or more elements of a sentence. Sentences can be coordinating (when they have the same category) or subordinating (when elements from different categories are presented).

There are 2 types of conjunctions:

  • Coordinating conjunctions: They are those that join words of the same hierarchical level.
  • Subordinating conjunctions: They are those that unite linguistic elements that are subject to or depend on others, through a different hierarchy. They can be classified into adversative, causal, comparative, completive, compound, concessive subordinating conjunctions, etc.

For example:

  • that
  • then
  • so
  • so that
  • Yeah
  • as
  • as long as
  • because
  • well
  • as
  • given that
  • Given the
Differences between conjunctions and prepositions - examples - What are conjunctions?

Prepositions are words that connect or relate two or more words with each other, to complete a more complex idea. A preposition is invariable, that is, it does not undergo grammatical changes due to gender or number.

There are 23 prepositions and they are: a, before, under, fits, with, against, from, during, in, between, towards, until, through, for, by, according to, without, so, on, after, versus and via.

Differences between conjunctions and prepositions - examples - What are prepositions?

Now that you have seen the definitions of conjunctions and prepositions, are you able to recognize the differences between them? The truth is that it is not that easy. Therefore, we are going to put the 3 Differences between conjunctions and prepositions:

  1. Function: Prepositions serve as a link between words within a sentence, so that it sounds better and has greater coherence. However, conjunctions link words and sentences to expand information, helping us understand the order of ideas.
  2. Shape: Conjunctions can be simple or compound, made up of one or more words. But, prepositions are always simple and made up of a single word.
  3. Relationship with the other elements of the sentence: When we use prepositions, the joined words become complements to each other. On the other hand, when we use conjunctions, we are establishing a sense of equality or hierarchy between the words and sentences we are working on.
Differences between conjunctions and prepositions - examples - What are the differences between conjunctions and prepositions

Now that you know the differences between conjunctions and prepositions, let's give you some examples of sentences containing conjunctions, so you can see how this grammatical category works when we introduce it into a context. We have pointed out the conjunctions in bold font, so that it is easier for you to identify them:

  • All texts have already been delivered and illustrations.
  • She didn't ask to eat neither drink nothing in particular.
  • Already You can choose the half board service, already that of full board.
  • EITHER we increase the budget either we reduce expenses.
  • I understand what she says, but She doesn't convince me.
  • She asked him Yeah I wanted to travel with her for a year.
  • Believe that will not return.
  • As I don't arrive on time, I will have problems.
  • Yeah You come, I will prepare a special meal for you.
  • Given the There are no objections, we will proceed with the signing of the contract.
  • Nobody dares to approach the house, well There is a dog watching her.
  • The food is well preserved, so that They can be ingested without problem.
  • The meeting has been postponed, so that everyone can attend.
  • Yes ok The movie was long, I found it entertaining.
  • He won't give up his job, although they ask for it.
  • After I get to my house, I'll call you.
  • While We sing, you play the instruments.
  • Today he is happier that before.
  • She is so smart as nice.
  • He called me your mother so that talk to you
  • We will buy more drinks, in order to Don't miss the party.
  • The boy is bold as her older brother.
  • It's colder inside that outside the house.
  • Cook better that the his mother.

We are also going to give you some sentences containing prepositions, so that you can find the differences that we have told you about in previous sections. Remember that prepositions are marked in bold font in each example:

  • I was driving, by at least 120 kilometers per hour.
  • They found him on the street, he was without knowledge.
  • we were talking of the current problems of our economy.
  • The balcony of My house faces south.
  • Take it by the morning, twice to week.
  • If you're going to do it, do it with desire.
  • He got sick by how cold it was last month.
  • She visited to his grandmother Antonia by her birthday.
  • swore in view of the magistrate who would not lie.
  • Let's go home, that's it of evening.
  • Through Compliance with these rules, we will achieve better results.
  • He does for do well in exams.
  • The judge was able to piece together the story through clues found.
  • He cooked the paella according to the recipe of his family.
  • Look toward the shore and there was no one anymore.
  • Don't worry, for Tomorrow it will be done.
  • Sergio put the apple about the teacher's desk.
  • Let's toast by Homeland, on this special date.
  • Said in view of the Court that it was true.
  • From May he had not seen his grandparents.
  • Finally, he entered in the jail by not pay your taxes.
  • In this part of the city finds the remains of an old chinatown.
  • He hid the photos of behind of the wall.
  • By force will achieve nothing.

We hope this lesson has helped you understand the differences between conjunctions and prepositions, these words that are very similar, but have different functions. If you want to continue learning more grammatical categories, do not hesitate to consult our grammar and linguistics section, where we will discover the hidden secrets of the Spanish language.

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