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What is SPEAKING and what is it for?

What is public speaking and what is it for?

Communication can use different means, almost intuitively we can recognize its two main forms: written and oral. Within this second type we find forms such as speech, sermon or harangue, ways of speaking with eloquence that are considered on the same level as written literature for the language and structure that employ. These ways of speaking are usually included in what is known as oratory. In this lesson from a teacher we will discover you what is oratory and what is it for.

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  1. What is public speaking: easy definition
  2. Main types of public speaking
  3. What is public speaking for? Main features

What is public speaking: easy definition.

To begin, it is pertinent to answer the question What is oratory? Well, according to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, oratory is understood as "The art of speaking eloquently" that can be classified as a "literary genre that takes shape in different ways". That is, oratory is a way of communicating in literary way through speech that uses various conventions to express itself.

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What is the main function of public speaking?

Oratory comes from Latin oratory which is lexically decomposed into orato which means "the one who gives the speech" and the suffix ia which means "quality". As we can see, it is not the mere act of speaking or saying something; it is speaking with a certain quality and purpose. For this it is necessary to follow certain rules and principles, a technique that embellishes the language, that has a meaning and that seeks to persuade, move or generate an emotion due to its literary nature.

Origin of oratory

Before delving into the types and characteristics of public speaking, let's see at a glance where it came from. In your text The origins of public speaking, Antonio López indicates that it reached its formation as a literary genre in the Athens of the 5th and 4th centuries BC. C. This art was used in political and military speeches and, later, it would give rise to what is known in philosophy as rhetoric.

It is curious to note how, for example, all Plato's work it is made up of dialogues. As we find it in other philosophers of ancient Greece, language is a poetic and fundamental tool for communicating ideas.

What is public speaking and what is it for - What is public speaking: easy definition

Main types of public speaking.

Now, returning to the definition of oratory, we can recover various types that it uses. However, these types should not be confused with forms of public speaking. This art can take the form of speech, conference, sermon, dissertation, etc., in each of its types that can be divided as follows:

  1. Social speaking: Also called ceremonial, it is the one used in all kinds of ceremonial encounters in a community.
  2. Pedagogical oratory: It is one that seeks to transmit knowledge, teach or inform on a specific topic. It is used by professors and professors.
  3. Forensic oratory: It occurs in the field of legal science to clearly expose the facts and reports of different figures within the judicial branch: judges, prosecutors or lawyers.
  4. Political oratory: In a public setting, it is what we can find in presidential debates, political prison rounds, etc. Mainly, its purpose is to expose and deal with issues related to government and political ideas.
  5. Religious oratory: We can identify it in the sermons that accompany the Masses in Christianity, for example. More than anything, this type of oratory deals with matters of faith employed by priests, preachers, pastors, or missionaries.
  6. Military oratory: It accompanies the military training that evokes the virtues of the soldiers for combat. It aims to awaken strength, heroism, patriotism and courage.
  7. Artistic oratory: has the objective of producing an aesthetic enjoyment in the listeners, it is usually used in performance, theater, singing, rap, among others.
  8. Business oratory: It is the one used by businessmen, entrepreneurs and people related to the world of marketing to encourage customers and people involved in their business area. Aims to meet the objectives of a company.
What is public speaking and what is it for - Main types of public speaking

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What is public speaking for? Main features.

To end this lesson from a teacher we will discover what is oratory for and, for this, we will analyze the characteristics of oratory and, therefore, the qualities that every speaker should have regardless of the type of speech in which he is immersed.

  • Eloquence: His ideas and sentences must have fluidity, propriety, and strength. Eloquence can also be related to the ability to convince or persuade the speech to have.
  • Embellishment: You must use elements of language that make your words beautiful, whether with the type of sentences, rhyme, meter, or literary figures you use.
  • Purpose: Every speaker must be clear about the purpose of his oratory, the purpose for which he proclaims those words.
  • Impact: In relation to eloquence, oratory must have an impact on the people who are listening, either emotionally or intellectually.
  • Directed to an audience: Speaking is not a private activity, it is always aimed at an audience in auditoriums, classrooms, arenas, platforms, etc.

As we see, oratory serves to persuade the receiver of the message, with a type of speech that is careful, that connects with the public and that has a clear and concise message.

What is public speaking and what is it for - What is public speaking for? Main features

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  • Candelaria, I. (2012). Oratory.
  • Royal Spanish Academy. Dictionary of the Spanish Language, 23rd ed.
  • López, A. (s.f.). The origins of public speaking.
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