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Language classification

Language classification

Languages ​​are a communication system characteristic of human beings, this faculty allows us to develop systems that serve to express actions or feelings in a codified way. There are many languages ​​in the world, each one with its origin and evolution, many have had a common root, but others have nothing to do with each other. In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to show you what is the classification of languages.

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  1. Language classification
  2. Classification of languages ​​by their geographical origin
  3. By the structure
  4. According to the communication channel
  5. Classification of languages ​​according to diffusion
  6. By the way it is born

Classification of languages.

There are many languages ​​in the world, some are older than others. Others have a common root, others have a written system, others are only oral. In order to classify all the languages ​​that exist in the world, a series of criteria which we are going to show next. Thus we can establish a series of criteria:

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  • According to its geographical origin
  • According to its structure
  • According to the communication channel
  • According to its diffusion
  • According to the way in which it is born

Classification of languages ​​by their geographical origin.

This classification of languages ​​has to do with the geographical origins of the language. That is, in which parts of the world have different languages ​​developed and created. According to this classification we find:

  • Semitic languages: languages ​​with characteristics of the area of ​​Africa and Asia.
  • Indo-European: are those languages ​​with origin in Europe. They are based on symbols of this region.
Classification of languages ​​- Classification of languages ​​by their geographical origin

Image: Slideshare

By the structure.

The structure is also important when classifying the language. Thus, we can find different classifications according to this:

  • Binders: words that are adjacent are used. They depend on the context in which they are given in order to know the meaning of it.
  • Flexives: these languages ​​are those made up of words with a common root. This results in families of words that have a similar meaning to each other. In this way, the communication process between the speakers is facilitated.
  • Monosyllables: are those languages ​​that are made up of words that have only one syllable. These have various meanings depending on the context in which they appear. If they are written, the meaning of the word will have to do with the position that each of the words occupies in the sentence.
Classification of languages ​​- By structure

Image: Center for Cervantes Studies

According to the communication channel.

This classification of languages ​​has to do with the mechanisms that are used by the human being when transmitting a message. That is, the way in which this communication is carried out by the speakers of the same language. Within this section we find:

  • Channel oral: the intonation of the voice is essential, through it the emotionality and state of mind of the sender is shown when transmitting the message. One of the characteristics of this channel is that the messages are transmitted spontaneously and naturally.
  • Written channel: symbols are used, it is a structured channel in which the message is transmitted according to a series of rules of grammar, spelling and syntax in order that it can be understood perfectly.
  • Colloquial channel: It is the channel used in a more relaxed way, that is, it is spoken between family friends... The vocabulary is smaller than in the rest of the channels used when expressing a language.
Classification of languages ​​- According to the communication channel

Image: Slideshare

Classification of languages ​​according to diffusion.

Here we can find a classification that is divided into two according to the diffusion that this language has:

  • general: makes the expressions and symbols of a language understandable in different countries where the same language is shared. This means that the meaning of the words is the same for the entire community of speakers even though they are dispersed in different parts of the world. The reason is that it is understandable to everyone.
  • Regional: here we can include the dialects. It is therefore a form of the language that is used in a certain region. That is, in that area a series of words or expressions are used that are only understood by the people who live in the area.
Classification of languages ​​- Classification of languages ​​according to diffusion

By the way it is born.

This birth of the language has to do with its origin, but also with the way in which it is used. In other words, the way in which language has been created. Here we can find:

  • Natural origin: It is the one that a person learns from his parents and from the society in which he lives. That is, it is used to relate to the environment. It has a series of symbols and particular rules intended to be understood by all speakers. This form of language is born out of spontaneity.
  • Artificial origin: the language has been created for a specific purpose. It is not an easy language to understand. Here we could talk about computer language, for example.

We hope that this classification of languages ​​has helped you to get to know them better. If you want to keep learning about Spanish language, do not forget to visit our sections.

If you want to read more articles similar to Language classification, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.

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